Container endpoints¶
API for managing token containers
- GET /container/tokentypes¶
- GET /container/types¶
Returns a dictionary with the container types as keys and their descriptions and supported token types as values.
{ type: { description: "Description", token_types: ["hotp", "totp", "push", "daypassword", "sms"] }, type: { description: "Description", token_types: ["hotp", "totp", "push", "daypassword", "sms"] } }
- GET /container/statetypes¶
Get the supported state types as dictionary. The types are the keys and the value is a list containing all states that are excluded when the key state is selected.
- POST /container/init¶
Create a new container.
- Jsonparam
description: Description for the container
- Jsonparam
type: Type of the container. If the type is unknown, an error will be returned
- Jsonparam
serial: Optional serial
- Jsonparam
user: Optional username to assign the container to. Requires realm param to be present as well.
- Jsonparam
realm: Optional realm to assign the container to. Requires user param to be present as well.
- GET /container/¶
Get containers depending on the query parameters. If pagesize and page are not provided, all containers are returned at once.
- Query Parameters
user – Username of a user assigned to the containers
serial – Serial of a single container
type – Type of the containers to return
token_serial – Serial of a token assigned to the container
sortby – Sort by a container attribute (serial or type)
sortdir – Sort direction (asc or desc)
pagesize – Number of containers per page
page – Page number
no_token – no_token=1: Do not return tokens assigned to the container
- POST /container/(string: container_serial)/description¶
Set the description of a container.
- Param
container_serial: Serial of the container
- Jsonparam
description: New description to be set
- POST /container/(string: container_serial)/removeall¶
Remove multiple tokens from a container.
- Param
container_serial: serial of the container
- Jsonparam
serial: Comma separated list of token serials.
- POST /container/(string: container_serial)/unassign¶
Unassign a user from a container
- Param
container_serial: serial of the container
- JSON Parameters
user – Username of the user
realm – Realm of the user
- POST /container/(string: container_serial)/lastseen¶
Updates the date and time for the last_seen property.
- Param
container_serial: Serial of the container
- POST /container/(string: container_serial)/assign¶
Assign a container to a user.
- Param
container_serial: serial of the container
- JSON Parameters
user – Username of the user
realm – Name of the realm of the user
- POST /container/(string: container_serial)/addall¶
Add multiple tokens to a container.
- Param
container_serial: serial of the container
- Jsonparam
serial: Comma separated list of token serials
- POST /container/(string: container_serial)/remove¶
Remove a single token from a container.
- Param
container_serial: serial of the container
- Jsonparam
serial: Serial of the token to remove.
- POST /container/(string: container_serial)/states¶
Set the states of a container.
- Jsonparam
states: string of comma separated states
- POST /container/(string: container_serial)/realms¶
Set the realms of a container. Old realms will be deleted.
- Param
container_serial: Serial of the container
- Jsonparam
realms: comma separated string of realms, e.g. “realm1,realm2”
- POST /container/(string: container_serial)/info/(key)¶
Set the value of a container info key. Overwrites the old value if the key already exists.
- Param
container_serial: Serial of the container
- Param
key: Key of the container info
- Jsonparam
value: Value to set
- POST /container/(string: container_serial)/add¶
Add a single token to a container.
- Param
container_serial: serial of the container
- Jsonparam
serial: Serial of the token to add.
- DELETE /container/(string: container_serial)¶
Delete a container.
- Param
container_serial: serial of the container