1. Overview¶
privacyIDEA is a system that is used to manage devices for two factor authentication. Using privacyIDEA you can enhance your existing applications like local login, VPN, remote access, SSH connections, access to web sites or web portals with a second factor during authentication. Thus boosting the security of your existing applications.
In the beginning there were OTP tokens, but other means to authenticate like SSH keys are added. Other concepts like handling of machines or enrolling certificates are coming up, you may monitor this development on Github.
privacyIDEA is a web application written in Python based on the flask micro framework. You can use any webserver with a wsgi interface to run privacyIDEA. E.g. this can be Apache, Nginx or even werkzeug.
A device or item used to authenticate is still called a “token”. All token information is stored in an SQL database, while you may choose, which database you want to use. privacyIDEA uses SQLAlchemy to map the database to internal objects. Thus you may choose to run privacyIDEA with SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, DB2 or other database.
The code is divided into three layers, the API, the library and the database layer. Read about it at Code Documentation. privacyIDEA provides a clean REST API.
Administrators can use a Web UI or a command line client to manage authentication devices. Users can log in to the Web UI to manage their own tokens.
Authentication is performed via the API or certain plugins for FreeRADIUS, simpleSAMLphp, Wordpress, Contao, Dokuwiki… to either provide default protocols like RADIUS or SAML or to integrate into applications directly.
Due to this flexibility there are also many different ways to install and setup privacyIDEA. We will take a look at common ways to setup privacyIDEA in the section Installation but there are still many others.