5.2. Realms¶
Users need to be in realms to have tokens assigned. A user, who is not member of a realm can not have a token assigned and can not authenticate.
You can combine several different UserIdResolvers (see UserIdResolvers) into a realm. The system knows one default realm. Users within this default realm can authenticate with their username.
Users in realms, that are not the default realm, need to be additionally identified. Therefor the users need to authenticate with their username and the realm like this:
5.2.1. Relate User to a Realm¶
There are several options to relate a user to a specific realm during
authentication. Usually, if only a login name is given, the user will be
searched in the default realm, indicated with defrealm
in the mapping table below.
If a realm parameter is given in a /auth or /validate/check request, it supersedes a possible split realm.
The following table shows different combinations of user(name)-parameter and realm-parameter. Depending on the Use @ sign to split the username and the realm.-setting, the following table shows in which realm the user will be searched.
Input parameter |
user(name) |
realm |
true |
false |
user |
– |
user ➔ defrealm |
user ➔ defrealm |
user |
realm1 |
user ➔ realm1 |
user ➔ realm1 |
user |
unknown |
– |
– |
user@realm1 |
– |
user ➔ realm1 |
user@realm1 ➔ defrealm |
user@realm1 |
realm1 |
user ➔ realm1 |
user@realm1 ➔ realm1 |
user@realm1 |
realm2 |
user ➔ realm2 |
user@realm1 ➔ realm2 |
user@realm2 |
realm1 |
user ➔ realm1 |
user@realm2 ➔ realm1 |
user@realm1 |
unknown |
– |
– |
user@unknown |
– |
user@unknown ➔ defrealm |
user@unknown ➔ defrealm |
user@unknown |
realm1 |
user@unknown ➔ realm1 |
user@unknown ➔ realm1 |
user@unknown |
unknown |
– |
– |
Be aware that if the Use @ sign to split the username and the realm.-setting is true, a realm parameter is given and a user name with an @-sign is given where the part after the @ denotes a valid realm, the realm parameter will take precedence.
5.2.2. List of Realms¶
The realms dialog gives you a list of the already defined realms.
It shows the name of the realms, whether it is the default realm and the names of the resolvers, that are combined to this realm.
You can delete or edit an existing realm or create a new realm.
5.2.3. Edit Realm¶
Each realm has to have a unique name. The name of the realm is case insensitive. If you create a new realm with the same name like an existing realm, the existing realm gets overwritten.
If you click Edit Realm you can select which userresolver should be contained in this realm. A realm can contain several resolvers.

Edit a realm¶
5.2.4. Resolver Priority¶
Within a realm you can give each resolver a priority. The priority is used to find a user that is located in several resolvers. If a user is located in more than one resolver, the user will be taken from the resolver with the lowest number in the priority.
Priorities are numbers between 1 and 999. The lower the number the higher the priority.
A user “administrator” is located in a resolver “users” which contains all Active Directory users. And the “administrator” is located in a resolver “admins”, which contains all users in the Security Group “Domain Admins” from the very same domain. Both resolvers are in the realm “AD”, “admins” with priority 1 and “users” with priority 2.
Thus the user “administrator@AD” will always resolve to the user located in resolver “admins”.
This is useful to create policies for the security group “Domain Admins”.
A resolver has a priority per realm. I.e. a resolver can have a different priority in each realm.
5.2.5. Autocreate Realm¶
If you have a fresh installation, no resolver and no realm is defined. To get you up and running faster, the system will ask you, if it should create the first realm for you.
If you answer “yes”, it will create a resolver named “deflocal” that contains all users from /etc/passwd and a realm named “defrealm” with this very resolver.
Thus you can immediately start assigning and enrolling tokens.
If you check “Do not ask again” this will be stored in a cookie in your browser.
The realm “defrealm” will be the default realm. So if you create a new realm manually and want this new realm to be the default realm, you need to set this new realm to be default manually.