.. _tiqr: TiQR ---- .. index:: TiQR, OCRA Starting with version 2.6 privacyIDEA supports the TiQR token. The TiQR token is a smartphone token, that can be used to login by only scanning a QR code. The TiQR token implements the :ref:`outofband authentication mode `. The token is also enrolled by scanning a QR code. .. figure:: images/enroll_tiqr_1.png :width: 500 *Choose a user for the TiQR token* You can only enroll a TiQR token, when a user is selected. .. note:: You can not enroll a TiQR token without assign the token to a user. .. figure:: images/enroll_tiqr_2.png For more technical information about the TiQR token please see :ref:`code_tiqr_token`.