.. _responsemanglerhandler: ResponseMangler Handler Module ------------------------------ .. index:: ResponseMangler, Handler Modules The ResponseMangler is a special handler module, that can modify the response of an HTTP request. This way privacyIDEA can change the data sent back to the client, depending on certain conditions. All actions take a JSON pointer, which looks like a path variable like ``/result/value``. Possible Actions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ delete ...... This action simply deletes the given JSON pointer from the response. .. note:: All keys underneath a node are deleted, to. So if the event handler deletes ``/detail``, the entries ``/detail/message`` and ``/detail/error``will also be deleted. **Example** You can use this to delete ``/detail/googleurl``, ``/detail/oathurl`` and ``/detail/otpkey`` in a ``/token/init`` event to hide the created QR code from the helpdesk admin. This way the QR code could be used internally, but could be hidden from the administrator. set ... This action is used to add additional pointers to the JSON response or to modify existing entries. Existing entries are overwritten. This action takes the additional attributes ``type`` and ``value``. The value can be returned as a string, an integer or a boolean. Code ~~~~ .. automodule:: privacyidea.lib.eventhandler.responsemangler :members: :undoc-members: