Source code for privacyidea.lib.policy

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  2019-07-01 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Add admin read policies
#  2019-06-19 Friedrich Weber <>
#             Add handling of policy conditions
#  2019-05-25 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Add max_active_token_per_user
#  2019-05-23 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Add passthru_assign policy
#  2018-09-07 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Add App Image URL
#  2018-01-15 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Add tokeninfo field policy
#             Add add_resolver_in_result
#  2017-11-14 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Add policy action for customization of menu and baseline
#  2017-01-22 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Add policy action groups
#  2016-12-19 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Add check_all_resolvers logic
#  2016-11-20 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Add audit log age functionality
#  2016-08-30 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Add registration body
#  2016-06-21 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Change PIN policies
#  2016-05-07 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Add realm dropdown
#  2016-04-06 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Add time dependency in policy
#  2016-02-22 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Add RADIUS passthru policy
#  2016-02-05 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Add tokenwizard in scope UI
#  2015-12-30 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Add password reset policy
#  2015-12-28 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Add registration policy
#  2015-12-16 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Add tokenissuer policy
#  2015-11-29 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Add getchallenges policy
#  2015-10-31 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Add last_auth policy.
#  2015-10-30 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Display user details in token list
#  2015-10-26 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Add default token type for enrollment
#  2015-10-14 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Add auth_max_success and auth_max_fail actions to
#             scope authorization
#  2015-10-09 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Add token_page_size and user_page_size policy
#  2015-09-06 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Add challenge_response authentication policy
#  2015-06-30 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Add the OTP PIN handling
#  2015-06-29 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Add the mangle policy
#  2015-04-03 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Add WebUI logout time.
#  2015-03-27 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Add PIN policies in USER scope
#  2015-02-06 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Rewrite for flask migration.
#             Policies are not handled by decorators as
#             1. precondition for API calls
#             2. internal modifications of LIB-functions
#             3. postcondition for API calls
#  Jul 07, 2014 add check_machine_policy, Cornelius Kölbel
#  May 08, 2014 Cornelius Kölbel
#  License:  AGPLv3
#  contact:
#  privacyIDEA is a fork of LinOTP
#  Copyright (C) 2010 - 2014 LSE Leading Security Experts GmbH
#  License:  AGPLv3
#  contact:
# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 3 of the License, or any later version.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
# License along with this program.  If not, see <>.
Base function to handle the policy entries in the database.
This module only depends on the db/

The functions of this module are tested in tests/

A policy has the attributes

 * name
 * scope
 * action
 * realm
 * resolver
 * user
 * client
 * active

``name`` is the unique identifier of a policy. ``scope`` is the area,
where this policy is meant for. This can be values like admin, selfservice,
``scope`` takes only one value.

``active`` is bool and indicates, whether a policy is active or not.

``action``, ``realm``, ``resolver``, ``user`` and ``client`` can take a comma
separated list of values.

realm and resolver
If these are empty '*', this policy matches each requested realm.

If the user is empty or '*', this policy matches each user.
You can exclude users from matching this policy, by prepending a '-' or a '!'.
``*, -admin`` will match for all users except the admin.

You can also use regular expressions to match the user like ``customer_.*``
to match any user, starting with *customer_*.

.. note:: Regular expression will only work for exact machtes.
   *user1234* will not match *user1* but only *user1...*

The client is identified by its IP address. A policy can contain a list of
IP addresses or subnets.
You can exclude clients from subnets by prepending the client with a '-' or
a '!'.
``, -`` will match each client in the subnet except

You can specify a time in which the policy should be active.
Time formats are

<dow>-<dow>:<hh>:<mm>-<hh>:<mm>, ...

and any combination of it. "dow" being day of week Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri,
Sat, Sun.

from .log import log_with
from configobj import ConfigObj

from operator import itemgetter
import six
import logging
from ..models import (Policy, db, save_config_timestamp)
from privacyidea.lib.config import (get_token_classes, get_token_types,
from privacyidea.lib.framework import get_app_config_value
from privacyidea.lib.error import ParameterError, PolicyError, ResourceNotFoundError
from privacyidea.lib.realm import get_realms
from privacyidea.lib.resolver import get_resolver_list
from privacyidea.lib.smtpserver import get_smtpservers
from privacyidea.lib.radiusserver import get_radiusservers
from privacyidea.lib.utils import (check_time_in_range, reload_db,
                                   fetch_one_resource, is_true, check_ip_in_policy)
from import compare_values, CompareError, COMPARATOR_FUNCTIONS, COMPARATORS, \
from privacyidea.lib.user import User
from privacyidea.lib import _
import datetime
import re
import ast
from six import with_metaclass, string_types

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

optional = True
required = False

[docs]class SCOPE(object): __doc__ = """This is the list of the allowed scopes that can be used in policy definitions. """ AUTHZ = "authorization" ADMIN = "admin" AUTH = "authentication" AUDIT = "audit" USER = "user" # was selfservice ENROLL = "enrollment" GETTOKEN = "gettoken" WEBUI = "webui" REGISTER = "register"
[docs]class ACTION(object): __doc__ = """This is the list of usual actions.""" ASSIGN = "assign" APPIMAGEURL = "appimageurl" AUDIT = "auditlog" AUDIT_AGE = "auditlog_age" AUDIT_DOWNLOAD = "auditlog_download" AUTHITEMS = "fetch_authentication_items" AUTHMAXSUCCESS = "auth_max_success" AUTHMAXFAIL = "auth_max_fail" AUTOASSIGN = "autoassignment" CACONNECTORREAD = "caconnectorread" CACONNECTORWRITE = "caconnectorwrite" CACONNECTORDELETE = "caconnectordelete" CHALLENGERESPONSE = "challenge_response" CHALLENGETEXT = "challenge_text" CHALLENGETEXT_HEADER = "challenge_text_header" CHALLENGETEXT_FOOTER = "challenge_text_footer" GETCHALLENGES = "getchallenges" COPYTOKENPIN = "copytokenpin" COPYTOKENUSER = "copytokenuser" DEFAULT_TOKENTYPE = "default_tokentype" DELETE = "delete" DISABLE = "disable" EMAILCONFIG = "smtpconfig" ENABLE = "enable" ENCRYPTPIN = "encrypt_pin" FORCE_APP_PIN = "force_app_pin" GETSERIAL = "getserial" GETRANDOM = "getrandom" IMPORT = "importtokens" LASTAUTH = "last_auth" LOGINMODE = "login_mode" LOGOUTTIME = "logout_time" LOSTTOKEN = 'losttoken' LOSTTOKENPWLEN = "losttoken_PW_length" LOSTTOKENPWCONTENTS = "losttoken_PW_contents" LOSTTOKENVALID = "losttoken_valid" MACHINERESOLVERWRITE = "mresolverwrite" MACHINERESOLVERDELETE = "mresolverdelete" MACHINERESOLVERREAD = "mresolverread" MACHINELIST = "machinelist" MACHINETOKENS = "manage_machine_tokens" MANGLE = "mangle" MAXTOKENREALM = "max_token_per_realm" MAXTOKENUSER = "max_token_per_user" MAXACTIVETOKENUSER = "max_active_token_per_user" NODETAILSUCCESS = "no_detail_on_success" ADDUSERINRESPONSE = "add_user_in_response" ADDRESOLVERINRESPONSE = "add_resolver_in_response" NODETAILFAIL = "no_detail_on_fail" OTPPIN = "otppin" OTPPINRANDOM = "otp_pin_random" OTPPINMAXLEN = 'otp_pin_maxlength' OTPPINMINLEN = 'otp_pin_minlength' OTPPINCONTENTS = 'otp_pin_contents' PASSNOTOKEN = "passOnNoToken" PASSNOUSER = "passOnNoUser" PASSTHRU = "passthru" PASSTHRU_ASSIGN = "passthru_assign" PASSWORDRESET = "password_reset" PINHANDLING = "pinhandling" POLICYDELETE = "policydelete" POLICYWRITE = "policywrite" POLICYREAD = "policyread" POLICYTEMPLATEURL = "policy_template_url" REALM = "realm" REMOTE_USER = "remote_user" REQUIREDEMAIL = "requiredemail" RESET = "reset" RESOLVERDELETE = "resolverdelete" RESOLVERWRITE = "resolverwrite" RESOLVERREAD = "resolverread" RESOLVER = "resolver" RESYNC = "resync" REVOKE = "revoke" SET = "set" SETDESCRIPTION = "setdescription" SETPIN = "setpin" SETREALM = "setrealm" SERIAL = "serial" SYSTEMDELETE = "configdelete" SYSTEMWRITE = "configwrite" SYSTEMREAD = "configread" CONFIGDOCUMENTATION = "system_documentation" SETTOKENINFO = "settokeninfo" TOKENISSUER = "tokenissuer" TOKENLABEL = "tokenlabel" TOKENLIST = "tokenlist" TOKENPAGESIZE = "token_page_size" TOKENREALMS = "tokenrealms" TOKENTYPE = "tokentype" TOKENINFO = "tokeninfo" TOKENWIZARD = "tokenwizard" TOKENWIZARD2ND = "tokenwizard_2nd_token" TRIGGERCHALLENGE = "triggerchallenge" UNASSIGN = "unassign" USERLIST = "userlist" USERPAGESIZE = "user_page_size" ADDUSER = "adduser" DELETEUSER = "deleteuser" UPDATEUSER = "updateuser" USERDETAILS = "user_details" APIKEY = "api_key_required" SETHSM = "set_hsm_password" SMTPSERVERWRITE = "smtpserver_write" SMTPSERVERREAD = "smtpserver_read" RADIUSSERVERWRITE = "radiusserver_write" RADIUSSERVERREAD = "radiusserver_read" PRIVACYIDEASERVERWRITE = "privacyideaserver_write" PRIVACYIDEASERVERREAD = "privacyideaserver_read" REALMDROPDOWN = "realm_dropdown" EVENTHANDLINGWRITE = "eventhandling_write" EVENTHANDLINGREAD = "eventhandling_read" PERIODICTASKWRITE = "periodictask_write" PERIODICTASKREAD = "periodictask_read" SMSGATEWAYWRITE = "smsgateway_write" SMSGATEWAYREAD = "smsgateway_read" CHANGE_PIN_FIRST_USE = "change_pin_on_first_use" CHANGE_PIN_EVERY = "change_pin_every" CLIENTTYPE = "clienttype" REGISTERBODY = "registration_body" RESETALLTOKENS = "reset_all_user_tokens" ENROLLPIN = "enrollpin" MANAGESUBSCRIPTION = "managesubscription" SEARCH_ON_ENTER = "search_on_enter" TIMEOUT_ACTION = "timeout_action" AUTH_CACHE = "auth_cache" HIDE_BUTTONS = "hide_buttons" HIDE_WELCOME = "hide_welcome_info" SHOW_SEED = "show_seed" CUSTOM_MENU = "custom_menu" CUSTOM_BASELINE = "custom_baseline" STATISTICSREAD = "statistics_read" STATISTICSDELETE = "statistics_delete" LOGIN_TEXT = "login_text" DIALOG_NO_TOKEN = "dialog_no_token"
[docs]class GROUP(object): __doc__ = """These are the allowed policy action groups. The policies will be grouped in the UI.""" TOOLS = "tools" SYSTEM = "system" TOKEN = "token" ENROLLMENT = "enrollment" GENERAL = "general" MACHINE = "machine" USER = "user" PIN = "pin"
[docs]class LOGINMODE(object): __doc__ = """This is the list of possible values for the login mode.""" USERSTORE = "userstore" PRIVACYIDEA = "privacyIDEA" DISABLE = "disable"
[docs]class REMOTE_USER(object): __doc__ = """The list of possible values for the remote_user policy.""" DISABLE = "disable" ACTIVE = "allowed"
[docs]class ACTIONVALUE(object): __doc__ = """This is a list of usual action values for e.g. policy action-values like otppin.""" TOKENPIN = "tokenpin" USERSTORE = "userstore" DISABLE = "disable" NONE = "none"
[docs]class AUTOASSIGNVALUE(object): __doc__ = """This is the possible values for autoassign""" USERSTORE = "userstore" NONE = "any_pin"
[docs]class TIMEOUT_ACTION(object): __doc__ = """This is a list of actions values for idle users""" LOGOUT = "logout" LOCKSCREEN = 'lockscreen'
[docs]class CONDITION_SECTION(object): __doc__ = """This is a list of available sections for conditions of policies """ USERINFO = "userinfo"
[docs]class PolicyClass(object): """ A policy object can be used to query the current set of policies. The policy object itself does not store any policies. Instead, every query uses ``get_config_object`` to retrieve the request-local config object which contains the current set of policies. Hence, reloading the request-local config object also reloads the set of policies. """ def __init__(self): pass @property def policies(self): """ Shorthand to retrieve the set of policies of the request-local config object """ return get_config_object().policies @classmethod def _search_value(cls, policy_attributes, searchvalue): """ Searches a given value in a policy attribute. The policy_attribute is a list like searching the resolver name "resolver1" in the given resolvers of a policy: policy.get("resolver") = ["resolver1", "resolver2"] It returns a tuple of booleans if the searched value is contained/found or excluded. :param policy_attributes: :param searchvalue: :return: tuple of value_found and value_excluded """ value_found = False value_excluded = False for value in policy_attributes: if value and value[0] in ["!", "-"] and \ searchvalue == value[1:]: value_excluded = True elif type(searchvalue) == list and value in \ searchvalue + ["*"]: value_found = True elif value in [searchvalue, "*"]: value_found = True elif type(searchvalue) != list: # Do not do this search style for resolvers, which come as a # list # check regular expression only for exact matches # avoid matching user1234 -> user1 if"^{0!s}$".format(value), searchvalue): value_found = True return value_found, value_excluded
[docs] @log_with(log) def list_policies(self, name=None, scope=None, realm=None, active=None, resolver=None, user=None, client=None, action=None, adminrealm=None, sort_by_priority=True): """ Return the policies, filtered by the given values. The following rule holds for all filter arguments: If ``None`` is passed as a value, policies are not filtered according to the argument at all. As an example, if ``realm=None`` is passed, policies are matched regardless of their ``realm`` attribute. If any value is passed (even the empty string), policies are filtered according to the given value. As an example, if ``realm=''`` is passed, only policies that have a matching (or empty) realm attribute are returned. The only exception is the ``client`` parameter, which does not accept the empty string, and throws a ParameterError if the empty string is passed. :param name: The name of the policy :param scope: The scope of the policy :param realm: The realm in the policy :param active: One of None, True, False: All policies, only active or only inactive policies :param resolver: Only policies with this resolver :param user: Only policies with this user :type user: basestring :param client: :param action: Only policies, that contain this very action. :param adminrealm: This is the realm of the admin. This is only evaluated in the scope admin. :param sort_by_priority: If true, sort the resulting list by priority, ascending by their policy numbers. :type sort_by_priority: bool :return: list of policies :rtype: list of dicts """ reduced_policies = self.policies # Do exact matches for "name", "active" and "scope", as these fields # can only contain one entry p = [("name", name), ("active", active), ("scope", scope)] for searchkey, searchvalue in p: if searchvalue is not None: reduced_policies = [policy for policy in reduced_policies if policy.get(searchkey) == searchvalue] log.debug("Policies after matching {1!s}: {0!s}".format( reduced_policies, searchkey)) p = [("action", action), ("user", user), ("realm", realm)] # If this is an admin-policy, we also do check the adminrealm if scope == "admin": p.append(("adminrealm", adminrealm)) for searchkey, searchvalue in p: if searchvalue is not None: new_policies = [] # first we find policies, that really match! # Either with the real value or with a "*" # values can be excluded by a leading "!" or "-" for policy in reduced_policies: if not policy.get(searchkey): # We also find the policies with no distinct information # about the request value new_policies.append(policy) else: value_found, value_excluded = self._search_value( policy.get(searchkey), searchvalue) if value_found and not value_excluded: new_policies.append(policy) reduced_policies = new_policies log.debug("Policies after matching {1!s}: {0!s}".format( reduced_policies, searchkey)) # We need to act individually on the resolver key word # We either match the resolver exactly or we match another resolver ( # which is not the first resolver) of the user, but only if the # check_all_resolvers flag in the policy is set. if resolver is not None: new_policies = [] user_resolvers = [] for policy in reduced_policies: if policy.get("check_all_resolvers"): if realm and user: # We have a realm and a user and can get all resolvers # of this user in the realm if not user_resolvers: user_resolvers = User(user, realm=realm).get_ordererd_resolvers() for reso in user_resolvers: value_found, _v_ex = self._search_value( policy.get("resolver"), reso) if value_found: new_policies.append(policy) break elif not policy.get("resolver"): # We also find the policies with no distinct information # about the request value new_policies.append(policy) else: value_found, _v_ex = self._search_value( policy.get("resolver"), resolver) if value_found: new_policies.append(policy) reduced_policies = new_policies log.debug("Policies after matching resolver: {0!s}".format( reduced_policies)) # Match the client IP. # Client IPs may be direct match, may be located in subnets or may # be excluded by a leading "-" or "!" sign. # The client definition in the policy may ba a comma separated list. # It may start with a "-" or a "!" to exclude the client # from a subnet. # Thus a client matches a policy ", -" but # the client does not match the policy ", -". # An empty client definition in the policy matches all clients. if client is not None: if not client: raise ParameterError("client argument must be a non-empty string") new_policies = [] for policy in reduced_policies: log.debug(u"checking client ip in policy {0!s}.".format(policy)) client_found, client_excluded = check_ip_in_policy(client, policy.get("client")) if client_found and not client_excluded: # The client was contained in the defined subnets and was # not excluded new_policies.append(policy) # If there is a policy without any client, we also add it to the # accepted list. for policy in reduced_policies: if not policy.get("client"): new_policies.append(policy) reduced_policies = new_policies log.debug("Policies after matching client".format( reduced_policies)) if sort_by_priority: reduced_policies = sorted(reduced_policies, key=itemgetter("priority")) return reduced_policies
[docs] def match_policies(self, name=None, scope=None, realm=None, active=None, resolver=None, user=None, user_object=None, client=None, action=None, adminrealm=None, time=None, sort_by_priority=True, audit_data=None): """ Return all policies matching the given context. Optionally, write the matching policies to the audit log. In order to retrieve policies matching the current user, callers can *either* pass a user(name), resolver and realm, *or* pass a user object from which login name, resolver and realm will be read. In case of conflicting parameters, a ParameterError will be raised. This function takes all parameters taken by ``list_policies``, plus some additional parameters. :param name: see ``list_policies`` :param scope: see ``list_policies`` :param realm: see ``list_policies`` :param active: see ``list_policies`` :param resolver: see ``list_policies`` :param user: see ``list_policies`` :param client: see ``list_policies`` :param action: see ``list_policies`` :param adminrealm: see ``list_policies`` :param sort_by_priority: :param user_object: the currently active user, or None :type user_object: User or None :param time: return only policies that are valid at the specified time. Defaults to the current time. :type time: datetime or None :param audit_data: A dictionary with audit data collected during a request. This method will add found policies to the dictionary. :type audit_data: dict or None :return: a list of policy dictionaries """ if user_object is not None: if not (user is None and realm is None and resolver is None): raise ParameterError("Cannot pass user_object as well as user, resolver, realm") user = user_object.login realm = user_object.realm resolver = user_object.resolver reduced_policies = self.list_policies(name=name, scope=scope, realm=realm, active=active, resolver=resolver, user=user, client=client, action=action, adminrealm=adminrealm, sort_by_priority=sort_by_priority) # filter policy for time. If no time is set or is a time is set and # it matches the time_range, then we add this policy reduced_policies = [policy for policy in reduced_policies if (policy.get("time") and check_time_in_range(policy.get("time"), time)) or not policy.get("time")] log.debug("Policies after matching time: {0!s}".format( reduced_policies)) # filter policies by the policy conditions reduced_policies = self.filter_policies_by_conditions(reduced_policies, user_object) log.debug("Policies after matching conditions".format( reduced_policies)) if audit_data is not None: for p in reduced_policies: audit_data.setdefault("policies", []).append(p.get("name")) return reduced_policies
[docs] def filter_policies_by_conditions(self, policies, user_object=None): """ Given a list of policy dictionaries and a current user object (if any), return a list of all policies whose conditions match the given user object. Raises a PolicyError if a condition references an unknown section. :param policies: a list of policy dictionaries :param user_object: a User object, or None if there is no current user :return: generates a list of policy dictionaries """ reduced_policies = [] for policy in policies: include_policy = True for section, key, comparator, value, active in policy['conditions']: if active: if section == CONDITION_SECTION.USERINFO: if not self._policy_matches_userinfo_condition(policy, key, comparator, value, user_object): include_policy = False break else: log.warning(u"Policy {!r} has condition with unknown section: {!r}".format( policy['name'], section )) raise PolicyError(u"Policy {!r} has condition with unknown section".format(policy['name'])) if include_policy: reduced_policies.append(policy) return reduced_policies
@staticmethod def _policy_matches_userinfo_condition(policy, key, comparator, value, user_object): """ Check if the given policy matches a certain userinfo condition. If ``user_object`` is None, a PolicyError is raised. :param policy: a policy dictionary, the policy in question :param key: a userinfo key :param comparator: a value comparator: one of "equal", "contains" :param value: a value against which the userinfo value will be compared :param user_object: a User object, if any, or None :return: a Boolean """ # Match the user object's user info, if it is not-None and non-empty if user_object is not None: info = if key in info: try: return compare_values(info[key], comparator, value) except Exception as exx: log.warning(u"Error during handling the condition on userinfo {!r} of policy {!r}: {!r}".format( key, policy['name'], exx )) raise PolicyError( u"Invalid comparison in the userinfo conditions of policy {!r}".format(policy['name'])) else: # If we do have a user object, but the conditions of policies reference # an unknown userinfo key, we have a misconfiguration and raise an error. log.warning(u"Unknown userinfo key referenced in a condition of policy {!r}: {!r}".format( policy['name'], key )) raise PolicyError(u"Unknown key in the userinfo conditions of policy {!r}".format( policy['name'] )) else: log.warning(u"Policy {!r} has condition on userinfo {!r}, but userinfo is not available".format( policy['name'], key )) # If the policy specifies a userinfo condition, but no user object is available, # the policy is misconfigured. We have to raise a PolicyError to ensure that # the privacyIDEA server does not silently misbehave. raise PolicyError( u"Policy {!r} has condition on userinfo, but userinfo is not available".format( policy['name'] ))
[docs] @staticmethod def check_for_conflicts(policies, action): """ Given a (not necessarily sorted) list of policy dictionaries and an action name, check that there are no action value conflicts. This raises a PolicyError if there are multiple policies with the highest priority which define different values for **action**. Otherwise, the function just returns nothing. :param policies: list of dictionaries :param action: string """ if len(policies) > 1: prioritized_policy = min(policies, key=itemgetter("priority")) prioritized_action = prioritized_policy["action"][action] highest_priority = prioritized_policy["priority"] for other_policy in policies: if (other_policy["priority"] == highest_priority and other_policy["action"][action] != prioritized_action): raise PolicyError("Contradicting {!s} policies.".format(action))
[docs] @log_with(log) def get_action_values(self, action, scope=SCOPE.AUTHZ, realm=None, resolver=None, user=None, client=None, unique=False, allow_white_space_in_action=False, adminrealm=None, user_object=None, audit_data=None): """ Get the defined action values for a certain action like scope: authorization action: tokentype would return a dictionary of {tokentype: policyname} scope: authorization action: serial would return a dictionary of {serial: policyname} All parameters not described below are covered in the documentation of ``match_policies``. :param unique: if set, the function will only consider the policy with the highest priority and check for policy conflicts. :param allow_white_space_in_action: Some policies like emailtext would allow entering text with whitespaces. These whitespaces must not be used to separate action values! :type allow_white_space_in_action: bool :param audit_data: This is a dictionary, that can take audit_data in the g object. If set, this dictionary will be filled with the list of triggered policynames in the key "policies". This can be useful for policies like ACTION.OTPPIN - where it is clear, that the found policy will be used. I could make less sense with an aktion like ACTION.LASTAUTH - where the value of the action needs to be evaluated in a more special case. :rtype: dict """ policy_values = {} policies = self.match_policies(scope=scope, adminrealm=adminrealm, action=action, active=True, realm=realm, resolver=resolver, user=user, user_object=user_object, client=client, sort_by_priority=True) # If unique = True, only consider the policies with the highest priority if policies and unique: highest_priority = policies[0]['priority'] policies = [p for p in policies if p['priority'] == highest_priority] for pol in policies: action_dict = pol.get("action", {}) action_value = action_dict.get(action, "") policy_name = pol.get("name") """ We must distinguish actions like: tokentype=totp hotp motp, where the string represents a list divided by spaces, and smstext='your otp is <otp>' where the spaces are part of the string. """ # By saving the policynames in a dict with the values being the key, # we achieve unique policy_values. # Save the policynames in a list if action_value.startswith("'") and action_value.endswith("'"): action_key = action_dict.get(action)[1:-1] policy_values.setdefault(action_key, []).append(policy_name) elif allow_white_space_in_action: action_key = action_dict.get(action) policy_values.setdefault(action_key, []).append(policy_name) else: for action_key in action_dict.get(action, "").split(): policy_values.setdefault(action_key, []).append(policy_name) # Check if the policies with the highest priority agree on the action values if unique and len(policy_values) > 1: names = [p['name'] for p in policies] raise PolicyError(u"There are policies with conflicting actions: {!r}".format(names)) if audit_data is not None: for action_value, policy_names in policy_values.items(): for p_name in policy_names: audit_data.setdefault("policies", []).append(p_name) return policy_values
[docs] @log_with(log) def ui_get_main_menus(self, logged_in_user, client=None): """ Get the list of allowed main menus derived from the policies for the given user - admin or normal user. It fetches all policies for this user and compiles a list of allowed menus to display or hide in the UI. :param logged_in_user: The logged in user, a dictionary with keys "username", "realm" and "role". :param client: The IP address of the client :return: A list of MENUs to be displayed """ from privacyidea.lib.token import get_dynamic_policy_definitions role = logged_in_user.get("role") user_rights = self.ui_get_rights(role, logged_in_user.get("realm"), logged_in_user.get("username"), client) main_menus = [] static_rights = get_static_policy_definitions(role) enroll_rights = get_dynamic_policy_definitions(role) static_rights.update(enroll_rights) for r in user_rights: menus = static_rights.get(r, {}).get("mainmenu", []) main_menus.extend(menus) main_menus = list(set(main_menus)) return main_menus
[docs] @log_with(log) def ui_get_rights(self, scope, realm, username, client=None): """ Get the rights derived from the policies for the given realm and user. Works for admins and normal users. It fetches all policies for this user and compiles a maximum list of allowed rights, that can be used to hide certain UI elements. :param scope: Can be SCOPE.ADMIN or SCOPE.USER :param realm: Is either user users realm or the adminrealm :param username: The loginname of the user :param client: The HTTP client IP :return: A list of actions """ from privacyidea.lib.token import get_dynamic_policy_definitions rights = set() if scope == SCOPE.ADMIN: # If the logged-in user is an admin, we match for username/adminrealm only match_username = username user_object = None adminrealm = realm elif scope == SCOPE.USER: # If the logged-in user is a user, we pass a user object to allow matching for userinfo attributes match_username = None adminrealm = None user_object = User(username, realm) else: raise PolicyError(u"Unknown scope: {}".format(scope)) pols = self.match_policies(scope=scope, user=match_username, user_object=user_object, adminrealm=adminrealm, active=True, client=client) for pol in pols: for action, action_value in pol.get("action").items(): if action_value: rights.add(action) # if the action has an actual non-boolean value, return it if isinstance(action_value, string_types): rights.add(u"{}={}".format(action, action_value)) # check if we have policies at all: pols = self.list_policies(scope=scope, active=True) if not pols: # We do not have any policies in this scope, so we return all # possible actions in this scope. log.debug("No policies defined, so we set all rights.") rights = get_static_policy_definitions(scope) rights.update(get_dynamic_policy_definitions(scope)) rights = list(rights) log.debug("returning the admin rights: {0!s}".format(rights)) return rights
[docs] @log_with(log) def ui_get_enroll_tokentypes(self, client, logged_in_user): """ Return a dictionary of the allowed tokentypes for the logged in user. This used for the token enrollment UI. It looks like this: {"hotp": "HOTP: event based One Time Passwords", "totp": "TOTP: time based One Time Passwords", "spass": "SPass: Simple Pass token. Static passwords", "motp": "mOTP: classical mobile One Time Passwords", "sshkey": "SSH Public Key: The public SSH key", "yubikey": "Yubikey AES mode: One Time Passwords with Yubikey", "remote": "Remote Token: Forward authentication request to another server", "yubico": "Yubikey Cloud mode: Forward authentication request to YubiCloud", "radius": "RADIUS: Forward authentication request to a RADIUS server", "email": "EMail: Send a One Time Passwort to the users email address", "sms": "SMS: Send a One Time Password to the users mobile phone", "certificate": "Certificate: Enroll an x509 Certificate Token."} :param client: Client IP address :type client: basestring :param logged_in_user: The Dict of the logged in user :type logged_in_user: dict :return: list of token types, the user may enroll """ from privacyidea.lib.auth import ROLE enroll_types = {} role = logged_in_user.get("role") if role == ROLE.ADMIN: # If the logged-in user is an admin, we match for username/adminrealm user_name = logged_in_user.get("username") user_object = None admin_realm = logged_in_user.get("realm") else: # If the logged-in user is a user, we pass an user object to allow matching for userinfo attributes user_name = None user_object = User(logged_in_user.get("username"), logged_in_user.get("realm")) admin_realm = None # check, if we have a policy definition at all. pols = self.list_policies(scope=role, active=True) tokenclasses = get_token_classes() for tokenclass in tokenclasses: # Check if the tokenclass is ui enrollable for "user" or "admin" if role in tokenclass.get_class_info("ui_enroll"): enroll_types[tokenclass.get_class_type()] = \ tokenclass.get_class_info("description") if pols: # admin policies or user policies are set, so we need to # test, which tokens are allowed to be enrolled for this user filtered_enroll_types = {} for tokentype in enroll_types.keys(): # determine, if there is a enrollment policy for this very type typepols = self.match_policies(scope=role, client=client, user=user_name, user_object=user_object, active=True, action="enroll"+tokentype.upper(), adminrealm=admin_realm) if typepols: # If there is no policy allowing the enrollment of this # tokentype, it is deleted. filtered_enroll_types[tokentype] = enroll_types[tokentype] enroll_types = filtered_enroll_types return enroll_types
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # NEW STUFF # #
[docs]@log_with(log) def set_policy(name=None, scope=None, action=None, realm=None, resolver=None, user=None, time=None, client=None, active=True, adminrealm=None, priority=None, check_all_resolvers=False, conditions=None): """ Function to set a policy. If the policy with this name already exists, it updates the policy. It expects a dict of with the following keys: :param name: The name of the policy :param scope: The scope of the policy. Something like "admin" or "authentication" :param action: A scope specific action or a comma separated list of actions :type active: basestring :param realm: A realm, for which this policy is valid :param resolver: A resolver, for which this policy is valid :param user: A username or a list of usernames :param time: N/A if type() :param client: A client IP with optionally a subnet like :param active: If the policy is active or not :type active: bool :param priority: the priority of the policy (smaller values having higher priority) :type priority: int :param check_all_resolvers: If all the resolvers of a user should be checked with this policy :type check_all_resolvers: bool :param conditions: A list of 5-tuples (section, key, comparator, value, active) of policy conditions :return: The database ID od the the policy :rtype: int """ active = is_true(active) if isinstance(priority, six.string_types): priority = int(priority) if priority is not None and priority <= 0: raise ParameterError("Priority must be at least 1") check_all_resolvers = is_true(check_all_resolvers) if type(action) == dict: action_list = [] for k, v in action.items(): if v is not True: # value key action_list.append("{0!s}={1!s}".format(k, v)) else: # simple boolean value action_list.append(k) action = ", ".join(action_list) if type(action) == list: action = ", ".join(action) if type(realm) == list: realm = ", ".join(realm) if type(adminrealm) == list: adminrealm = ", ".join(adminrealm) if type(user) == list: user = ", ".join(user) if type(resolver) == list: resolver = ", ".join(resolver) if type(client) == list: client = ", ".join(client) # validate conditions parameter if conditions is not None: for condition in conditions: if len(condition) != 5: raise ParameterError(u"Conditions must be 5-tuples: {!r}".format(condition)) if not (isinstance(condition[0], six.string_types) and isinstance(condition[1], six.string_types) and isinstance(condition[2], six.string_types) and isinstance(condition[3], six.string_types) and isinstance(condition[4], bool)): raise ParameterError(u"Conditions must be 5-tuples of four strings and one boolean: {!r}".format( condition)) p1 = Policy.query.filter_by(name=name).first() if p1: # The policy already exist, we need to update if action is not None: p1.action = action if scope is not None: p1.scope = scope if realm is not None: p1.realm = realm if adminrealm is not None: p1.adminrealm = adminrealm if resolver is not None: p1.resolver = resolver if user is not None: p1.user = user if client is not None: p1.client = client if time is not None: p1.time = time if priority is not None: p1.priority = priority = active p1.check_all_resolvers = check_all_resolvers if conditions is not None: p1.set_conditions(conditions) save_config_timestamp() db.session.commit() ret = else: # Create a new policy ret = Policy(name, action=action, scope=scope, realm=realm, user=user, time=time, client=client, active=active, resolver=resolver, adminrealm=adminrealm, priority=priority, check_all_resolvers=check_all_resolvers, conditions=conditions).save() return ret
[docs]@log_with(log) def enable_policy(name, enable=True): """ Enable or disable the policy with the given name :param name: :return: ID of the policy """ if not Policy.query.filter( == name).first(): raise ResourceNotFoundError(u"The policy with name '{0!s}' does not exist".format(name)) # Update the policy p = set_policy(name=name, active=enable) return p
[docs]@log_with(log) def delete_policy(name): """ Function to delete one named policy. Raise ResourceNotFoundError if there is no such policy. :param name: the name of the policy to be deleted :return: the ID of the deleted policy :rtype: int """ return fetch_one_resource(Policy, name=name).delete()
[docs]@log_with(log) def delete_all_policies(): policies = Policy.query.all() for p in policies: p.delete()
[docs]@log_with(log) def export_policies(policies): """ This function takes a policy list and creates an export file from it :param policies: a policy definition :type policies: list of policy dictionaries :return: the contents of the file :rtype: string """ file_contents = "" if policies: for policy in policies: file_contents += "[{0!s}]\n".format(policy.get("name")) for key, value in policy.items(): file_contents += "{0!s} = {1!s}\n".format(key, value) file_contents += "\n" return file_contents
[docs]@log_with(log) def import_policies(file_contents): """ This function imports policies from a file. The file has a config_object format, i.e. the text file has a header [<policy_name>] key = value and key value pairs. :param file_contents: The contents of the file :type file_contents: basestring :return: number of imported policies :rtype: int """ policies = ConfigObj(file_contents.split('\n'), encoding="UTF-8") res = 0 for policy_name, policy in policies.items(): ret = set_policy(name=policy_name, action=ast.literal_eval(policy.get("action")), scope=policy.get("scope"), realm=ast.literal_eval(policy.get("realm", "[]")), user=ast.literal_eval(policy.get("user", "[]")), resolver=ast.literal_eval(policy.get("resolver", "[]")), client=ast.literal_eval(policy.get("client", "[]")), time=policy.get("time", ""), priority=policy.get("priority", "1") ) if ret > 0: log.debug("import policy {0!s}: {1!s}".format(policy_name, ret)) res += 1 return res
[docs]@log_with(log) def get_static_policy_definitions(scope=None): """ These are the static hard coded policy definitions. They can be enhanced by token based policy definitions, that can be found in lib.token.get_dynamic_policy_definitions. :param scope: Optional the scope of the policies :type scope: basestring :return: allowed scopes with allowed actions, the type of action and a description. :rtype: dict """ resolvers = list(get_resolver_list()) realms = list(get_realms()) smtpconfigs = [server.config.identifier for server in get_smtpservers()] radiusconfigs = [radius.config.identifier for radius in get_radiusservers()] radiusconfigs.insert(0, "userstore") # "type": allowed values str, bool, int # "desc": description of this action # "value": list of allowed values of this action, works with int and str. A # dropdown box will be displayed # "group": ment to be used for grouping actions for better finding # "mainmenu": list of enabled Menus. If this action is set, this menu # is visible in the WebUI pol = { SCOPE.REGISTER: { ACTION.RESOLVER: {'type': 'str', 'value': resolvers, 'desc': _('Define in which resolver the user ' 'should be registered.')}, ACTION.REALM: {'type': 'str', 'value': realms, 'desc': _('Define in which realm the user should ' 'be registered.')}, ACTION.EMAILCONFIG: {'type': 'str', 'value': smtpconfigs, 'desc': _('The SMTP server configuration, ' 'that should be used to send the ' 'registration email.')}, ACTION.REQUIREDEMAIL: {'type': 'str', 'desc': _('Only users with this email ' 'address are allowed to ' 'register. This is a regular ' 'expression.')}, ACTION.REGISTERBODY: {'type': 'text', 'desc': _("The body of the registration " "email. Use '{regkey}' as tag" "for the registration key.")} }, SCOPE.ADMIN: { ACTION.ENABLE: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _('Admin is allowed to enable tokens.'), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.TOKENS], 'group': GROUP.TOKEN}, ACTION.DISABLE: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _('Admin is allowed to disable tokens.'), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.TOKENS], 'group': GROUP.TOKEN}, ACTION.SET: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _( 'Admin is allowed to set token properties.'), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.TOKENS], 'group': GROUP.TOKEN}, ACTION.SETPIN: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _( 'Admin is allowed to set the OTP PIN of ' 'tokens.'), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.TOKENS], 'group': GROUP.TOKEN}, ACTION.SETTOKENINFO: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _('Admin is allowed to manually set and delete token info.'), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.TOKENS], 'group': GROUP.TOKEN}, ACTION.ENROLLPIN: {'type': 'bool', "desc": _("Admin is allowed to set the OTP " "PIN during enrollment."), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.TOKENS], 'group': GROUP.ENROLLMENT}, ACTION.RESYNC: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _('Admin is allowed to resync tokens.'), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.TOKENS], 'group': GROUP.TOKEN}, ACTION.RESET: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _( 'Admin is allowed to reset the Failcounter of ' 'a token.'), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.TOKENS], 'group': GROUP.TOKEN}, ACTION.REVOKE: {'tpye': 'bool', 'desc': _("Admin is allowed to revoke a token"), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.TOKENS], 'group': GROUP.TOKEN}, ACTION.ASSIGN: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _( 'Admin is allowed to assign a token to a ' 'user.'), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.TOKENS, MAIN_MENU.USERS], 'group': GROUP.TOKEN}, ACTION.UNASSIGN: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _( 'Admin is allowed to remove the token from ' 'a user, ' 'i.e. unassign a token.'), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.TOKENS], 'group': GROUP.TOKEN}, ACTION.IMPORT: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _( 'Admin is allowed to import token files.'), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.TOKENS], 'group': GROUP.SYSTEM}, ACTION.DELETE: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _( 'Admin is allowed to remove tokens from the ' 'database.'), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.TOKENS], 'group': GROUP.TOKEN}, ACTION.USERLIST: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _( 'Admin is allowed to view the list of the ' 'users.'), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.USERS], 'group': GROUP.GENERAL}, ACTION.MACHINELIST: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _('The Admin is allowed to list ' 'the machines.'), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.MACHINES], 'group': GROUP.MACHINE}, ACTION.MACHINETOKENS: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _('The Admin is allowed to attach ' 'and detach tokens to ' 'machines.'), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.TOKENS, MAIN_MENU.MACHINES], 'group': GROUP.MACHINE}, ACTION.AUTHITEMS: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _('The Admin is allowed to fetch ' 'authentication items of tokens ' 'assigned to machines.'), 'group': GROUP.GENERAL}, ACTION.TOKENREALMS: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _('Admin is allowed to manage the ' 'realms of a token.'), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.TOKENS], 'group': GROUP.TOKEN}, ACTION.TOKENLIST: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _('Admin is allowed to list tokens.'), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.TOKENS], 'group': GROUP.TOKEN}, ACTION.GETSERIAL: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _('Admin is allowed to retrieve a serial' ' for a given OTP value.'), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.TOKENS], "group": GROUP.TOOLS}, ACTION.GETRANDOM: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _('Admin is allowed to retrieve ' 'random keys from privacyIDEA.'), 'group': GROUP.TOOLS}, ACTION.COPYTOKENPIN: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _( 'Admin is allowed to copy the PIN of ' 'one token ' 'to another token.'), "group": GROUP.TOOLS}, ACTION.COPYTOKENUSER: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _( 'Admin is allowed to copy the assigned ' 'user to another' ' token, i.e. assign a user ot ' 'another token.'), "group": GROUP.TOOLS}, ACTION.LOSTTOKEN: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _('Admin is allowed to trigger the ' 'lost token workflow.'), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.TOKENS], 'group': GROUP.TOOLS}, ACTION.SYSTEMWRITE: {'type': 'bool', "desc": _("Admin is allowed to write and " "modify the system configuration."), "group": GROUP.SYSTEM, 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.CONFIG]}, ACTION.SYSTEMDELETE: {'type': 'bool', "desc": _("Admin is allowed to delete " "keys in the system " "configuration."), "group": GROUP.SYSTEM, 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.CONFIG]}, ACTION.SYSTEMREAD: {'type': 'bool', "desc": _("Admin is allowed to read " "basic system configuration."), "group": GROUP.SYSTEM, 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.CONFIG]}, ACTION.CONFIGDOCUMENTATION: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _('Admin is allowed to ' 'export a documentation ' 'of the complete ' 'configuration including ' 'resolvers and realm.'), 'group': GROUP.SYSTEM, 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.CONFIG]}, ACTION.POLICYWRITE: {'type': 'bool', "desc": _("Admin is allowed to write and " "modify the policies."), "group": GROUP.SYSTEM, 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.CONFIG]}, ACTION.POLICYDELETE: {'type': 'bool', "desc": _("Admin is allowed to delete " "policies."), "group": GROUP.SYSTEM, 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.CONFIG]}, ACTION.POLICYREAD: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("Admin is allowed to read policies."), 'group': GROUP.SYSTEM, 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.CONFIG]}, ACTION.RESOLVERWRITE: {'type': 'bool', "desc": _("Admin is allowed to write and " "modify the " "resolver and realm " "configuration."), "group": GROUP.SYSTEM, 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.CONFIG]}, ACTION.RESOLVERDELETE: {'type': 'bool', "desc": _("Admin is allowed to delete " "resolvers and realms."), "group": GROUP.SYSTEM, 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.CONFIG]}, ACTION.RESOLVERREAD: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("Admin is allowed to read resolvers."), 'group': GROUP.SYSTEM, ' mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.CONFIG]}, ACTION.CACONNECTORWRITE: {'type': 'bool', "desc": _("Admin is allowed to create new" " CA Connector definitions " "and modify existing ones."), "group": GROUP.SYSTEM, 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.CONFIG]}, ACTION.CACONNECTORDELETE: {'type': 'bool', "desc": _("Admin is allowed to delete " "CA Connector definitions."), "group": GROUP.SYSTEM, 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.CONFIG]}, ACTION.MACHINERESOLVERWRITE: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("Admin is allowed to " "write and modify the " "machine resolvers."), 'group': GROUP.SYSTEM, 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.CONFIG]}, ACTION.MACHINERESOLVERDELETE: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("Admin is allowed to " "delete " "machine resolvers."), 'group': GROUP.SYSTEM, 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.CONFIG]}, ACTION.MACHINERESOLVERREAD: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("Admin is allowed to " "read " "machine resolvers."), 'group': GROUP.SYSTEM, 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.CONFIG]}, ACTION.OTPPINMAXLEN: {'type': 'int', 'value': list(range(0, 32)), "desc": _("Set the maximum allowed length " "of the OTP PIN."), 'group': GROUP.PIN}, ACTION.OTPPINMINLEN: {'type': 'int', 'value': list(range(0, 32)), "desc": _("Set the minimum required length " "of the OTP PIN."), 'group': GROUP.PIN}, ACTION.OTPPINCONTENTS: {'type': 'str', "desc": _("Specifiy the required " "contents of the OTP PIN. " "(c)haracters, (n)umeric, " "(s)pecial, (o)thers. [+/-]!"), 'group': GROUP.PIN}, ACTION.AUDIT: {'type': 'bool', "desc": _("Admin is allowed to view the Audit log."), "group": GROUP.SYSTEM, 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.AUDIT]}, ACTION.AUDIT_AGE: {'type': 'str', "desc": _("The admin will only see audit " "entries of the last 10d, 3m or 2y."), "group": GROUP.SYSTEM, 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.AUDIT]}, ACTION.AUDIT_DOWNLOAD: {'type': 'bool', "desc": _("The admin is allowed to download " "the complete auditlog."), "group": GROUP.SYSTEM, 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.AUDIT]}, ACTION.ADDUSER: {'type': 'bool', "desc": _("Admin is allowed to add users in a " "userstore/UserIdResolver."), "group": GROUP.USER, 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.USERS]}, ACTION.UPDATEUSER: {'type': 'bool', "desc": _("Admin is allowed to update the " "users data in a userstore."), "group": GROUP.USER, 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.USERS]}, ACTION.DELETEUSER: {'type': 'bool', "desc": _("Admin is allowed to delete a user " "object in a userstore."), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.USERS], 'group': GROUP.USER}, ACTION.SETHSM: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("Admin is allowed to set the password " "of the HSM/Security Module."), 'group': GROUP.SYSTEM}, ACTION.GETCHALLENGES: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("Admin is allowed to retrieve " "the list of active " "challenges."), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.TOKENS], 'group': GROUP.GENERAL}, ACTION.SMTPSERVERWRITE: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("Admin is allowed to write new " "SMTP server definitions."), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.CONFIG], 'group': GROUP.SYSTEM}, ACTION.SMTPSERVERREAD: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("Admin is allowed to read " "SMTP server definitions."), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.CONFIG], 'group': GROUP.SYSTEM}, ACTION.RADIUSSERVERWRITE: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("Admin is allowed to write " "new RADIUS server " "definitions."), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.CONFIG], 'group': GROUP.SYSTEM}, ACTION.RADIUSSERVERREAD: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("Admin is allowed to read " "RADIUS server definitions."), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.CONFIG], 'group': GROUP.SYSTEM}, ACTION.PRIVACYIDEASERVERWRITE: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("Admin is allowed to " "write remote " "privacyIDEA server " "definitions."), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.CONFIG], 'group': GROUP.SYSTEM}, ACTION.PRIVACYIDEASERVERREAD: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("Admin is allowed to " "read remote " "privacyIDEA server " "definitions."), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.CONFIG], 'group': GROUP.SYSTEM}, ACTION.PERIODICTASKWRITE: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("Admin is allowed to write " "periodic task definitions."), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.CONFIG], 'group': GROUP.SYSTEM}, ACTION.PERIODICTASKREAD: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("Admin is allowed to read " "periodic task definitions."), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.CONFIG], 'group': GROUP.SYSTEM}, ACTION.STATISTICSREAD: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("Admin is allowed to read statistics data."), 'group': GROUP.SYSTEM}, ACTION.STATISTICSDELETE: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("Admin is allowed to delete statistics data."), 'group': GROUP.SYSTEM}, ACTION.EVENTHANDLINGWRITE: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("Admin is allowed to write " "and modify the event " "handling configuration."), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.CONFIG], 'group': GROUP.SYSTEM}, ACTION.EVENTHANDLINGREAD: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("Admin is allowed to read event " "handling configuration."), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.CONFIG], 'group': GROUP.SYSTEM}, ACTION.SMSGATEWAYWRITE: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("Admin is allowed to write " "and modify SMS gateway " "definitions."), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.CONFIG], 'group': GROUP.SYSTEM}, ACTION.SMSGATEWAYREAD: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("Admin is allowed to read " "SMS gateway definitions."), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.CONFIG], 'group': GROUP.SYSTEM}, ACTION.CLIENTTYPE: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("Admin is allowed to get the list " "of authenticated clients and their " "types."), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.COMPONENTS], 'group': GROUP.SYSTEM}, ACTION.MANAGESUBSCRIPTION: { 'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("Admin is allowed to add and delete component " "subscriptions."), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.COMPONENTS], 'group': GROUP.SYSTEM}, ACTION.TRIGGERCHALLENGE: { 'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("The Admin is allowed to trigger a challenge for " "e.g. SMS OTP token."), 'mainmenu': [], 'group': GROUP.GENERAL } }, SCOPE.USER: { ACTION.ASSIGN: { 'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("The user is allowed to assign an existing token" " that is not yet assigned" " using the token serial number."), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.TOKENS], 'group': GROUP.TOKEN}, ACTION.DISABLE: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _( 'The user is allowed to disable his own ' 'tokens.'), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.TOKENS], 'group': GROUP.TOKEN}, ACTION.ENABLE: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _( "The user is allowed to enable his own " "tokens."), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.TOKENS], 'group': GROUP.TOKEN}, ACTION.DELETE: {'type': 'bool', "desc": _( "The user is allowed to delete his own " "tokens."), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.TOKENS], 'group': GROUP.TOKEN}, ACTION.UNASSIGN: {'type': 'bool', "desc": _("The user is allowed to unassign his " "own tokens."), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.TOKENS], 'group': GROUP.TOKEN}, ACTION.RESYNC: {'type': 'bool', "desc": _("The user is allowed to resyncronize his " "tokens."), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.TOKENS], 'group': GROUP.TOKEN}, ACTION.REVOKE: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("The user is allowed to revoke a " "token"), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.TOKENS], 'group': GROUP.TOKEN}, ACTION.RESET: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _('The user is allowed to reset the ' 'failcounter of his tokens.'), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.TOKENS], 'group': GROUP.TOKEN}, ACTION.SETPIN: {'type': 'bool', "desc": _("The user is allowed to set the OTP " "PIN of his tokens."), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.TOKENS], 'group': GROUP.PIN}, ACTION.SETDESCRIPTION: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _('The user is allowed to set the token description.'), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.TOKENS], 'group': GROUP.TOKEN}, ACTION.ENROLLPIN: {'type': 'bool', "desc": _("The user is allowed to set the OTP " "PIN during enrollment."), 'group': GROUP.PIN}, ACTION.OTPPINMAXLEN: {'type': 'int', 'value': list(range(0, 32)), "desc": _("Set the maximum allowed length " "of the OTP PIN."), 'group': GROUP.PIN}, ACTION.OTPPINMINLEN: {'type': 'int', 'value': list(range(0, 32)), "desc": _("Set the minimum required length " "of the OTP PIN."), 'group': GROUP.PIN}, ACTION.OTPPINCONTENTS: {'type': 'str', "desc": _("Specifiy the required " "contents of the OTP PIN. " "(c)haracters, (n)umeric, " "(s)pecial, (o)thers. [+/-]!"), 'group': GROUP.PIN}, ACTION.AUDIT: { 'type': 'bool', 'desc': _('Allow the user to view his own token history.'), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.AUDIT]}, ACTION.AUDIT_AGE: {'type': 'str', "desc": _("The user will only see audit " "entries of the last 10d, 3m or 2y."), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.AUDIT]}, ACTION.USERLIST: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("The user is allowed to view his " "own user information."), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.USERS]}, ACTION.UPDATEUSER: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("The user is allowed to update his " "own user information, like changing " "his password."), 'mainmenu': [MAIN_MENU.USERS]}, ACTION.PASSWORDRESET: {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("The user is allowed to do a " "password reset in an editable " "UserIdResolver."), 'mainmenu': []} }, SCOPE.ENROLL: { ACTION.MAXTOKENREALM: { 'type': 'int', 'desc': _('Limit the number of allowed tokens in a realm.'), 'group': GROUP.TOKEN}, ACTION.MAXTOKENUSER: { 'type': 'int', 'desc': _('Limit the number of tokens a user may have ' 'assigned.'), 'group': GROUP.TOKEN}, ACTION.MAXACTIVETOKENUSER: { 'type': 'int', 'desc': _('Limit the number of active tokens a user may have assigned.'), 'group': GROUP.TOKEN}, ACTION.OTPPINRANDOM: { 'type': 'int', 'value': list(range(0, 32)), "desc": _("Set a random OTP PIN with this length for a " "token."), 'group': GROUP.PIN}, ACTION.PINHANDLING: { 'type': 'str', 'desc': _('In case of a random OTP PIN use this python ' 'module to process the PIN.'), 'group': GROUP.PIN}, ACTION.CHANGE_PIN_FIRST_USE: { 'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("If the administrator sets the OTP PIN during " "enrollment or later, the user will have to change " "the PIN during first use."), 'group': GROUP.PIN }, ACTION.CHANGE_PIN_EVERY: { 'type': 'str', 'desc': _("The user needs to change his PIN on a regular " "basis. To change the PIN every 180 days, " "enter '180d'."), 'group': GROUP.PIN }, ACTION.ENCRYPTPIN: { 'type': 'bool', "desc": _("The OTP PIN can be hashed or encrypted. Hashing " "the PIN is the default behaviour."), 'group': GROUP.PIN}, ACTION.TOKENLABEL: { 'type': 'str', 'desc': _("Set label for a new enrolled Google Authenticator. " "Possible tags are <u> (user), <r> (" "realm), <s> (serial)."), 'group': GROUP.TOKEN}, ACTION.TOKENISSUER: { 'type': 'str', 'desc': _("This is the issuer label for new enrolled Google " "Authenticators."), 'group': GROUP.TOKEN }, ACTION.APPIMAGEURL: { 'type': 'str', 'desc': _("This is the URL to the token image for smartphone apps " "like FreeOTP."), 'group': GROUP.TOKEN }, ACTION.AUTOASSIGN: { 'type': 'str', 'value': [AUTOASSIGNVALUE.NONE, AUTOASSIGNVALUE.USERSTORE], 'desc': _("Users can assign a token just by using the " "unassigned token to authenticate."), 'group': GROUP.TOKEN}, ACTION.LOSTTOKENPWLEN: { 'type': 'int', 'value': list(range(1, 32)), 'desc': _('The length of the password in case of ' 'temporary token (lost token).')}, ACTION.LOSTTOKENPWCONTENTS: { 'type': 'str', 'desc': _('The contents of the temporary password, ' 'described by the characters C, c, n, s, 8.')}, ACTION.LOSTTOKENVALID: { 'type': 'int', 'value': list(range(1, 61)), 'desc': _('The length of the validity for the temporary ' 'token (in days).')}, }, SCOPE.AUTH: { ACTION.OTPPIN: { 'type': 'str', 'value': [ACTIONVALUE.TOKENPIN, ACTIONVALUE.USERSTORE, ACTIONVALUE.NONE], 'desc': _('Either use the Token PIN , use the Userstore ' 'Password or use no fixed password ' 'component.')}, ACTION.CHALLENGERESPONSE: { 'type': 'str', 'desc': _('This is a whitespace separated list of tokentypes, ' 'that can be used with challenge response.') }, ACTION.CHALLENGETEXT: { 'type': 'str', 'desc': _('Use an alternate challenge text for telling the ' 'user to enter an OTP value.') }, ACTION.CHALLENGETEXT_HEADER: { 'type': 'str', 'desc': _("If there are several different challenges, this text precedes the list" " of the challenge texts.") }, ACTION.CHALLENGETEXT_FOOTER: { 'type': 'str', 'desc': _("If there are several different challenges, this text follows the list" " of the challenge texts.") }, ACTION.PASSTHRU: { 'type': 'str', 'value': radiusconfigs, 'desc': _('If set, the user in this realm will be ' 'authenticated against the userstore or against the ' 'given RADIUS config,' ' if the user has no tokens assigned.') }, ACTION.PASSTHRU_ASSIGN: { 'type': 'str', 'desc': _('This allows to automatically assign a Token within privacyIDEA, if the ' 'user was authenticated via passthru against a RADIUS server. The OTP value ' 'is used to find the unassigned token in privacyIDEA. Enter the length of the OTP value ' 'and where the PIN is set like 8:pin or pin:6.') }, ACTION.PASSNOTOKEN: { 'type': 'bool', 'desc': _('If the user has no token, the authentication ' 'request for this user will always be true.') }, ACTION.PASSNOUSER: { 'type': 'bool', 'desc': _('If the user user does not exist, ' 'the authentication request for this ' 'non-existing user will always be true.') }, ACTION.MANGLE: { 'type': 'str', 'desc': _('Can be used to modify the parameters pass, ' 'user and realm in an authentication request. See ' 'the documentation for an example.') }, ACTION.RESETALLTOKENS: { 'type': 'bool', 'desc': _('If a user authenticates successfully reset the ' 'failcounter of all of his tokens.') }, ACTION.AUTH_CACHE: { 'type': 'str', 'desc': _('Cache the password used for authentication and ' 'allow authentication with the same credentials for a ' 'certain amount of time. ' 'Specify timeout like 4h or 4h/5m.') } }, SCOPE.AUTHZ: { ACTION.AUTHMAXSUCCESS: { 'type': 'str', 'desc': _("You can specify how many successful authentication " "requests a user is allowed to do in a given time. " "Specify like 1/5s, 2/10m, 10/1h - s, m, h being " "second, minute and hour.") }, ACTION.AUTHMAXFAIL: { 'type': 'str', 'desc': _("You can specify how many failed authentication " "requests a user is allowed to do in a given time. " "Specify like 1/5s, 2/10m, 10/1h - s, m, h being " "second, minute and hour.") }, ACTION.LASTAUTH: { 'type': 'str', 'desc': _("You can specify in which time frame the user needs " "to authenticate again with this token. If the user " "authenticates later, authentication will fail. " "Specify like 30h, 7d or 1y.") }, ACTION.TOKENTYPE: { 'type': 'str', 'desc': _('The user will only be authenticated with this ' 'very tokentype.')}, ACTION.SERIAL: { 'type': 'str', 'desc': _('The user will only be authenticated if the serial ' 'number of the token matches this regexp.')}, ACTION.TOKENINFO: { 'type': 'str', 'desc': _("The user will only be authenticated if the tokeninfo " "field matches the regexp. key/<regexp>/")}, ACTION.SETREALM: { 'type': 'str', 'value': realms, 'desc': _('The Realm of the user is set to this very realm. ' 'This is important if the user is not contained in ' 'the default realm and can not pass his realm.')}, ACTION.NODETAILSUCCESS: { 'type': 'bool', 'desc': _('In case of successful authentication additional ' 'no detail information will be returned.')}, ACTION.NODETAILFAIL: { 'type': 'bool', 'desc': _('In case of failed authentication additional ' 'no detail information will be returned.')}, ACTION.ADDUSERINRESPONSE: { 'type': 'bool', 'desc': _('In case of successful authentication user data ' 'will be added in the detail branch of the ' 'authentication response.')}, ACTION.ADDRESOLVERINRESPONSE: { 'type': 'bool', 'desc': _('In case of successful authentication the user resolver and ' 'realm will be added in the detail branch of the ' 'authentication response.')}, ACTION.APIKEY: { 'type': 'bool', 'desc': _('The sending of an API Auth Key is required during' 'authentication. This avoids rogue authenticate ' 'requests against the /validate/check interface.') } }, SCOPE.WEBUI: { ACTION.LOGINMODE: { 'type': 'str', 'desc': _( 'If set to "privacyIDEA" the users and admins need to ' 'authenticate against privacyIDEA when they log in ' 'to the Web UI. Defaults to "userstore"'), 'value': [LOGINMODE.USERSTORE, LOGINMODE.PRIVACYIDEA, LOGINMODE.DISABLE], }, ACTION.LOGIN_TEXT: { 'type': 'str', 'desc': _('An alternative text to display on the WebUI login dialog instead of "Please sign in".') }, ACTION.SEARCH_ON_ENTER: { 'type': 'bool', 'desc': _('When searching in the user list, the search will ' 'only performed when pressing enter.') }, ACTION.TIMEOUT_ACTION: { 'type': 'str', 'desc': _('The action taken when a user is idle ' 'beyond the logout_time limit. ' 'Defaults to "lockscreen".'), 'value': [TIMEOUT_ACTION.LOGOUT, TIMEOUT_ACTION.LOCKSCREEN], }, ACTION.REMOTE_USER: { 'type': 'str', 'value': [REMOTE_USER.ACTIVE, REMOTE_USER.DISABLE], 'desc': _('The REMOTE_USER set by the webserver can be used ' 'to login to privacyIDEA or it will be ignored. ' 'Defaults to "disable".') }, ACTION.LOGOUTTIME: { 'type': 'int', 'desc': _("Set the time in seconds after which the user will " "be logged out from the WebUI. Default: 120") }, ACTION.TOKENPAGESIZE: { 'type': 'int', 'desc': _("Set how many tokens should be displayed in the " "token view on one page.") }, ACTION.USERPAGESIZE: { 'type': 'int', 'desc': _("Set how many users should be displayed in the user " "view on one page.") }, ACTION.CUSTOM_MENU: { 'type': 'str', 'desc': _("Use your own html template for the web UI menu.") }, ACTION.CUSTOM_BASELINE: { 'type': 'str', 'desc': _("Use your own html template for the web UI baseline/footer.") }, ACTION.USERDETAILS: { 'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("Whether the user ID and the resolver should be " "displayed in the token list.") }, ACTION.POLICYTEMPLATEURL: { 'type': 'str', 'desc': _("The URL of a repository, where the policy " "templates can be found. (Default " "https: // privacyidea/" "policy-templates /master/templates/)") }, ACTION.TOKENWIZARD: { 'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("As long as a user has no token, he will only see" " a token wizard in the UI.") }, ACTION.TOKENWIZARD2ND: { 'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("The tokenwizard will be displayed in the token " "menu, even if the user already has a token.") }, ACTION.DIALOG_NO_TOKEN: { 'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("The welcome dialog will be displayed if the user has no tokens assigned.") }, ACTION.DEFAULT_TOKENTYPE: { 'type': 'str', 'desc': _("This is the default token type in the token " "enrollment dialog."), 'value': get_token_types() }, ACTION.REALMDROPDOWN: { 'type': 'str', 'desc': _("A list of realm names, which are " "displayed in a drop down menu in the WebUI login " "screen. Realms are separated by white spaces.") }, ACTION.HIDE_WELCOME: { 'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("If this checked, the administrator will not see " "the welcome dialog anymore.") }, ACTION.HIDE_BUTTONS: { 'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("Per default disabled actions result in disabled buttons. When" " checking this action, buttons of disabled actions are hidden.") }, ACTION.SHOW_SEED: { 'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("If this is checked, the seed " "will be displayed as text during enrollment.") } } } if scope: ret = pol.get(scope, {}) else: ret = pol return ret
[docs]def get_action_values_from_options(scope, action, options): """ This function is used in the library level to fetch policy action values from a given option dictionary. :return: A scalar, string or None """ value = None g = options.get("g") if g: user_object = options.get("user") username = None realm = None if user_object: username = user_object.login realm = user_object.realm clientip = options.get("clientip") policy_object = g.policy_object value = policy_object. \ get_action_values(action=action, scope=scope, realm=realm, user=username, client=clientip, unique=True, allow_white_space_in_action=True) if len(value) >= 1: return list(value)[0] else: return None return value
[docs]def get_policy_condition_sections(): """ :return: a dictionary mapping condition sections to dictionaries with the following keys: * ``"description"``, a human-readable description of the section """ return { CONDITION_SECTION.USERINFO: { "description": _("The policy only matches if certain conditions on the user info are fulfilled.") } }
[docs]def get_policy_condition_comparators(): """ :return: a dictionary mapping comparators to dictionaries with the following keys: * ``"description"``, a human-readable description of the comparator """ return {comparator: {"description": description} for comparator, description in COMPARATOR_DESCRIPTIONS.items()}