Source code for privacyidea.lib.auditmodules.sqlaudit

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  2016-04-08 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Avoid consecutive if statements
#  privacyIDEA
#  May 11, 2014 Cornelius Kölbel,
# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 3 of the License, or any later version.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
# License along with this program.  If not, see <>.
__doc__ = """The SQL Audit Module is used to write audit entries to an SQL
The SQL Audit Module is configured like this:

    PI_AUDIT_MODULE = "privacyidea.lib.auditmodules.sqlaudit"
    PI_AUDIT_KEY_PRIVATE = "tests/testdata/private.pem"
    PI_AUDIT_KEY_PUBLIC = "tests/testdata/public.pem"
    PI_AUDIT_SERVERNAME = "your choice"

    PI_AUDIT_SQL_URI = "sqlite://"
    PI_AUDIT_SQL_TRUNCATE = True | False

If the PI_AUDIT_SQL_URI is omitted the Audit data is written to the
token database.

import logging
from privacyidea.lib.auditmodules.base import (Audit as AuditBase, Paginate)
from privacyidea.lib.crypto import Sign
from privacyidea.lib.pooling import get_engine
from privacyidea.lib.utils import censor_connect_string
from privacyidea.lib.lifecycle import register_finalizer
from privacyidea.lib.utils import truncate_comma_list
from sqlalchemy import MetaData, cast, String
from sqlalchemy import asc, desc, and_, or_
import datetime
import traceback
from six import string_types
from privacyidea.models import audit_column_length as column_length
from privacyidea.models import Audit as LogEntry
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, scoped_session

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

metadata = MetaData()

[docs]class Audit(AuditBase): """ This is the SQLAudit module, which writes the audit entries to an SQL database table. It requires the configuration parameters in pi.cfg: * PI_AUDIT_KEY_PUBLIC * PI_AUDIT_KEY_PRIVATE If you want to host the SQL Audit database in another DB than the token DB, you can use: * PI_AUDIT_SQL_URI It also takes the optional parameters: * PI_AUDIT_POOL_SIZE * PI_AUDIT_POOL_RECYCLE * PI_AUDIT_SQL_TRUNCATE * PI_AUDIT_NO_SIGN You can use PI_AUDIT_NO_SIGN = True to avoid signing of the audit log. If PI_CHECK_OLD_SIGNATURES = True old style signatures (text-book RSA) will be checked as well, otherwise they will be marked as 'FAIL'. """ def __init__(self, config=None): = "sqlaudit" self.config = config or {} self.audit_data = {} self.sign_data = not self.config.get("PI_AUDIT_NO_SIGN") self.sign_object = None self.verify_old_sig = self.config.get('PI_CHECK_OLD_SIGNATURES') if self.sign_data: self.read_keys(self.config.get("PI_AUDIT_KEY_PUBLIC"), self.config.get("PI_AUDIT_KEY_PRIVATE")) self.sign_object = Sign(self.private, self.public) # We can use "sqlaudit" as the key because the SQLAudit connection # string is fixed for a running privacyIDEA instance. # In other words, we will not run into any problems with changing connect strings. self.engine = get_engine(, self._create_engine) # create a configured "Session" class. ``scoped_session`` is not # necessary because we do not share session objects among threads. # We use it anyway as a safety measure. Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=self.engine)) self.session = Session() # Ensure that the connection gets returned to the pool when the request has # been handled. This may close an already-closed session, but this is not a problem. register_finalizer(self.session.close) self.session._model_changes = {} def _create_engine(self): """ :return: a new SQLAlchemy engine connecting to the database specified in PI_AUDIT_SQL_URI. """ # an Engine, which the Session will use for connection # resources connect_string = self.config.get("PI_AUDIT_SQL_URI", self.config.get( "SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI")) log.debug("using the connect string {0!s}".format(censor_connect_string(connect_string))) try: pool_size = self.config.get("PI_AUDIT_POOL_SIZE", 20) engine = create_engine( connect_string, pool_size=pool_size, pool_recycle=self.config.get("PI_AUDIT_POOL_RECYCLE", 600)) log.debug("Using SQL pool size of {}".format(pool_size)) except TypeError: # SQLite does not support pool_size engine = create_engine(connect_string) log.debug("Using no SQL pool_size.") return engine def _truncate_data(self): """ Truncate self.audit_data according to the column_length. :return: None """ for column, l in column_length.items(): if column in self.audit_data: data = self.audit_data[column] if isinstance(data, string_types): if column == "policies": # The policies column is shortend per comma entry data = truncate_comma_list(data, l) else: data = data[:l] self.audit_data[column] = data @staticmethod def _create_filter(param, timelimit=None): """ create a filter condition for the logentry """ conditions = [] param = param or {} for search_key in param.keys(): search_value = param.get(search_key) if search_key == "allowed_audit_realm": # Add each realm in the allowed_audit_realm list to the # search condition realm_conditions = [] for realm in search_value: realm_conditions.append(LogEntry.realm == realm) filter_realm = or_(*realm_conditions) conditions.append(filter_realm) # We do not search if the search value only consists of '*' elif search_value.strip() != '' and search_value.strip('*') != '': try: if search_key == "success": # "success" is the only integer. search_value = search_value.strip("*") conditions.append(getattr(LogEntry, search_key) == int(search_value)) else: # All other keys are compared as strings column = getattr(LogEntry, search_key) if search_key == "date": # but we cast "date" to a string first (required on postgresql) column = cast(column, String) search_value = search_value.replace('*', '%') if '%' in search_value: conditions.append( else: conditions.append(column == search_value) except Exception as exx: # The search_key was no search key but some # bullshit stuff in the param log.debug("Not a valid searchkey: {0!s}".format(exx)) if timelimit: conditions.append( >= - timelimit) # Combine them with or to a BooleanClauseList filter_condition = and_(*conditions) return filter_condition
[docs] def get_total(self, param, AND=True, display_error=True, timelimit=None): """ This method returns the total number of audit entries in the audit store """ count = 0 # if param contains search filters, we build the search filter # to only return the number of those entries filter_condition = self._create_filter(param, timelimit=timelimit) try: count = self.session.query(\ .filter(filter_condition)\ .count() finally: self.session.close() return count
[docs] def finalize_log(self): """ This method is used to log the data. It should hash the data and do a hash chain and sign the data """ try: self.audit_data["policies"] = ",".join(self.audit_data.get("policies",[])) if self.config.get("PI_AUDIT_SQL_TRUNCATE"): self._truncate_data() if "tokentype" in self.audit_data: log.warning("We have a wrong 'tokentype' key. This should not happen. Fix it!. " "Error occurs in action: {0!r}.".format(self.audit_data.get("action"))) if not "token_type" in self.audit_data: self.audit_data["token_type"] = self.audit_data.get("tokentype") le = LogEntry(action=self.audit_data.get("action"), success=int(self.audit_data.get("success", 0)), serial=self.audit_data.get("serial"), token_type=self.audit_data.get("token_type"), user=self.audit_data.get("user"), realm=self.audit_data.get("realm"), resolver=self.audit_data.get("resolver"), administrator=self.audit_data.get("administrator"), action_detail=self.audit_data.get("action_detail"), info=self.audit_data.get("info"), privacyidea_server=self.audit_data.get("privacyidea_server"), client=self.audit_data.get("client", ""), loglevel=self.audit_data.get("log_level"), clearance_level=self.audit_data.get("clearance_level"), policies=self.audit_data.get("policies") ) self.session.add(le) self.session.commit() # Add the signature if self.sign_data and self.sign_object: s = self._log_to_string(le) sign = self.sign_object.sign(s) le.signature = sign self.session.merge(le) self.session.commit() except Exception as exx: # pragma: no cover # in case of a Unicode Error in _log_to_string() we won't have # a signature, but the log entry is available log.error("exception {0!r}".format(exx)) log.error("DATA: {0!s}".format(self.audit_data)) log.debug("{0!s}".format(traceback.format_exc())) self.session.rollback() finally: self.session.close() # clear the audit data self.audit_data = {}
def _check_missing(self, audit_id): """ Check if the audit log contains the entries before and after the given id. TODO: We can not check at the moment if the first or the last entries were deleted. If we want to do this, we need to store some signed meta information: 1. Which one was the first entry. (use initialize_log) 2. Which one was the last entry. """ res = False try: id_bef = self.session.query( ).filter( == int(audit_id) - 1).count() id_aft = self.session.query( ).filter( == int(audit_id) + 1).count() # We may not do a commit! # self.session.commit() if id_bef and id_aft: res = True except Exception as exx: # pragma: no cover log.error("exception {0!r}".format(exx)) log.debug("{0!s}".format(traceback.format_exc())) # self.session.rollback() finally: # self.session.close() pass return res @staticmethod def _log_to_string(le): """ This function creates a string from the logentry so that this string can be signed. Note: Not all elements of the LogEntry are used to generate the string (the Signature is not!), otherwise we could have used pickle :param le: LogEntry object containing the data :type le: LogEntry :rtype str """ s = u"id=%s,date=%s,action=%s,succ=%s,serial=%s,t=%s,u=%s,r=%s,adm=%s," \ u"ad=%s,i=%s,ps=%s,c=%s,l=%s,cl=%s" % (,, le.action, le.success, le.serial, le.token_type, le.user, le.realm, le.administrator, le.action_detail,, le.privacyidea_server, le.client, le.loglevel, le.clearance_level) return s @staticmethod def _get_logentry_attribute(key): """ This function returns the LogEntry attribute for the given key value """ sortname = {'number':, 'action': LogEntry.action, 'success': LogEntry.success, 'serial': LogEntry.serial, 'date':, 'token_type': LogEntry.token_type, 'user': LogEntry.user, 'realm': LogEntry.realm, 'administrator': LogEntry.administrator, 'action_detail': LogEntry.action_detail, 'info':, 'privacyidea_server': LogEntry.privacyidea_server, 'client': LogEntry.client, 'loglevel': LogEntry.loglevel, 'policies': LogEntry.policies, 'clearance_level': LogEntry.clearance_level} return sortname.get(key)
[docs] def csv_generator(self, param=None, user=None, timelimit=None): """ Returns the audit log as csv file. :param timelimit: Limit the number of dumped entries by time :type timelimit: datetime.timedelta :param param: The request parameters :type param: dict :param user: The user, who issued the request :return: None. It yields results as a generator """ filter_condition = self._create_filter(param, timelimit=timelimit) logentries = self.session.query(LogEntry).filter(filter_condition).all() for le in logentries: audit_dict = self.audit_entry_to_dict(le) audit_list = list(audit_dict.values()) string_list = [u"'{0!s}'".format(x) for x in audit_list] yield ",".join(string_list)+"\n"
[docs] def get_count(self, search_dict, timedelta=None, success=None): # create filter condition filter_condition = self._create_filter(search_dict) conditions = [filter_condition] if success is not None: conditions.append(LogEntry.success == success) if timedelta is not None: conditions.append( >= - timedelta) filter_condition = and_(*conditions) log_count = self.session.query(LogEntry).filter(filter_condition).count() return log_count
[docs] def search(self, search_dict, page_size=15, page=1, sortorder="asc", timelimit=None): """ This function returns the audit log as a Pagination object. :param timelimit: Only audit entries newer than this timedelta will be searched :type timelimit: timedelta """ page = int(page) page_size = int(page_size) paging_object = Paginate() = page = self.get_total(search_dict, timelimit=timelimit) if page > 1: paging_object.prev = page - 1 if > (page_size * page): = page + 1 auditIter = self.search_query(search_dict, page_size=page_size, page=page, sortorder=sortorder, timelimit=timelimit) while True: try: le = next(auditIter) # Fill the list paging_object.auditdata.append(self.audit_entry_to_dict(le)) except StopIteration as _e: log.debug("Interation stopped.") break except UnicodeDecodeError as _e: # Unfortunately if one of the audit entries fails, the whole # iteration stops and we return an empty paging_object. # TODO: Check if we can return the other entries in the auditIter # or some meaningful error for the user. log.warning('Could not read audit log entry! ' 'Possible database encoding mismatch.') log.debug("{0!s}".format(traceback.format_exc())) return paging_object
[docs] def search_query(self, search_dict, page_size=15, page=1, sortorder="asc", sortname="number", timelimit=None): """ This function returns the audit log as an iterator on the result :param timelimit: Only audit entries newer than this timedelta will be searched :type timelimit: timedelta """ logentries = None try: limit = int(page_size) offset = (int(page) - 1) * limit # create filter condition filter_condition = self._create_filter(search_dict, timelimit=timelimit) if sortorder == "desc": logentries = self.session.query(LogEntry).filter( filter_condition).order_by( desc(self._get_logentry_attribute("number"))).limit( limit).offset(offset) else: logentries = self.session.query(LogEntry).filter( filter_condition).order_by( asc(self._get_logentry_attribute("number"))).limit( limit).offset(offset) except Exception as exx: # pragma: no cover log.error("exception {0!r}".format(exx)) log.debug("{0!s}".format(traceback.format_exc())) self.session.rollback() finally: self.session.close() if logentries is None: return iter([]) else: return iter(logentries)
[docs] def clear(self): """ Deletes all entries in the database table. This is only used for test cases! :return: """ self.session.query(LogEntry).delete() self.session.commit()
[docs] def audit_entry_to_dict(self, audit_entry): sig = None if self.sign_data: try: sig = self.sign_object.verify(self._log_to_string(audit_entry), audit_entry.signature, self.verify_old_sig) except UnicodeDecodeError as _e: # TODO: Unless we trace and eliminate the broken unicode in the # audit_entry, we will get issues when packing the response. log.warning('Could not verify log entry! We get invalid values ' 'from the database, please check the encoding.') log.debug('{0!s}'.format(traceback.format_exc())) is_not_missing = self._check_missing(int( # is_not_missing = True audit_dict = {'number':, 'date':, 'sig_check': "OK" if sig else "FAIL", 'missing_line': "OK" if is_not_missing else "FAIL", 'action': audit_entry.action, 'success': audit_entry.success, 'serial': audit_entry.serial, 'token_type': audit_entry.token_type, 'user': audit_entry.user, 'realm': audit_entry.realm, 'resolver': audit_entry.resolver, 'administrator': audit_entry.administrator, 'action_detail': audit_entry.action_detail, 'info':, 'privacyidea_server': audit_entry.privacyidea_server, 'policies': audit_entry.policies, 'client': audit_entry.client, 'log_level': audit_entry.loglevel, 'clearance_level': audit_entry.clearance_level } return audit_dict