2.5. Upgrading

2.5.1. Upgrade From privacyIDEA 2.x to 2.3

In 2.3 the priority of resolvers in realms was added.

You need to update the database models:

pi-manage db stamp 4f32a4e1bf33 -d path/to/migrations
pi-manage db upgrade -d path/to/migrations


You need to specify the path to the migrations scripts. This could be /usr/lib/privacyidea/migrations.


When upgrading with the Ubuntu LTS packages, the database update is performed automatically.

2.5.2. Upgrade From privacyIDEA 1.5


privacyIDEA 2.0 introduces many changes in database schema, so at least perform a database backup! Stopping Your Server

Be sure to stop your privacyIDEA server. Upgrade Software

To upgrade the code enter your python virtualenv and run:

pip install --upgrade privacyidea Configuration

Read about the configuration in the The Config File.

You can use the old enckey, the old signing keys and the old database uri. The values can be found in your old ini-file as privacyideaSecretFile, privacyideaAudit.key.private, privacyideaAudit.key.public and sqlalchemy.url. Your new config file might look like this:

config_path = "/home/cornelius/tmp/pi20/etc/privacyidea/"
# This is your old database URI
# Note the three slashes!
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = "sqlite:///" + config_path + "token.sqlite"
# This is new!
SECRET_KEY = 't0p s3cr3t'
# This is new
#This is used to encrypt the admin passwords
PI_PEPPER = "Never know..."
# This is used to encrypt the token data and token passwords
# This is your old encryption key!
PI_ENCFILE = config_path + 'enckey'
# THese are your old signing keys
# This is used to sign the audit log
PI_AUDIT_KEY_PRIVATE = config_path + 'private.pem'
PI_AUDIT_KEY_PUBLIC = config_path + 'public.pem'

To verify the new configuration run:

pi-manage create_enckey

It should say, that the enckey already exists! Migrate The Database

You need to upgrade the database to the new database schema:

pi-manage db upgrade -d lib/privacyidea/migrations


In the Ubuntu package the migrations folder is located at /usr/lib/privacyidea/migrations/. Create An Administrator

With privacyIDEA 2.0 the administrators are stored in the database. The password of the administrator is salted and also peppered, to avoid having a database administrator slip in a rogue password.

You need to create new administrator accounts:

pi-manage addadmin <email-address> <admin-name> Start The Server

Run the server:

pi-manage runserver

or add it to your Apache or Nginx configuration.