.. _ha_setups: HA setups --------- privacyIDEA does not track any state internally. All information is kept in the database. Thus you can configure several privacyIDEA instances against one DBMS [#dbms]_ and have the DBMS do the high availability. When running HA you need to assure to configure the *pi.cfg* file on all privacyIDEA instances accordingly. You might need to adapt the ``SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI`` accordingly. Be sure to set the same ``SECRET_KEY`` and ``PI_PEPPER`` on all instances. Then you need to provide the same encryption key (file *encKey*) and the same audit signing keys on all instances. Using one central DBMS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. figure:: images/ha-one-dbms.png :width: 500 If you already have a high available, redundant DBMS - like MariaDB Galera Cluster - which might even be addressable via one cluster IP address the configuration is fairly simple. In such a case you can configure the same ``SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI`` on all instances. Using MySQL master-master-replication ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. figure:: images/ha-master-master.png :width: 500 If you have no DBMS or might want to use a dedicated database server for privacyIDEA, you can setup one MySQL server per privacyIDEA instance and configure the MySQL servers to run in a master-master-replication. .. note:: The master-master-replication only works with two MySQL servers. There are some good howtos out there like [#mastermasterhowto]_. .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#dbms] Database management system .. [#mastermasterhowto] https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-mysql-master-master-replication.