Source code for privacyidea.lib.resolvers.LDAPIdResolver

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  Copyright (C) 2014 Cornelius Kölbel
#  contact:
#  2015-04-16 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Add redundancy with LDAP3 Server pools. Round Robin Strategy
#  2015-04-15 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Increase test coverage
#  2014-12-25 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Rewrite for flask migration
# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 3 of the License, or any later version.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
# License along with this program.  If not, see <>.
__doc__ = """This is the resolver to find users in LDAP directories like
OpenLDAP and Active Directory.

The file is tested in tests/

import logging
import ldap3
import yaml
import traceback

from UserIdResolver import UserIdResolver
from gettext import gettext as _

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ENCODING = "utf-8"
  * Encoding

class AUTHTYPE():
    SIMPLE = "Simple"
    SASL_DIGEST_MD5 = "SASL Digest-MD5"
    NTLM = "NTLM"

[docs]class IdResolver (UserIdResolver): def __init__(self): self.i_am_bound = False self.uri = "" self.basedn = "" self.binddn = "" self.bindpw = "" self.timeout = 5.0 # seconds! self.sizelimit = 500 self.loginname_attribute = "" self.searchfilter = "" self.reversefilter = "" self.userinfo = {} self.reverse_map = {} self.uidtype = "" self.noreferrals = False self.certificate = "" self.resolverId = self.uri
[docs] def checkPass(self, uid, password): """ This function checks the password for a given uid. - returns true in case of success - false if password does not match """ if self.authtype == AUTHTYPE.NTLM: # pragma: no cover # fetch the PreWindows 2000 Domain from the self.binddn # which would be of the format DOMAIN\username and compose the # bind_user to DOMAIN\sAMAcountName domain_name = self.binddn.split('\\')[0] uinfo = self.getUserInfo(uid) # In fact we need the sAMAccountName. If the username mapping is # another attribute than the sAMAccountName the authentication # will fail! bind_user = "%s\%s" % (domain_name, uinfo.get("username")) else: bind_user = self._getDN(uid) server_pool = self.get_serverpool(self.uri, self.timeout) try: l = self.create_connection(authtype=self.authtype, server=server_pool, user=bind_user, password=password, auto_referrals=not self.noreferrals) if not l.bind(): raise Exception("Wrong credentials") l.unbind() except Exception, e: log.warning("failed to check password for %r/%r: %r" % (uid, bind_user, e)) return False return True
def _trim_result(self, result_list): """ The resultlist can contain entries of type:searchResEntry and of type:searchResRef. If self.noreferrals is true, all type:searchResRef will be removed. :param result_list: The result list of a LDAP search :type result_list: resultlist (list of dicts) :return: new resultlist """ if self.noreferrals: new_list = [] for result in result_list: if result.get("type") == "searchResEntry": new_list.append(result) elif result.get("type") == "searchResRef": # This is a Referral pass else: new_list = result_list return new_list def _get_uid(self, entry): uid = None if type(entry.get(self.uidtype)) == list: uid = entry.get(self.uidtype)[0] else: uid = entry.get(self.uidtype) return uid def _getDN(self, userId): """ This function returns the DN of a userId. Therefor it evaluates the self.uidtype. :param userId: The userid of a user :type userId: string :return: The DN of the object. """ dn = "" if self.uidtype.lower() == "dn": dn = userId else: # get the DN for the Object self._bind() filter = "(&%s(%s=%s))" % \ (self.searchfilter, self.uidtype, userId), search_scope=ldap3.SUBTREE, search_filter=filter, attributes=self.userinfo.values()) r = self.l.response r = self._trim_result(r) if len(r) > 1: # pragma: no cover raise Exception("Found more than one object for uid %r" % userId) if len(r) == 1: dn = r[0].get("dn") return dn def _bind(self): if not self.i_am_bound: server_pool = self.get_serverpool(self.uri, self.timeout) self.l = self.create_connection(authtype=self.authtype, server=server_pool, user=self.binddn, password=self.bindpw, auto_referrals=not self.noreferrals) #log.error("LDAP Server Pool States: %s" % server_pool.pool_states) if not self.l.bind(): raise Exception("Wrong credentials") self.i_am_bound = True
[docs] def getUserInfo(self, userId): """ This function returns all user info for a given userid/object. :param userId: The userid of the object :type userId: string :return: A dictionary with the keys defined in self.userinfo :rtype: dict """ ret = {} self._bind() if self.uidtype.lower() == "dn":, search_scope=ldap3.SUBTREE, search_filter="(&" + self.searchfilter + ")", attributes=self.userinfo.values()) else: filter = "(&%s(%s=%s))" %\ (self.searchfilter, self.uidtype, userId), search_scope=ldap3.SUBTREE, search_filter=filter, attributes=self.userinfo.values()) r = self.l.response r = self._trim_result(r) if len(r) > 1: # pragma: no cover raise Exception("Found more than one object for uid %r" % userId) for entry in r: attributes = entry.get("attributes") for k, v in attributes.items(): key = self.reverse_map.get(k) if key: if type(v) == list: ret[key] = v[0] else: ret[key] = v return ret
[docs] def getUsername(self, user_id): """ Returns the username/loginname for a given user_id :param user_id: The user_id in this resolver :type user_id: string :return: username :rtype: string """ info = self.getUserInfo(user_id) return info.get('username', "")
[docs] def getUserId(self, LoginName): """ resolve the loginname to the userid. :param LoginName: The login name from the credentials :type LoginName: string :return: UserId as found for the LoginName """ userid = "" self._bind() filter = "(&%s(%s=%s))" % \ (self.searchfilter, self.loginname_attribute, LoginName) attributes = self.userinfo.values() if self.uidtype.lower() != "dn": attributes.append(str(self.uidtype)), search_scope=ldap3.SUBTREE, search_filter=filter, attributes=attributes) r = self.l.response r = self._trim_result(r) if len(r) > 1: # pragma: no cover raise Exception("Found more than one object for Loginname %r" % LoginName) for entry in r: if self.uidtype.lower() == "dn": userid = entry.get("dn") else: attributes = entry.get("attributes") userid = self._get_uid(attributes) return userid
[docs] def getUserList(self, searchDict): """ :param searchDict: A dictionary with search parameters :type searchDict: dict :return: list of users, where each user is a dictionary """ ret = [] self._bind() attributes = self.userinfo.values() if self.uidtype.lower() != "dn": attributes.append(str(self.uidtype)) # do the filter depending on the searchDict filter = "(&" + self.searchfilter for search_key in searchDict.keys(): filter += "(%s=%s)" % \ (self.userinfo[search_key], searchDict[search_key]) filter += ")", search_scope=ldap3.SUBTREE, search_filter=filter, attributes=attributes, paged_size=self.sizelimit) # returns a list of dictionaries for entry in self.l.response: dn = entry.get("dn") attributes = entry.get("attributes") try: user = {} if self.uidtype.lower() == "dn": user['userid'] = dn else: user['userid'] = self._get_uid(attributes) #del(attributes[self.uidtype]) for k, v in attributes.items(): key = self.reverse_map.get(k) if key: if type(v) == list: user[key] = v[0] else: user[key] = v ret.append(user) except Exception as exx: # pragma: no cover log.error("Error during fetching LDAP objects: %r" % exx) log.error("%r" % traceback.format_exc()) return ret
[docs] def getResolverId(self): """ Returns the resolver Id This should be an Identifier of the resolver, preferable the type and the name of the resolver. """ return self.uri
@classmethod def getResolverClassType(cls): return 'ldapresolver' def getResolverDescriptor(self): return IdResolver.getResolverClassDescriptor() @classmethod def getResolverType(cls): return IdResolver.getResolverClassType()
[docs] def loadConfig(self, config): """ Load the config from conf. :param config: The configuration from the Config Table :type config: dict '#ldap_uri': 'LDAPURI', '#ldap_basedn': 'LDAPBASE', '#ldap_binddn': 'BINDDN', '#ldap_password': 'BINDPW', '#ldap_timeout': 'TIMEOUT', '#ldap_sizelimit': 'SIZELIMIT', '#ldap_loginattr': 'LOGINNAMEATTRIBUTE', '#ldap_searchfilter': 'LDAPSEARCHFILTER', '#ldap_userfilter': 'LDAPFILTER', '#ldap_mapping': 'USERINFO', '#ldap_uidtype': 'UIDTYPE', '#ldap_noreferrals' : 'NOREFERRALS', '#ldap_certificate': 'CACERTIFICATE', """ self.uri = config.get("LDAPURI") self.basedn = config.get("LDAPBASE") self.binddn = config.get("BINDDN") self.bindpw = config.get("BINDPW") self.timeout = float(config.get("TIMEOUT", 5)) self.sizelimit = config.get("SIZELIMIT", 500) self.loginname_attribute = config.get("LOGINNAMEATTRIBUTE") self.searchfilter = config.get("LDAPSEARCHFILTER") self.reversefilter = config.get("LDAPFILTER") userinfo = config.get("USERINFO", "{}") self.userinfo = yaml.load(userinfo) self.reverse_map = dict([[v, k] for k, v in self.userinfo.items()]) self.uidtype = config.get("UIDTYPE", "DN") self.noreferrals = config.get("NOREFERRALS", False) self.certificate = config.get("CACERTIFICATE") self.resolverId = self.uri self.authtype = config.get("AUTHTYPE", AUTHTYPE.SIMPLE) return self
[docs] def split_uri(cls, uri): """ Splits LDAP URIs like: * ldap://server * ldaps://server * ldap[s]://server:1234 * server :param uri: The LDAP URI :return: Returns a tuple of Servername, Port and SSL(bool) """ port = None ssl = False ldap_elems = uri.split(":") if len(ldap_elems) == 3: server = ldap_elems[1].strip("/") port = int(ldap_elems[2]) if ldap_elems[0].lower() == "ldaps": ssl = True else: ssl = False elif len(ldap_elems) == 2: server = ldap_elems[1].strip("/") port = None if ldap_elems[0].lower() == "ldaps": ssl = True else: ssl = False else: server = uri return server, port, ssl
[docs] def get_serverpool(cls, urilist, timeout): """ This create the serverpool for the ldap3 connection. The URI from the LDAP resolver can contain a comma seperated list of LDAP servers. These are split and then added to the pool. See :param urilist: The list of LDAP URIs, comma seperated :type urilist: basestring :param timeout: The connection timeout :type timeout: float :return: Server Pool :rtype: LDAP3 Server Pool Instance """ strategy = ldap3.POOLING_STRATEGY_ROUND_ROBIN server_pool = ldap3.ServerPool(None, strategy, active=True, exhaust=True) for uri in urilist.split(","): uri = uri.strip() host, port, ssl = cls.split_uri(uri) server = ldap3.Server(host, port=port, use_ssl=ssl, connect_timeout=float(timeout)) server_pool.add(server) log.debug("Added %s, %s, %s to server pool." % (host, port, ssl)) return server_pool
[docs] def getResolverClassDescriptor(cls): """ return the descriptor of the resolver, which is - the class name and - the config description :return: resolver description dict :rtype: dict """ descriptor = {} typ = cls.getResolverType() descriptor['clazz'] = "useridresolver.LDAPIdResolver.IdResolver" descriptor['config'] = {'LDAPURI': 'string', 'LDAPBASE': 'string', 'BINDDN': 'string', 'AUTHTYPE': 'string', 'BINDPW': 'password', 'TIMEOUT': 'int', 'SIZELIMIT': 'int', 'LOGINNAMEATTRIBUTE': 'string', 'LDAPSEARCHFILTER': 'string', 'LDAPFILTER': 'string', 'USERINFO': 'string', 'UIDTYPE': 'string', 'NOREFERRALS': 'bool', 'CACERTIFICATE': 'string', 'AUTHTYPE': 'string'} return {typ: descriptor}
[docs] def testconnection(self, param): """ This function lets you test the to be saved LDAP connection. This is taken from controllers/ :param param: A dictionary with all necessary parameter to test the connection. :type param: dict :return: Tuple of success and a description :rtype: (bool, string) Parameters are: BINDDN, BINDPW, LDAPURI, TIMEOUT, LDAPBASE, LOGINNAMEATTRIBUTE, LDAPSEARCHFILTER, LDAPFILTER, USERINFO, SIZELIMIT, NOREFERRALS, CACERTIFICATE, AUTHTYPE """ success = False try: server_pool = self.get_serverpool(param.get("LDAPURI"), float(param.get("TIMEOUT", 5))) l = self.create_connection(authtype=param.get("AUTHTYPE", AUTHTYPE.SIMPLE), server=server_pool, user=param.get("BINDDN"), password=param.get("BINDPW"), auto_referrals=not param.get( "NOREFERRALS")) #log.error("LDAP Server Pool States: %s" % server_pool.pool_states) if not l.bind(): raise Exception("Wrong credentials") # search for users...["LDAPBASE"], search_scope=ldap3.SUBTREE, search_filter="(&" + param["LDAPSEARCHFILTER"] + ")", attributes=yaml.load(param["USERINFO"]).values()) count = len(l.response) desc = _("Your LDAP config seems to be OK, %i user objects found.")\ % count l.unbind() success = True except Exception, e: desc = "%r" % e return success, desc
@classmethod def create_connection(self, authtype=None, server=None, user=None, password=None, auto_bind=False, client_strategy=ldap3.SYNC, check_names=True, auto_referrals=False): if authtype == AUTHTYPE.SIMPLE: l = ldap3.Connection(server, user=user, password=password, auto_bind=auto_bind, client_strategy=client_strategy, authentication=ldap3.SIMPLE, check_names=check_names, auto_referrals=auto_referrals) elif authtype == AUTHTYPE.NTLM: l = ldap3.Connection(server, user=user, password=password, auto_bind=auto_bind, client_strategy=client_strategy, authentication=ldap3.NTLM, check_names=check_names, auto_referrals=auto_referrals) elif authtype == AUTHTYPE.SASL_DIGEST_MD5: sasl_credentials = (str(user), str(password)) l = ldap3.Connection(server, sasl_mechanism="DIGEST-MD5", sasl_credentials=sasl_credentials, auto_bind=auto_bind, client_strategy=client_strategy, authentication=ldap3.SASL, check_names=check_names, auto_referrals=auto_referrals) else: raise Exception("Authtype %s not supported" % authtype) return l