7.1. Admin policies

Admin policies are used to regulate the actions that administrators are allowed to do. Technically admin policies control the use of the REST API rest_token, rest_system, rest_realm and rest_resolver.

Admin policies are implemented as decorators in Policy Module and Policy Decorators.

The user in the admin policies refers to the administrator.

All administrative actions also refer to the defined realm. Meaning an administrator may have many rights in one realm and only a few rights in another realm.

Creating a policy with scope:admin, user:frank, action:enable and realm:sales means that the administrator Frank is allowed to enable tokens in the realm sales.


As long as no admin policy is defined all administrators are allowed to do everything.

The following actions are available in the scope admin:

7.1.1. init

type: bool

There are init actions per token type. Thus you can create policy that allow an administrator to enroll SMS tokens but not to enroll HMAC tokens.

7.1.2. enable

type: bool

The enable action allows the administrator to activate disabled tokens.

7.1.3. disable

type: bool

Tokens can be enabled and disabled. Disabled tokens can not be used to authenticate. The disable action allows the administrator to disable tokens.

7.1.4. set

type: bool

Tokens can have additional token information, which can be viewed in the Token Details.

If the set action is defined, the administrator allowed to set those token information.

7.1.5. setOTPPIN

type: bool

If the setOTPPIN action is defined, the administrator is allowed to set the OTP PIN of a token.

7.1.6. setMOTPPIN

type: bool

If the setMOTPPIN action is defined, the administrator is allowed to set the mOTP PIN of an mOTP token.

7.1.7. resync

type: bool

If the resync action is defined, the administrator is allowed to resynchronize a token.

7.1.8. assign

type: bool

If the assign action is defined, the administrator is allowed to assign a token to a user. This is used for assigning an existing token to a user but also to enroll a new token to a user.

Without this action, the administrator can not create a connection (assignment) between a user and a token.

7.1.9. unassign

type: bool

If the unassign action is defined, the administrator is allowed to unassign tokens from a user. I.e. the administrator can remove the link between the token and the user. The token still continues to exist in the system.

7.1.10. import

type: bool

If the import action is defined, the administrator is allowed to import token seeds from a token file, thus creating many new token objects in the systems database.

7.1.11. remove

type: bool

If the remove action is defined, the administrator is allowed to delete a token from the system.


If a token is removed, it can not be recovered.


All audit entries of this token still exist in the audit log.

7.1.12. userlist

type: bool

If the userlist action is defined, the administrator is allowed to view the user list in a realm. An administrator might not be allowed to list the users, if he should only work with tokens, but not see all users at once.


If an administrator has any right in a realm, the administrator is also allowed to view the token list.

7.1.13. checkstatus

type: bool

If the checkstatus action is defined, the administrator is allowed to check the status of open challenge requests.

7.1.14. manageToken

type: bool

If the manageToken action is defined, the administrator is allowed to manage the realms of a token.

A token may be located in multiple realms. This can be interesting if you have a pool of spare tokens and several realms but want to make the spare tokens available to several realm administrators. (Administrators, who have only rights in one realm)

Then all administrators can see these tokens and assign the tokens. But as soon as the token is assigned to a user in one realm, the administrator of another realm can not manage the token anymore.

7.1.15. getserial

type: bool

If the getserial action is defined, the administrator is allowed to calculate the token serial number for a given OTP value.

7.1.16. losttoken

type: bool

If the losttoken action is defined, the adminstrator is allowed to perform the lost token process.

To only perform the lost token process the actions copytokenuser and copytokenpin are not necessary!

7.1.17. copytokenuser

(TODO) Not yet migrated.

type: bool

If the copytokenuser action is defined, the administrator is allowed to copy the user assignment of one token to another.

This functionality is also used during the lost token process. But you only need to define this action, if the administrator should be able to perform this task manually.

7.1.18. copytokenpin

(TODO) Not yet migrated.

type: bool

If the copytokenpin action is defined, the administrator is allowed to copy the OTP PIN from one token to another without knowing the PIN.

This functionality is also used during the lost token process. But you only need to define this action, if the administrator should be able to perform this task manually.

7.1.19. getotp

(TODO) Not yet migrated.

type: bool

If the getserial action is defined, the administrator is allowed to retrieve OTP values for a given token.