Source code for privacyidea.lib.tokens.hotptoken

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  privacyIDEA is a fork of LinOTP
#  May 08, 2014 Cornelius Kölbel
#  License: AGPLv3
#  contact:
#  2018-06-06 Michael Becker <>
#             Add get_setting_type to make hotp.hashlib public and
#             therefore recognised in token enrollment with role user.
#  2018-01-21 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Set Yubikeys to be hardware tokenkind
#  2017-07-13 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Add period to key uri for TOTP token
#  2016-04-29 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#             Add get_default_settings to change the parameters before
#             the token is created
#  2014-10-03 Add getInitDetail
#             Cornelius Kölbel <>
#  Copyright (C) 2010 - 2014 LSE Leading Security Experts GmbH
#  contact:
# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 3 of the License, or any later version.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
# License along with this program.  If not, see <>.
__doc__ = """
This is the HOTP implementation.
It is inherited from lib.tokenclass and is thus dependent on

This code is tested in tests/test_lib_tokens_hotp

import time
import binascii

from .HMAC import HmacOtp
from privacyidea.api.lib.utils import getParam
from privacyidea.lib.config import get_from_config
from privacyidea.lib.tokenclass import (TokenClass,
from privacyidea.lib.log import log_with
from privacyidea.lib.apps import create_google_authenticator_url as cr_google
from privacyidea.lib.error import ParameterError
from privacyidea.lib.apps import create_oathtoken_url as cr_oath
from privacyidea.lib.utils import create_img, is_true
from privacyidea.lib.utils import generate_otpkey
from privacyidea.lib.policydecorators import challenge_response_allowed
from privacyidea.lib.decorators import check_token_locked
from privacyidea.lib.auth import ROLE
from privacyidea.lib.policy import SCOPE
from privacyidea.lib import _
import traceback
import logging

from passlib.utils.pbkdf2 import pbkdf2

optional = True
required = False
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

keylen = {'sha1': 20,
          'sha256': 32,
          'sha512': 64

[docs]class HotpTokenClass(TokenClass): """ hotp token class implementation """ @staticmethod
[docs] def get_class_type(): """ return the token type shortname :return: 'hotp' :rtype: string """ return "hotp"
[docs] def get_class_prefix(): """ Return the prefix, that is used as a prefix for the serial numbers. :return: oath """ return "OATH"
@staticmethod @log_with(log)
[docs] def get_class_info(key=None, ret='all'): """ returns a subtree of the token definition Is used by lib.token.get_token_info :param key: subsection identifier :type key: string :param ret: default return value, if nothing is found :type ret: user defined :return: subsection if key exists or user defined :rtype: dict """ desc_self1 = _('Specify the hashlib to be used. ' 'Can be sha1 (1) or sha2-256 (2).') desc_self2 = _('Specify the otplen to be used. Can be 6 or 8 digits.') desc_two_step_user =_('Specify whether users are allowed or forced to use ' 'two-step enrollment.') desc_two_step_admin = _('Specify whether admins are allowed or forced to use ' 'two-step enrollment.') res = {'type': 'hotp', 'title': 'HOTP Event Token', 'description': _('HOTP: Event based One Time Passwords.'), 'user': ['enroll'], # This tokentype is enrollable in the UI for... 'ui_enroll': ["admin", "user"], 'policy': { SCOPE.ENROLL: { 'yubikey_access_code': { 'type': 'str', 'desc': _("The Yubikey access code used to initialize Yubikeys.") }, 'hotp_2step_clientsize': { 'type': 'int', 'desc': _("The size of the OTP seed part contributed by the client (in bytes)") }, 'hotp_2step_serversize': { 'type': 'int', 'desc': _("The size of the OTP seed part contributed by the server (in bytes)") }, 'hotp_2step_difficulty': { 'type': 'int', 'desc': _("The difficulty factor used for the OTP seed generation " "(should be at least 10000)") } }, SCOPE.USER: { 'hotp_hashlib': {'type': 'str', 'value': ["sha1", "sha256", "sha512"], 'desc': desc_self1}, 'hotp_otplen': {'type': 'int', 'value': [6, 8], 'desc': desc_self2}, 'hotp_force_server_generate': {'type': 'bool', 'desc': _("Force the key to " "be generated on " "the server.")}, 'hotp_2step': {'type': 'str', 'value': ['allow', 'force'], 'desc': desc_two_step_user} }, SCOPE.ADMIN: { 'hotp_2step': {'type': 'str', 'value': ['allow', 'force'], 'desc': desc_two_step_admin} } } } if key: ret = res.get(key, {}) else: if ret == 'all': ret = res return ret
@log_with(log) def __init__(self, db_token): """ Create a new HOTP Token object :param db_token: instance of the orm db object :type db_token: DB object """ TokenClass.__init__(self, db_token) self.set_type(u"hotp") self.hKeyRequired = True @log_with(log)
[docs] def get_init_detail(self, params=None, user=None): """ to complete the token initialization some additional details should be returned, which are displayed at the end of the token initialization. This is the e.g. the enrollment URL for a Google Authenticator. """ response_detail = TokenClass.get_init_detail(self, params, user) params = params or {} tokenlabel = params.get("tokenlabel", "<s>") tokenissuer = params.get("tokenissuer", "privacyIDEA") # If the init_details contain an OTP key the OTP key # should be displayed as an enrollment URL otpkey = self.init_details.get('otpkey') # Add rollout state the response response_detail['rollout_state'] = self.token.rollout_state # Add two-step initialization parameters to response and QR code extra_data = {} if is_true(params.get("2stepinit")): twostep_parameters = self._get_twostep_parameters() extra_data.update(twostep_parameters) response_detail.update(twostep_parameters) if otpkey: tok_type = self.type.lower() if user is not None: try: goo_url = cr_google(key=otpkey, user=user.login, realm=user.realm, tokentype=tok_type.lower(), serial=self.get_serial(), tokenlabel=tokenlabel, hash_algo=params.get("hashlib", "sha1"), digits=params.get("otplen", 6), period=params.get("timeStep", 30), issuer=tokenissuer, user_obj=user, extra_data=extra_data) response_detail["googleurl"] = {"description": _("URL for google " "Authenticator"), "value": goo_url, "img": create_img(goo_url, width=250) } oath_url = cr_oath(otpkey=otpkey, user=user.login, realm=user.realm, type=tok_type, serial=self.get_serial(), tokenlabel=tokenlabel, extra_data=extra_data) response_detail["oathurl"] = {"description": _("URL for" " OATH " "token"), "value": oath_url, "img": create_img(oath_url, width=250) } except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover log.error("{0!s}".format((traceback.format_exc()))) log.error('failed to set oath or google url: {0!r}'.format(ex)) return response_detail
def _get_twostep_parameters(self): """ :return: A dictionary with the keys ``2step_salt``, ``2step_difficulty``, ``2step_output``, mapping each key to an integer. """ return {'2step_salt': int(self.get_tokeninfo('2step_clientsize')), '2step_output': int(keylen[self.hashlib]), '2step_difficulty': int(self.get_tokeninfo('2step_difficulty'))} @log_with(log)
[docs] def update(self, param, reset_failcount=True): """ process the initialization parameters Do we really always need an otpkey? the otpKey is handled in the parent class :param param: dict of initialization parameters :type param: dict :return: nothing """ # In case am Immutable MultiDict: upd_param = {} for k, v in param.items(): upd_param[k] = v # Special handling of 2-step enrollment if is_true(getParam(param, "2stepinit", optional)): # Use the 2step_serversize setting for the size of the server secret # (if it is set) if "2step_serversize" in upd_param: upd_param["keysize"] = int(getParam(upd_param, "2step_serversize", required)) # Add twostep settings to the tokeninfo for key, default in [ ("2step_difficulty", TWOSTEP_DEFAULT_DIFFICULTY), ("2step_clientsize", TWOSTEP_DEFAULT_CLIENTSIZE)]: self.add_tokeninfo(key, getParam(param, key, optional, default)) val = getParam(upd_param, "hashlib", optional) if val is not None: hashlibStr = val else: hashlibStr = self.hashlib # check if the key_size is provided # if not, we could derive it from the hashlib key_size = getParam(upd_param, 'key_size', optional) \ or getParam(upd_param, 'keysize', optional) if key_size is None: upd_param['keysize'] = keylen.get(hashlibStr) otpKey = getParam(upd_param, "otpkey", optional) genkey = is_true(getParam(upd_param, "genkey", optional)) if genkey and otpKey: # The Base TokenClass does not allow otpkey and genkey at the # same time del upd_param['otpkey'] upd_param['hashlib'] = hashlibStr # We first need to call the parent class. Since exceptions would be # raised here. TokenClass.update(self, upd_param, reset_failcount) self.add_tokeninfo("hashlib", hashlibStr) # check the tokenkind if self.token.serial.startswith("UB"): self.add_tokeninfo("tokenkind", TOKENKIND.HARDWARE)
@property def hashlib(self): hashlibStr = self.get_tokeninfo("hashlib") or \ get_from_config("hotp.hashlib", u'sha1') return hashlibStr # challenge interfaces starts here @log_with(log) @challenge_response_allowed
[docs] def is_challenge_request(self, passw, user=None, options=None): """ check, if the request would start a challenge - default: if the passw contains only the pin, this request would trigger a challenge - in this place as well the policy for a token is checked :param passw: password, which might be pin or pin+otp :param options: dictionary of additional request parameters :return: returns true or false """ trigger_challenge = False options = options or {} pin_match = self.check_pin(passw, user=user, options=options) if pin_match is True: trigger_challenge = True return trigger_challenge
@log_with(log) @check_token_locked
[docs] def check_otp(self, anOtpVal, counter=None, window=None, options=None): """ check if the given OTP value is valid for this token. :param anOtpVal: the to be verified otpvalue :type anOtpVal: string :param counter: the counter state, that should be verified :type counter: int :param window: the counter +window, which should be checked :type window: int :param options: the dict, which could contain token specific info :type options: dict :return: the counter state or -1 :rtype: int """ otplen = int(self.token.otplen) secretHOtp = self.token.get_otpkey() if counter is None: counter = int(self.get_otp_count()) if window is None: window = int(self.get_count_window()) hmac2Otp = HmacOtp(secretHOtp, counter, otplen, self.get_hashlib(self.hashlib)) res = hmac2Otp.checkOtp(anOtpVal, window) if res == -1: res = self._autosync(hmac2Otp, anOtpVal) if res != -1: # on success, we save the counter self.set_otp_count(res + 1) # We could also store it temporarily # self.auth_details["matched_otp_counter"] = res return res
[docs] def check_otp_exist(self, otp, window=10, symetric=False, inc_counter=True): """ checks if the given OTP value is/are values of this very token. This is used to autoassign and to determine the serial number of a token. :param otp: the to be verified otp value :type otp: string :param window: the lookahead window for the counter :type window: int :return: counter or -1 if otp does not exist :rtype: int """ res = -1 otplen = int(self.token.otplen) counter = int(self.token.count) secretHOtp = self.token.get_otpkey() hmac2Otp = HmacOtp(secretHOtp, counter, otplen, self.get_hashlib(self.hashlib)) res = hmac2Otp.checkOtp(otp, window, symetric=symetric) if inc_counter and res >= 0: # As usually the counter is increased in lib.token.checkUserPass, # we need to do this manually here: self.inc_otp_counter(res) if res == -1: msg = "otp counter {0!r} was not found".format(otp) else: msg = "otp counter {0!r} was found".format(otp) log.debug("end. {0!r}: res {1!r}".format(msg, res)) return res
[docs] def is_previous_otp(self, otp, window=10): """ Check if the OTP values was previously used. :param otp: :param window: :return: """ res = False r = self.check_otp_exist(otp, window=window, symetric=True, inc_counter=False) if 0 <= r < self.token.count: res = True return res
@log_with(log) def _autosync(self, hmac2Otp, anOtpVal): """ automatically sync the token based on two otp values internal method to implement the _autosync within the checkOtp method. :param hmac2Otp: the hmac object (with reference to the token secret) :type hmac2Otp: hmac object :param anOtpVal: the actual otp value :type anOtpVal: string :return: counter or -1 if otp does not exist :rtype: int """ res = -1 # get _autosync from config or use False as default autosync = get_from_config("AutoResync", False, return_bool=True) # if _autosync is not enabled if autosync is False: log.debug("end. _autosync is not enabled : res {0!r}".format((res))) return res info = self.get_tokeninfo() syncWindow = self.get_sync_window() # check if the otpval is valid in the sync scope res = hmac2Otp.checkOtp(anOtpVal, syncWindow) # If the otpval is valid in the big sync scope, we # either store the value in the tokeninfo # or see if already another value exists. if res != -1: # if former is defined if "otp1c" in info: # check if this is consecutive otp1c = int(info.get("otp1c")) otp2c = res if (otp1c + 1) != otp2c: res = -1 if "dueDate" in info: dueDate = int(info.get("dueDate")) now = int(time.time()) if dueDate <= now: res = -1 else: # if by any reason the dueDate is missing! res = -1 # pragma: no cover # now clean the resync data self.del_tokeninfo("dueDate") self.del_tokeninfo("otp1c") else: self.add_tokeninfo("otp1c", res) self.add_tokeninfo("dueDate", int(time.time()) + self.get_sync_timeout()) res = -1 return res @log_with(log)
[docs] def resync(self, otp1, otp2, options=None): """ resync the token based on two otp values :param otp1: the first otp value :type otp1: string :param otp2: the second otp value :type otp2: string :param options: optional token specific parameters :type options: dict or None :return: counter or -1 if otp does not exist :rtype: int """ ret = False otplen = int(self.token.otplen) secretHOtp = self.token.get_otpkey() counter = self.token.count syncWindow = self.get_sync_window() # log.debug("serial: %s",serialNum) hmac2Otp = HmacOtp(secretHOtp, counter, otplen, self.get_hashlib(self.hashlib)) counter = hmac2Otp.checkOtp(otp1, syncWindow) if counter == -1: log.debug("exit. First counter (-1) not found ret: {0!r}".format((ret))) return ret nextOtp = hmac2Otp.generate(counter + 1) if nextOtp != otp2: log.debug("exit. Failed to verify second otp: nextOtp: " "%r != otp2: %r ret: %r" % (nextOtp, otp2, ret)) return ret ret = True self.inc_otp_counter(counter + 1, reset=True) log.debug("end. resync was successful: ret: {0!r}".format((ret))) return ret
[docs] def get_sync_timeout(): """ get the token sync timeout value :return: timeout value in seconds :rtype: int """ try: timeOut = int(get_from_config("AutoResyncTimeout", 5 * 60)) except Exception as ex: log.warning("AutoResyncTimeout: value error {0!r} - reset to 5*60".format((ex))) timeOut = 5 * 60 return timeOut
[docs] def get_otp(self, current_time=None): """ return the next otp value :param curTime: Not Used in HOTP :return: next otp value and PIN if possible :rtype: tuple """ otplen = int(self.token.otplen) secretHOtp = self.token.get_otpkey() hmac2Otp = HmacOtp(secretHOtp, self.token.count, otplen, self.get_hashlib(self.hashlib)) otpval = hmac2Otp.generate(inc_counter=False) pin = self.token.get_pin() combined = "{0!s}{1!s}".format(otpval, pin) if get_from_config("PrependPin") == "True": combined = "{0!s}{1!s}".format(pin, otpval) return 1, pin, otpval, combined
[docs] def get_multi_otp(self, count=0, epoch_start=0, epoch_end=0, curTime=None, timestamp=None, counter_index=False): """ return a dictionary of multiple future OTP values of the HOTP/HMAC token WARNING: the dict that is returned contains a sequence number as key. This it NOT the otp counter! :param count: how many otp values should be returned :type count: int :param epoch_start: Not used in HOTP :param epoch_end: Not used in HOTP :param curTime: Not used in HOTP :param timestamp: not used in HOTP :param counter_index: whether the counter should be used as index :return: tuple of status: boolean, error: text and the OTP dictionary """ otp_dict = {"type": "hotp", "otp": {}} ret = False error = "No count specified" otplen = int(self.token.otplen) secretHOtp = self.token.get_otpkey() hmac2Otp = HmacOtp(secretHOtp, self.token.count, otplen, self.get_hashlib(self.hashlib)) log.debug("retrieving {0:d} OTP values for token {1!s}".format(count, hmac2Otp)) if count > 0: error = "OK" for i in range(count): otpval = hmac2Otp.generate(self.token.count + i, inc_counter=False) if counter_index: otp_dict["otp"][self.token.count + i] = otpval else: otp_dict["otp"][i] = otpval ret = True return ret, error, otp_dict
[docs] def get_setting_type(key): settings = {"hotp.hashlib": "public"} return settings.get(key, "")
[docs] def get_default_settings(cls, params, logged_in_user=None, policy_object=None, client_ip=None): """ This method returns a dictionary with default settings for token enrollment. These default settings are defined in SCOPE.USER and are hotp_hashlib, hotp_otplen. If these are set, the user will only be able to enroll tokens with these values. The returned dictionary is added to the parameters of the API call. :param params: The call parameters :type params: dict :param logged_in_user: The logged_in_user dictionary with "role", "username" and "realm" :type logged_in_user: dict :param policy_object: The policy_object :type policy_object: PolicyClass :param client_ip: The client IP address :type client_ip: basestring :return: default parameters """ ret = {} if logged_in_user.get("role") == ROLE.USER: hashlib_pol = policy_object.get_action_values( action="hotp_hashlib", scope=SCOPE.USER, user=logged_in_user.get("username"), realm=logged_in_user.get("realm"), client=client_ip, unique=True) if hashlib_pol: ret["hashlib"] = hashlib_pol[0] otplen_pol = policy_object.get_action_values( action="hotp_otplen", scope=SCOPE.USER, user=logged_in_user.get("username"), realm=logged_in_user.get("realm"), client=client_ip, unique=True) if otplen_pol: ret["otplen"] = otplen_pol[0] return ret
[docs] def generate_symmetric_key(self, server_component, client_component, options=None): """ Generate a composite key from a server and client component using a PBKDF2-based scheme. :param server_component: The component usually generated by privacyIDEA :type server_component: hex string :param client_component: The component usually generated by the client (e.g. smartphone) :type client_component: hex string :param options: :return: the new generated key as hex string """ # As /token/init has already been called before, self.hashlib # is already set. keysize = keylen[self.hashlib] rounds = int(self.get_tokeninfo('2step_difficulty')) decoded_client_component = binascii.unhexlify(client_component) expected_client_size = int(self.get_tokeninfo('2step_clientsize')) if expected_client_size != len(decoded_client_component): raise ParameterError('Client Secret Size is expected to be {}, but is {}'.format( expected_client_size, len(decoded_client_component) )) # Based on the two components, we generate a symmetric key using PBKDF2 # We pass the hex-encoded server component as the password and the # client component as the salt. secret = pbkdf2(server_component.lower(), decoded_client_component, rounds, keysize) return binascii.hexlify(secret)