15.2.3. Audit log Base class

class privacyidea.lib.auditmodules.base.Audit(config=None)[source]

Add to existing log entry :param param: :return:


If the search_query returns an iterator with elements that are not a dictionary, the audit module needs to provide this function, to convert the audit entry to a dictionary.

csv_generator(param=None, user=None, timelimit=None)[source]

A generator that can be used to stream the audit log


This method is called to finalize the audit_data. I.e. sign the data and write it to the database. It should hash the data and do a hash chain and sign the data

get_count(search_dict, timedelta=None, success=None)[source]

Returns the number of found log entries. E.g. used for checking the timelimit.

Parameters:param – List of filter parameters
Returns:number of found entries
get_dataframe(start_time=datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 30, 9, 20, 14, 561930), end_time=datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 6, 9, 20, 14, 561960))[source]

The Audit module can handle its data the best. This function is used to return a pandas.dataframe with all audit data in the given time frame.

This dataframe then can be used for extracting statistics.

  • start_time (datetime) – The start time of the data
  • end_time (datetime) – The end time of the data

Audit data

Return type:


get_total(param, AND=True, display_error=True)[source]

This method returns the total number of audit entries in the audit store


This method initialized the log state. The fact, that the log state was initialized, also needs to be logged. Therefor the same params are passed as i the log method.


This method is used to log the data. During a request this method can be called several times to fill the internal audit_data dictionary.


Log the number of the tokens. Can be passed like log_token_num(get_tokens(count=True))

Parameters:count (int) – Number of tokens
read_keys(pub, priv)[source]

Set the private and public key for the audit class. This is achieved by passing the entries.

#priv = config.get(“privacyideaAudit.key.private”) #pub = config.get(“privacyideaAudit.key.public”)

  • pub (string with filename) – Public key, used for verifying the signature
  • priv (string with filename) – Private key, used to sign the audit entry


search(param, display_error=True, rp_dict=None, timelimit=None)[source]

This function is used to search audit events.

param: Search parameters can be passed.

return: A pagination object

This function is deprecated.

search_query(search_dict, rp_dict)[source]

This function returns the audit log as an iterator on the result SQL Audit module

class privacyidea.lib.auditmodules.sqlaudit.Audit(config=None)[source]

This is the SQLAudit module, which writes the audit entries to an SQL database table. It requires the configuration parameters. PI_AUDIT_SQL_URI


Add new text to an existing log entry :param param: :return:


Deletes all entries in the database table. This is only used for test cases! :return:

csv_generator(param=None, user=None, timelimit=None)[source]

Returns the audit log as csv file. :param timelimit: Limit the number of dumped entries by time :type timelimit: datetime.timedelta :param param: The request parameters :type param: dict :param user: The user, who issued the request :return: None. It yields results as a generator


This method is used to log the data. It should hash the data and do a hash chain and sign the data

get_dataframe(start_time=datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 30, 9, 20, 14, 713768), end_time=datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 6, 9, 20, 14, 713788))[source]

The Audit module can handle its data the best. This function is used to return a pandas.dataframe with all audit data in the given time frame.

This dataframe then can be used for extracting statistics.

  • start_time (datetime) – The start time of the data
  • end_time (datetime) – The end time of the data

Audit data

Return type:


get_total(param, AND=True, display_error=True, timelimit=None)[source]

This method returns the total number of audit entries in the audit store


Add new log details in param to the internal log data self.audit_data.

Parameters:param (dict) – Log data that is to be added
read_keys(pub, priv)[source]

Set the private and public key for the audit class. This is achieved by passing the entries.

#priv = config.get(“privacyideaAudit.key.private”) #pub = config.get(“privacyideaAudit.key.public”)

  • pub (string with filename) – Public key, used for verifying the signature
  • priv (string with filename) – Private key, used to sign the audit entry


search(search_dict, page_size=15, page=1, sortorder='asc', timelimit=None)[source]

This function returns the audit log as a Pagination object.

Parameters:timelimit (timedelta) – Only audit entries newer than this timedelta will be searched
search_query(search_dict, page_size=15, page=1, sortorder='asc', sortname='number', timelimit=None)[source]

This function returns the audit log as an iterator on the result

Parameters:timelimit (timedelta) – Only audit entries newer than this timedelta will be searched