.. _install_ubuntu: Ubuntu Packages --------------- .. index:: ubuntu There are ready made packages for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and 16.04 LTS [#ubuntu1604]_. These are available in a public ppa repository [#ppa]_, so that the installation will automatically resolve all dependencies. Install it like this:: add-apt-repository ppa:privacyidea/privacyidea apt-get update There are the base packages ``python-privacyidea`` and the administrator tool ``privacyideaadm``. But we recommend installing the meta package:: apt-get install privacyidea-apache2 which will install the code, the webserver and the database and configure everything accordingly. If you do not like the Apache2 webserver you could alternatively use the meta package ``privacyidea-nginx``. After installing with Apache2 or Nginx you only need to create your first administrator and you are done:: pi-manage admin add admin -e admin@localhost Now you may proceed to :ref:`first_steps`. .. note:: The packages *privacyidea-apache2* and *privacyidea-nginx* assume that you want to run a privacyIDEA system. These packages deactivate all other (default) websites. You can install the package *privacyidea-mysql* to install the privacyIDEA application and setup the database. After this, you need to configure the webserver on your own. .. note:: To get the latest development snapshots, you can use the repository *ppa:privacyidea/privacyidea-dev*. But these packages might be broken sometimes! .. _install_ubuntu_freeradius: FreeRADIUS .......... privacyIDEA has a perl module to "translate" RADIUS requests to the API of the privacyIDEA server. This module plugs into FreeRADIUS. The FreeRADIUS does not have to run on the same machine like privacyIDEA. To install this module run:: apt-get install privacyidea-radius For further details see :ref:`rlm_perl`. .. _install_ubuntu_simplesaml: SimpleSAMLphp ............. Starting with 1.4 privacyIDEA also supports SAML via a plugin for simpleSAMLphp [#simpleSAML]_. The simpleSAMLphp service does not need to run on the same machine like the privacyIDEA server. To install it on a Ubuntu 14.04 system please run:: apt-get install privacyidea-simplesamlphp For further details see :ref:`simplesaml_plugin`. PAM .... .. index:: PAM privacyIDEA also comes with a PAM library to add two factor authentication to any Linux system. You can run one central privacyIDEA server and configure all other systems using the PAM library to authenticate against this privacyIDEA. To install it on a Ubuntu 14.04 system please run:: apt-get install privacyidea-pam For further details see :ref:`pam_plugin`. OTRS .... .. index:: OTRS OTRS is an important Open Source Ticket Request System. It is written in Perl and privacyIDEA provides an authentication plugin to authenticate at OTRS with two factors. To install it on Ubuntu 14.04 please run:: apt-get install privacyidea-otrs For further details and configuration see :ref:`otrs_plugin`. .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#ppa] https://launchpad.net/~privacyidea .. [#simpleSAML] https://github.com/privacyidea/privacyidea/tree/master/authmodules/simpleSAMLphp .. [#otrs] http://www.otrs.com/ .. [#ubuntu1604] Starting with privacyIDEA 2.15 Ubuntu 16.04 packages are provided