.. _cfgfile: The Config File =============== .. index:: config file, external hook, hook, debug, loglevel privacyIDEA reads its configuration from different locations: 1. default configuration from the module ``privacyidea/config.py`` 2. then from the config file ``/etc/privacyidea/pi.cfg`` if it exists and then 3. from the file specified in the environment variable ``PRIVACYIDEA_CONFIGFILE``. export PRIVACYIDEA_CONFIGFILE=/your/config/file The configuration is overwritten and extended in each step. I.e. values define in ``privacyidea/config.py`` that are not redefined in one of the other config files, stay the same. You can create a new config file (either ``/etc/privacyidea/pi.cfg``) or any other file at any location and set the environment variable. The file should contain the following contents:: # The realm, where users are allowed to login as administrators SUPERUSER_REALM = ['super', 'administrators'] # Your database SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:////etc/privacyidea/data.sqlite' # This is used to encrypt the auth_token SECRET_KEY = 't0p s3cr3t' # This is used to encrypt the admin passwords PI_PEPPER = "Never know..." # This is used to encrypt the token data and token passwords PI_ENCFILE = '/etc/privacyidea/enckey' # This is used to sign the audit log PI_AUDIT_KEY_PRIVATE = '/home/cornelius/src/privacyidea/private.pem' PI_AUDIT_KEY_PUBLIC = '/home/cornelius/src/privacyidea/public.pem' # PI_AUDIT_MODUL = # PI_AUDIT_SQL_URI = # PI_LOGFILE = '....' # PI_LOGLEVEL = 20 # PI_INIT_CHECK_HOOK = 'your.module.function' # PI_CSS = '/location/of/theme.css' # PI_UI_DEACTIVATED = True .. note:: The config file is parsed as python code, so you can use variables to set the path and you need to take care for indentations. ``SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI`` defines the location of your database. You may want to use the MySQL database or Maria DB. There are two possible drivers, to connect to this database. Please read :ref:`mysqldb`. The ``SUPERUSER_REALM`` is a list of realms, in which the users get the role of an administrator. ``PI_INIT_CHECK_HOOK`` is a function in an external module, that will be called as decorator to ``token/init`` and ``token/assign``. This function takes the ``request`` and ``action`` (either "init" or "assing") as an arguments and can modify the request or raise an exception to avoid the request being handled. There are three config entries, that can be used to define the logging. These are ``PI_LOGLEVEL``, ``PI_LOGFILE``, ``PI_LOGCONFIG``. These are described in :ref:`debug_log`. You can use ``PI_CSS`` to define the location of another cascading style sheet to customize the look and fell. Read more at :ref:`themes`. .. note:: If you ever need passwords being logged in the log file, you may set ``PI_LOGLEVEL = 9``, which is a lower log level than ``logging.DEBUG``. Use this setting with caution and always delete the logfiles! privacyIDEA digitally signs the responses. You can disable this using the parameter ``PI_NO_RESPONSE_SIGN``. Set this to *True* to suppress the response signature. You can set ``PI_UI_DEACTIVATED = True`` to deactivate the privacyIDEA UI. This can be interesting if you are only using the command line client or your own UI and you do not want to present the UI to the user or the outside world. .. note:: The API calls are all still accessable, i.e. privacyIDEA is technically fully functional. Audit parameters ---------------- ``PI_AUDIT_MODULE`` lets you specify an alternative auditing module. The default which is shipped with privacyIDEA is ``privacyidea.lib.auditmodules.sqlaudit``. There is no need to change this, unless you know exactly what you are doing. You can change the servername of the privacyIDEA node, which will be logged to the audit log using the variable ``PI_AUDIT_SERVERNAME``. You can run the database for the audit module on another database or even server. For this you can specify the database URI via ``PI_AUDIT_SQL_URI``. ``PI_AUDIT_TRUNCATE = True`` lets you truncate audit entries, that to the length of the database fields. In certain cases when you experiencing problems you may use the parameters ``PI_AUDIT_POOL_SIZE`` and ``PI_AUDIT_POOL_RECYCLE``.