Source code for privacyidea.lib.tokens.smstoken

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  privacyIDEA is a fork of LinOTP
#  May 08, 2014 Cornelius Kölbel
#  License:  AGPLv3
#  contact:
#  2016-06-20   Cornelius Kölbel <>
#               Use sms.identifier, central SMS gateway definition, to send
#               the OTP value via SMS.
#  2015-05-24   Add more detailed description
#               Cornelius Kölbel <>
#  2015-01-30   Adapt for migration to flask
#               Cornelius Kölbel <>
#  Copyright (C) 2010 - 2014 LSE Leading Security Experts GmbH
#  License:  LSE
#  contact:
# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 3 of the License, or any later version.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
# License along with this program.  If not, see <>.
__doc__ = """The SMS token sends an SMS containing an OTP via some kind of
gateway. The gateways can be an SMTP or HTTP gateway or the special sipgate
The Gateways are defined in the SMSProvider Modules.

This code is tested in tests/test_lib_tokens_sms

import datetime
import traceback

from privacyidea.api.lib.utils import getParam
from privacyidea.api.lib.utils import required

from privacyidea.lib.config import get_from_config
from privacyidea.lib.policy import SCOPE
from privacyidea.lib.log import log_with
from privacyidea.lib.smsprovider.SMSProvider import (get_sms_provider_class,
from json import loads
from privacyidea.lib import _

from privacyidea.lib.tokens.hotptoken import HotpTokenClass
from privacyidea.models import Challenge
from privacyidea.lib.decorators import check_token_locked
import logging
from privacyidea.lib.policydecorators import challenge_response_allowed
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

keylen = {'sha1': 20,
          'sha256': 32,
          'sha512': 64}

class SMSACTION(object):
    SMSTEXT = "smstext"
    SMSAUTO = "smsautosend"

[docs]class SmsTokenClass(HotpTokenClass): """ The SMS token sends an SMS containing an OTP via some kind of gateway. The gateways can be an SMTP or HTTP gateway or the special sipgate protocol. The Gateways are defined in the SMSProvider Modules. The SMS token is a challenge response token. I.e. the first request needs to contain the correct OTP PIN. If the OTP PIN is correct, the sending of the SMS is triggered. The second authentication must either contain the OTP PIN and the OTP value or the transaction_id and the OTP value. **Example 1st Authentication Request**: .. sourcecode:: http POST /validate/check HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json user=cornelius pass=otppin **Example 1st response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "detail": { "transaction_id": "xyz" }, "id": 1, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": { "status": true, "value": false }, "version": "privacyIDEA unknown" } After this, the SMS is triggered. When the SMS is received the second part of authentication looks like this: **Example 2nd Authentication Request**: .. sourcecode:: http POST /validate/check HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json user=cornelius transaction_id=xyz pass=otppin **Example 1st response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "detail": { }, "id": 1, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": { "status": true, "value": true }, "version": "privacyIDEA unknown" } """ def __init__(self, db_token): HotpTokenClass.__init__(self, db_token) self.set_type(u"sms") self.mode = ['challenge'] self.hKeyRequired = True @staticmethod
[docs] def get_class_type(): """ return the generic token class identifier """ return "sms"
[docs] def get_class_prefix(): return "PISM"
[docs] def get_class_info(key=None, ret='all'): """ returns all or a subtree of the token definition :param key: subsection identifier :type key: string :param ret: default return value, if nothing is found :type ret: user defined :return: subsection if key exists or user defined :rtype : s.o. """ res = {'type': 'sms', 'title': _('SMS Token'), 'description': _('SMS: Send a One Time Password to the users mobile ' 'phone.'), 'user': ['enroll'], # This tokentype is enrollable in the UI for... 'ui_enroll': ["admin", "user"], 'policy': { SCOPE.AUTH: { SMSACTION.SMSTEXT: { 'type': 'str', 'desc': _('The text that will be send via SMS for' ' an SMS token. Use <otp> and <serial> ' 'as parameters.')}, SMSACTION.SMSAUTO: { 'type': 'bool', 'desc': _('If set, a new SMS OTP will be sent ' 'after successful authentication with ' 'one SMS OTP.')}, } }, } if key: ret = res.get(key, {}) else: if ret == 'all': ret = res return ret
[docs] def update(self, param, reset_failcount=True): """ process initialization parameters :param param: dict of initialization parameters :type param: dict :return: nothing """ # specific - phone phone = getParam(param, "phone", required) self.add_tokeninfo("phone", phone) # in case of the sms token, only the server must know the otpkey # thus if none is provided, we let create one (in the TokenClass) if "genkey" not in param and "otpkey" not in param: param['genkey'] = 1 HotpTokenClass.update(self, param, reset_failcount)
[docs] def is_challenge_request(self, passw, user=None, options=None): """ check, if the request would start a challenge We need to define the function again, to get rid of the is_challenge_request-decorator of the HOTP-Token :param passw: password, which might be pin or pin+otp :param options: dictionary of additional request parameters :return: returns true or false """ return self.check_pin(passw, user=user, options=options)
[docs] def create_challenge(self, transactionid=None, options=None): """ create a challenge, which is submitted to the user :param transactionid: the id of this challenge :param options: the request context parameters / data :return: tuple of (bool, message and data) bool, if submit was successful message is submitted to the user data is preserved in the challenge attributes - additional attributes, which are displayed in the output """ success = False sms = "" options = options or {} return_message = "Enter the OTP from the SMS:" attributes = {'state': transactionid} validity = self._get_sms_timeout() if self.is_active() is True: counter = self.get_otp_count() log.debug("counter={0!r}".format(counter)) self.inc_otp_counter(counter, reset=False) # At this point we must not bail out in case of an # Gateway error, since checkPIN is successful. A bail # out would cancel the checking of the other tokens try: message_template = self._get_sms_text(options) success, sent_message = self._send_sms( message=message_template) # Create the challenge in the database db_challenge = Challenge(self.token.serial, transaction_id=transactionid, challenge=options.get("challenge"), session=options.get("session"), validitytime=validity) transactionid = transactionid or db_challenge.transaction_id except Exception as e: info = ("The PIN was correct, but the " "SMS could not be sent: %r" % e) log.warning(info) return_message = info validity = self._get_sms_timeout() expiry_date = + \ datetime.timedelta(seconds=validity) attributes['valid_until'] = "{0!s}".format(expiry_date) return success, return_message, transactionid, attributes
@log_with(log) @check_token_locked
[docs] def check_otp(self, anOtpVal, counter=None, window=None, options=None): """ check the otpval of a token against a given counter and the window :param passw: the to be verified passw/pin :type passw: string :return: counter if found, -1 if not found :rtype: int """ options = options or {} ret = HotpTokenClass.check_otp(self, anOtpVal, counter, window, options) if ret >= 0 and self._get_auto_sms(options): message = self._get_sms_text(options) self.inc_otp_counter(ret, reset=False) success, message = self._send_sms(message=message) log.debug("AutoSMS: send new SMS: {0!s}".format(success)) log.debug("AutoSMS: {0!r}".format(message)) return ret
@log_with(log) def _send_sms(self, message="<otp>"): """ send sms :param message: the sms submit message - could contain placeholders like <otp> or <serial> :type message: string :return: submitted message :rtype: string """ ret = None phone = self.get_tokeninfo("phone") otp = self.get_otp()[2] serial = self.get_serial() message = message.replace("<otp>", otp) message = message.replace("<serial>", serial) log.debug("sending SMS to phone number {0!s} ".format(phone)) # First we try to get the new SMS gateway config style sms_gateway_identifier = get_from_config("sms.identifier") if sms_gateway_identifier: # New style sms = create_sms_instance(sms_gateway_identifier) else: # Old style (SMSProvider, SMSProviderClass) = self._get_sms_provider() log.debug("smsprovider: {0!s}, class: {1!s}".format(SMSProvider, SMSProviderClass)) try: sms = get_sms_provider_class(SMSProvider, SMSProviderClass)() except Exception as exc: log.error("Failed to load SMSProvider: {0!r}".format(exc)) log.debug("{0!s}".format(traceback.format_exc())) raise exc try: # now we need the config from the env log.debug("loading SMS configuration for class {0!s}".format(sms)) config = self._get_sms_provider_config() log.debug("config: {0!r}".format(config)) sms.load_config(config) except Exception as exc: log.error("Failed to load sms.providerConfig: {0!r}".format(exc)) log.debug("{0!s}".format(traceback.format_exc())) raise Exception("Failed to load sms.providerConfig: {0!r}".format(exc)) log.debug("submitMessage: {0!r}, to phone {1!r}".format(message, phone)) ret = sms.submit_message(phone, message) return ret, message @staticmethod @log_with(log) def _get_sms_provider(): """ get the SMS Provider class definition :return: tuple of SMSProvider and Provider Class as string :rtype: tuple of (string, string) """ smsProvider = get_from_config("sms.provider", default="privacyidea.lib.smsprovider." "HttpSMSProvider.HttpSMSProvider") (SMSProvider, SMSProviderClass) = smsProvider.rsplit(".", 1) return SMSProvider, SMSProviderClass @staticmethod @log_with(log) def _get_sms_provider_config(): """ load the defined sms provider config definition :return: dict of the sms provider definition :rtype: dict """ tConfig = get_from_config("sms.providerConfig", "{}") config = loads(tConfig) return config @staticmethod @log_with(log) def _get_sms_timeout(): """ get the challenge time is in the specified range :return: the defined validation timeout in seconds :rtype: int """ try: timeout = int(get_from_config("sms.providerTimeout", 5 * 60)) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover log.warning("SMSProviderTimeout: value error {0!r} - reset to 5*60".format((ex))) timeout = 5 * 60 return timeout @staticmethod def _get_sms_text(options): """ This returns the SMSTEXT from the policy "smstext" options contains data like clientip, g, user and also the Request parameters like "challenge" or "pass". :param options: contains user and g object. :type options: dict :return: Message template :rtype: basestring """ message = "<otp>" g = options.get("g") username = None realm = None user_object = options.get("user") if user_object: username = user_object.login realm = user_object.realm if g: clientip = options.get("clientip") policy_object = g.policy_object messages = policy_object.\ get_action_values(action=SMSACTION.SMSTEXT, scope=SCOPE.AUTH, realm=realm, user=username, client=clientip, unique=True, allow_white_space_in_action=True) if len(messages) == 1: message = messages[0] # Replace the {challenge}: message = message.format(challenge=options.get("challenge")) return message @staticmethod def _get_auto_sms(options): """ This returns the AUTOSMS setting. :param options: contains user and g object. :optins type: dict :return: True if an SMS should be sent automatically :rtype: bool """ autosms = False g = options.get("g") user_object = options.get("user") username = None realm = None if user_object: username = user_object.login realm = user_object.realm if g: clientip = options.get("clientip") policy_object = g.policy_object autosmspol = policy_object.\ get_policies(action=SMSACTION.SMSAUTO, scope=SCOPE.AUTH, realm=realm, user=username, client=clientip, active=True) autosms = len(autosmspol) >= 1 return autosms