
Seed files that contain the secret keys of hardware tokens can be imported to the system via the menu Import.

The default import options are to import SafeNet XML file, OATH CSV files or Yubikey CSV files.

SafeNet XML

SafeNet XML (former Aladdin) files are usually shipped with SafeNet eToken PASS.

Each token is contained in a <Token> tag and the seed is containted in a <seed> tag. These files were originally used to import HOTP-SHA1 tokens.


Today usually SafeNet tokens are shipped with a .dat file. If you get such a file, please contact the mailing list.


This is a very simple CSV file to import HOTP, TOTP or OATH tokens. You can also convert your seed easily to this file format, to import the tokens.

The file format looks like this:

<serial>, <seed>, <type>, <otp length>, <time step>

For OCRA tokens it looks like this:

<serial>, <seed>, OCRA, <ocra suite>

serial is the serial number of the token that will also be used to identify the token in the database. Importing the same serial number twice will overwrite the token data.

seed is the secret key, that is used to calculate the OTP value. The seed is provided in a hexadecimal notation. Depending on the length either the SHA1 or SHA256 hash algorithm is identified.

type is either HOTP, TOTP or OCRA.

otp length is the length of the OTP value generated by the token. This is usually 6 or 8.

time step is the time step of TOTP tokens. This is usually 30 or 60.

ocra suite is the ocra suite of the OCRA token according to [1].

Yubikey CSV

Here you can import the CSV file that is written by the Yubikey personalization tool [2]. privacyIDEA can import all Yubikey modes, either Yubico mode or HOTP mode.



There is an annoying drawback of the personalization tool: If you a initializing several HOTP yubikeys it will not write the serial number to the file.


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