.. _pimanage: The pi-manage Script ==================== .. index:: pi-manage *pi-manage* is the script that is used during the installation process to setup the database and do many other tasks. .. note:: The interesting thing about pi-manage is, that it does not need the server to run as it acts directly on the database. Therefor you need read access to /etc/privacyidea/pi.cfg and the encryption key. If you want to use a config file other than /etc/privacyidea/pi.cfg, you can set an environment variable:: PRIVACYIDEA_CONFIGFILE=/home/user/pi.cfg pi-manage pi-manage always takes a command and sometimes a sub command:: pi-manage [] [] For a complete list of commands and sub commands use the *-h* parameter. You can do the following tasks. Encryption Key -------------- You can create an encryption key and encrypt the encryption key. Create encryption key:: pi-manage create_enckey .. note:: This command takes no parameters. The filename of the encryption key is read from the configuration. The key will not be created, if it already exists. The encryption key is a plain file on your hard drive. You need to take care, to set the correct access rights. You can also encrypt the encryption key with a passphrase. To do this do:: pi-manage encrypt_enckey /etc/privacyidea/enckey and pipe the encrypted *enckey* to a new file. Read more about the database encryption and the enckey in :ref:`securitymodule`. Backup and Restore ------------------ .. index:: Backup, Restore You can create a backup which will be save to */var/lib/privacyidea/backup/*. The backup will contain the database dump and the complete directory */etc/privacyidea*. You may choose if you want to add the encryption key to the backup or not. .. warning:: If the backup includes the database dump and the encryption key all seeds of the OTP tokens can be read from the backup. As the backup contains the etc directory and the database you only need this tar archive backup to perform a complete restore. Rotate Audit Log ---------------- Audit logs are written to the database. You can use pi-manage to perform a log rotation. pi-manage rotate_audit You can specify a highwatermark and a lowwatermark. API Keys -------- You can use ``pi-manage`` to create API keys. API keys can be used to 1. secure the access to the ``/validate/check`` API or 2. to access administrative tasks via the REST API. You can create API keys for ``/validate/check`` using the command pi-manage api createtoken -r validate If you want to secure the access to ``/validate/check`` you also need to define a policy in scope ``authorizaion``. See :ref:`policy_api_key`. If you wan to use the API key to automate administrative REST API calls, you can use the command: pi-manage api createtoken -r admin This command also generates an admin account name. But it does not create this admin account. You need to do so using ``pi-manage admin``. You can now use this API key to enroll tokens as administrator. .. note:: These API keys are not persistant. They are not stored in the privacyIDEA server. The API key is connected to the username, that is also generated. This means you have to create an administrative account with this very username to use this API key for this admin user. You also should set policies for this admin user, so that this API key has only restricted rights! .. note:: The API key is valid for 365 days.