4.7. SMS Gateway configuration

You can centrally define SMS gateways that can be used to send SMS with the SMS token (SMS OTP Token) or to use the SMS gateway for sending notifications.

There are different providers (gateways) to deliver SMS.

4.7.1. HTTP provider

The HTTP provider can be used for any SMS gateway that provides a simple HTTP POST or GET request. This is the most commonly used provider. Each provider type defines its own set of parameters.

The following parameters can be used. These are parameters, that define the behaviour of the SMS Gateway definition.


This is the URL for the gateway.


Can be GET or POST.


These are the username and the password if the HTTP request requires basic authentication.


You can either use RETURN_SUCCESS or RETURN_FAIL. If the text of RETURN_SUCCESS is found in the HTTP response of the gateway privacyIDEA assumes that the SMS was sent successfully.


If the text of RETURN_FAIL is found in the HTTP response of the gateway privacyIDEA assumes that the SMS could not be sent and an error occurred.


You can specify a proxy to connect to the HTTP gateway.


This can contain a dictionary of arbitrary fixed additional parameters. Usually this would also contain an ID or a password to identify you as a sender.


If the URL is secured via TLS (HTTPS), you can select, if the certificate should be verified or not.


The timeout for contacting the API and receiving a response. Options

You can define additional options. These are sent as parameters in the GET or POST request.


The fixed parameters and the options can not have the same name! If you need an options, that has the same name as a parameter, you must not fill in the corresponding parameter.


You can use the tags {phone} and {otp} to specify the mobile number and the otp value. Examples Clickatell

In case of the Clickatell provider the configuration will look like this:

Set the additional options to be passed as HTTP GET parameters:

  • user: YOU
  • password: your password
  • api_id: you API ID
  • text: “Your OTP value is {otp}”
  • to: {phone}

This will consturct an HTTP GET request like this:

     api_id=YOUR API ID&text=....&to=....

where text and to will contain the OTP value and the mobile phone number. privacyIDEA will assume a successful sent SMS if the response contains the text “ID”. GTX-Messaging

GTX-Messaging is an SMS Gateway located in Germany.

The configuration looks like this (see [2]):

You need to set the additional options:

  • user: <your account>
  • pass: <the account password>
  • to: {phone}
  • text: Your OTP value is {otp}.


The user and pass are not the credentials you use to login. You can find the required credentials for sending SMS in your GTX messaging account when viewing the details of your routing account. Twilio

You can also use the Twilio service for sending SMS. [1].

For basic authentication you need:

  • USERNAME: your accountSid
  • PASSWORD: your password

Set the additional options as POST parameters:

  • From: your Twilio phone number
  • Body: {otp}
  • To: {phone}

4.7.2. Sipgate provider

The sipgate provider connects to https://samurai.sipgate.net/RPC2 and takes only two arguments USERNAME and PASSWORD.



The sipgate username.


The sipgate password.


You can specify a proxy to connect to the HTTP gateway.

It takes not options.

If you activate debug log level you will see the submitted SMS and the response content from the Sipgate gateway.

4.7.3. SMTP provider

The SMTP provider sends an email to an email gateway. This is a specified, fixed mail address.

The mail should contain the phone number and the OTP value. The email gateway will send the OTP via SMS to the given phone number.


Here you can select on of your centrally defined SMTP servers.


This is the address where the email with the OTP value will be sent. Usually this is a fixed email address provided by your SMTP Gateway provider. But you can also use the tags {phone} and {otp} to replace the phone number or the one time password.


This is the subject of the email to be sent. You can use the tags {phone} and {otp} to replace the phone number or the one time password.


This is the body of the email. You can use this to explain the user, what he should do with this email. You can use the tags {phone} and {otp} to replace the phone number or the one time password.

The default SUBJECT is set to {phone} and the default BODY to {otp}. You may change the SUBJECT and the BODY accordingly.
