8.6. WebUI Policies

8.6.1. login_mode

type: string

allowed values: “userstore”, “privacyIDEA”, “disable”

If set to userstore (default), users and administrators need to authenticate with the password of their userstore, being an LDAP service or an SQL database.

If this action is set to login_mode=privacyIDEA, the users and administrators need to authenticate against privacyIDEA when logging into the WebUI. I.e. they can not login with their domain password anymore but need to authenticate with one of their tokens.

If set to login_mode=disable the users and administrators of the specified realms can not login to the UI anymore.


If you set this action and the user deletes or disables all his tokens, he will not be able to login anymore.


Administrators defined in the database using the pi-manage command can still login with their normal passwords.


A sensible way to use this, is to combine this action in a policy with the client parameter: requiring the users to login to the Web UI remotely from the internet with OTP but still login from within the LAN with the domain password.


Another sensible way to use this policy is to disable the login to the web UI either for certain IP addresses (client) or for users in certain realms.

8.6.2. remote_user

type: string

This policy defines, if the login to the privacyIDEA using the web servers integrated authentication (like basic authentication or digest authentication) should be allowed.

Possible values are “disable” and “allowed”.


The policy login_mode and remote_user work independent of each other. I.e. you can disable login_mode and allow remote_user.

You can use this policy to enable Single-Sign-On and integration into Kerberos or Active Directory. Add the following template into you apache configuration in /etc/apache2/sites-available/privacyidea.conf:

<Directory />
        # For Apache 2.4 you need to set this:
        # Require all granted
        Options FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride None

        AuthType Kerberos
        AuthName "Kerberos Login"
        KrbMethodNegotiate On
        KrbMethodK5Passwd On
        KrbAuthRealms YOUR-REALM
        Krb5KeyTab /etc/apache2/http.keytab
        KrbServiceName HTTP
        KrbSaveCredentials On
        require valid-user

<Location /validate/check>
        Require all granted
        Options FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride None

<Location /ttype>
        Require all granted
        Options FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride None

8.6.3. logout_time

type: int

Set the timeout, after which a user in th WebUI will be logged out. The default timeout is 120 seconds.

Being a policy this time can be set based on clients, realms and users.

8.6.4. token_page_size

type: int

By default 15 tokens are displayed on one page in the token view. On big screens you might want to display more tokens. Thus you can define in this policy how many tokens should be displayed.

8.6.5. user_page_size

type: int

By default 15 users are displayed on one page in the user view. On big screens you might want to display more users. Thus you can define in this policy how many users should be displayed.

8.6.6. policy_template_url

type: str

Here you can define a URL from where the policies should be fetched. The default URL is a Github repository [#defaulturl]_.


When setting a template_url policy the modified URL will only get active after the user has logged out and in again.


8.6.7. default_tokentype

type: str

You can define which is the default tokentype when enrolling a new token in the Web UI. This is the token, which will be selected, when entering the enrollment dialog.

8.6.8. tokenwizard

type: bool

If this policy is set and the user has no token, then the user will only see an easy token wizard to enroll his first token. If the user has enrolled his first token and he logs in to the web UI, he will see the normal view.

The user will enroll a token defined in default_tokentype.

Other sensible policies to combine are in User Policies the OTP length, the TOTP timestep and the HASH-lib.

You can add a prologue and epilog to the enrollment wizard in the greeting and after the token is enrolled and e.g. the QR code is displayed.

Create the files

  • static/customize/views/includes/token.enroll.pre.top.html
  • static/customize/views/includes/token.enroll.pre.bottom.html
  • static/customize/views/includes/token.enroll.post.top.html
  • static/customize/views/includes/token.enroll.post.bottom.html

to display the contents in the first step (pre) or in the second step (post).


You can change the directory static/customize to a URL that fits your needs the best by defining a variable PI_CUSTOMIZATION in the file pi.cfg. This way you can put all modifications in one place apart from the original code.

8.6.9. realm_dropdown

type: str

If this policy is activated the web UI will display a realm dropdown box. Of course this policy can not filter for users or realms, since the user is not known at this moment.

The type of this action was changed to “string” in version 2.16. You can set a space separated list of realm names. Only these realmnames are displayed in the dropdown box.


The realm names in the policy are not checked, if they realy exist!