Source code for privacyidea.lib.resolvers.PasswdIdResolver

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# 2016-04-08 Cornelius Kölbel <>
#            Avoid consecutive if-statements
# 2014-10-03 fix getUsername function
#            Cornelius Kölbel <>
#  May, 08 2014 Cornelius Kölbel
#  product:  LinOTP2
#  module:   useridresolver
#  tool:     PasswdIdResolver
#  edition:  Comunity Edition
#  Copyright (C) 2010 - 2014 LSE Leading Security Experts GmbH
#  License:  AGPLv3
#  contact:
# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 3 of the License, or any later version.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
# License along with this program.  If not, see <>.
  Description:  This file is part of the privacyidea service
                This module implements the communication interface
                for resolvin user info to the /etc/passwd user base

  Dependencies: -

import re
import os
import logging
import crypt

from UserIdResolver import UserIdResolver

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ENCODING = "utf-8"

def tokenise(r):
    def _(s):
        ret = None
        st = s.strip()
        m = re.match("^" + r, st)
        if m:
            ret = (st[:m.end()].strip(), st[m.end():].strip())
        return ret
    return _

[docs]class IdResolver (UserIdResolver): fields = {"username": 1, "userid": 1, "description": 0, "phone": 0, "mobile": 0, "email": 0, "givenname": 0, "surname": 0, "gender": 0 } searchFields = {"username": "text", "userid": "numeric", "description": "text", "email": "text" } sF = {"username": 0, "cryptpass": 1, "userid": 2, "description": 4, "email": 4, } @staticmethod
[docs] def setup(config=None, cache_dir=None): """ this setup hook is triggered, when the server starts to serve the first request :param config: the privacyidea config :type config: the privacyidea config dict """"Setting up the PasswdResolver") return
def __init__(self): """ simple constructor """ = "etc-passwd" self.fileName = "" = "P" self.nameDict = {} self.descDict = {} self.reversDict = {} self.passDict = {} self.officePhoneDict = {} self.homePhoneDict = {} self.surnameDict = {} self.givennameDict = {} self.emailDict = {}
[docs] def loadFile(self): """ Loads the data of the file initially. if the self.fileName is empty, it loads /etc/passwd. Empty lines are ignored. """ if self.fileName == "": self.fileName = "/etc/passwd"'loading users from file {0!s} from within {1!r}'.format(self.fileName, os.getcwd())) with open(self.fileName, "r") as fileHandle: ID = self.sF["userid"] NAME = self.sF["username"] PASS = self.sF["cryptpass"] DESCRIPTION = self.sF["description"] for line in fileHandle: line = line.strip() if not line: # continue on an empty line continue fields = line.split(":", 7) self.nameDict["{0!s}".format(fields[NAME])] = fields[ID] # for speed reason - build a revers lookup self.reversDict[fields[ID]] = "{0!s}".format(fields[NAME]) # for full info store the line self.descDict[fields[ID]] = fields # store the crypted password self.passDict[fields[ID]] = fields[PASS] # store surname, givenname and phones descriptions = fields[DESCRIPTION].split(",") name = descriptions[0] names = name.split(' ', 1) self.givennameDict[fields[ID]] = names[0] self.surnameDict[fields[ID]] = "" self.officePhoneDict[fields[ID]] = "" self.homePhoneDict[fields[ID]] = "" self.emailDict[fields[ID]] = "" if len(names) >= 2: self.surnameDict[fields[ID]] = names[1] if len(descriptions) >= 4: self.officePhoneDict[fields[ID]] = descriptions[2] self.homePhoneDict[fields[ID]] = descriptions[3] if len(descriptions) >= 5: for field in descriptions[4:]: # very basic e-mail regex email_match ='.+@.+\..+', field) if email_match: self.emailDict[fields[ID]] =
[docs] def checkPass(self, uid, password): """ This function checks the password for a given uid. returns true in case of success false if password does not match We do not support shadow passwords. so the seconds column of the passwd file needs to contain the crypted password :param uid: The uid of the user :type uid: int :param password: The password in cleartext :type password: sting :return: True or False :rtype: bool """"checking password for user uid {0!s}".format(uid)) cryptedpasswd = self.passDict[uid] log.debug("We found the crypted pass {0!s} for uid {1!s}".format(cryptedpasswd, uid)) if cryptedpasswd: if cryptedpasswd in ['x', '*']: err = "Sorry, currently no support for shadow passwords" log.error("{0!s}".format(err)) raise NotImplementedError(err) cp = crypt.crypt(password, cryptedpasswd) log.debug("crypted pass is {0!s}".format(cp)) if crypt.crypt(password, cryptedpasswd) == cryptedpasswd:"successfully authenticated user uid {0!s}".format(uid)) return True else: log.warning("user uid {0!s} failed to authenticate".format(uid)) return False else: log.warning("Failed to verify password. No crypted password " "found in file") return False
[docs] def getUserInfo(self, userId, no_passwd=False): """ get some info about the user as we only have the loginId, we have to traverse the dict for the value :param userId: the to be searched user :param no_passwd: retrun no password :return: dict of user info """ ret = {} if userId in self.reversDict: fields = self.descDict.get(userId) for key in self.sF: if no_passwd and key == "cryptpass": continue index = self.sF[key] ret[key] = fields[index] ret['givenname'] = self.givennameDict.get(userId) ret['surname'] = self.surnameDict.get(userId) ret['phone'] = self.homePhoneDict.get(userId) ret['mobile'] = self.officePhoneDict.get(userId) ret['email'] = self.emailDict.get(userId) return ret
[docs] def getUsername(self, userId): ''' Returns the username/loginname for a given userid :param userid: The userid in this resolver :type userid: string :return: username :rtype: string ''' fields = self.descDict.get(userId) index = self.sF["username"] return fields[index]
[docs] def getUserId(self, LoginName): """ search the user id from the login name :param LoginName: the login of the user :return: the userId """ # We need the encoding, to be also able to read usernames # with Umlauts from files. if type(LoginName) == unicode: LoginName = LoginName.encode(ENCODING) if LoginName in self.nameDict.keys(): return self.nameDict[LoginName] else: return ""
[docs] def getSearchFields(self, searchDict=None): """ show, which search fields this userIdResolver supports TODO: implementation is not completed :param searchDict: fields, which can be queried :type searchDict: dict :return: dict of all searchFields :rtype: dict """ if searchDict is not None: for search in searchDict: pattern = searchDict[search] log.debug("searching for %s:%s", search, pattern) return self.searchFields
[docs] def getUserList(self, searchDict): """ get a list of all users matching the search criteria of the searchdict :param searchDict: dict of search expressions """ ret = [] # first check if the searches are in the searchDict for l in self.descDict: line = self.descDict[l] ok = True for search in searchDict: if search not in self.searchFields: ok = False break pattern = searchDict[search] log.debug("searching for %s:%s", search, pattern) if search == "username": ok = self.checkUserName(line, pattern) elif search == "userid": ok = self.checkUserId(line, pattern) elif search == "description": ok = self.checkDescription(line, pattern) elif search == "email": ok = self.checkEmail(line, pattern) if ok is not True: break if ok is True: uid = line[self.sF["userid"]] info = self.getUserInfo(uid, no_passwd=True) ret.append(info) return ret
[docs] def checkUserName(self, line, pattern): """ check for user name """ username = line[self.sF["username"]] ret = self._stringMatch(username, pattern) return ret
def checkDescription(self, line, pattern): description = line[self.sF["description"]] ret = self._stringMatch(description, pattern) return ret def checkEmail(self, line, pattern): email = line[self.sF["email"]] ret = self._stringMatch(email, pattern) return ret @staticmethod def _stringMatch(cString, cPattern): """ internal function to match strings. :param cString: The string to match :param cPattern: the pattern :return: If the sting matches :rtype: bool """ ret = False e = s = "" if type(cString) == unicode: cString = cString.encode(ENCODING) if type(cPattern) == unicode: cPattern = cPattern.encode(ENCODING) string = cString.lower() pattern = cPattern.lower() if pattern.startswith("*"): e = "e" pattern = pattern[1:] if pattern.endswith("*"): s = "s" pattern = pattern[:-1] if e == "e" and s == "s" and string.find(pattern) != -1: return True elif e == "e" and string.endswith(pattern): return True elif s == "s" and string.startswith(pattern): return True elif string == pattern: return True return ret
[docs] def checkUserId(self, line, pattern): """ Check if a userid matches a pattern. A pattern can be "=1000", ">=1000", "<2000" or "between 1000,2000". :param line: the dictionary of a user :type line: dict :param pattern: match pattern with <, <=... :type pattern: string :return: True or False :rtype: bool """ ret = False try: cUserId = int(line[self.sF["userid"]]) except: # pragma: no cover return ret (op, val) = tokenise(">=|<=|>|<|=|between")(pattern) if op == "between": (lVal, hVal) = val.split(",", 2) try: ilVal = int(lVal.strip()) ihVal = int(hVal.strip()) if ihVal < ilVal: v = ihVal ihVal = ilVal ilVal = v except: # pragma: no cover return ret if ilVal <= cUserId <= ihVal: ret = True else: try: ival = int(val) except: # pragma: no cover return ret if op == "=" and cUserId == ival: ret = True elif op == ">" and cUserId > ival: ret = True elif op == ">=" and cUserId >= ival: ret = True elif op == "<" and cUserId < ival: ret = True elif op == "<=" and cUserId <= ival: ret = True return ret ############################################################# # server info methods #############################################################
[docs] def getResolverId(self): """ return the resolver identifier string, which in fact is filename, where it points to. """ return self.fileName
@staticmethod def getResolverClassType(): return 'passwdresolver' @staticmethod def getResolverType(): return IdResolver.getResolverClassType() @classmethod
[docs] def getResolverClassDescriptor(cls): ''' return the descriptor of the resolver, which is - the class name and - the config description :return: resolver description dict :rtype: dict ''' descriptor = {} typ = cls.getResolverClassType() descriptor['clazz'] = "useridresolver.PasswdIdResolver.IdResolver" descriptor['config'] = {'fileName': 'string'} return {typ: descriptor}
@staticmethod def getResolverDescriptor(): return IdResolver.getResolverClassDescriptor()
[docs] def loadConfig(self, config): """ loadConfig(configDict) The UserIdResolver could be configured from the pylons app config - here this could be the passwd file , whether it is /etc/passwd or /etc/shadow """ self.fileName = config.get("fileName", config.get("filename")) self.loadFile() return self