The database model

class privacyidea.models.Admin(**kwargs)[source]

The administrators for managing the system. To manage the administrators use the command

In addition certain realms can be defined to be administrative realms.

class privacyidea.models.Challenge(*args, **kwds)[source]

Table for handling of the generic challenges.


return a dictionary of all vars in the challenge class

Parameters:timestamp (bool) – if true, the timestamp will given in a readable format 2014-11-29 21:56:43.057293
Returns:dict of vars

This returns how many OTPs were already received for this challenge. and if a valid OTP was received.

Returns:tuple of count and True/False
Return type:tuple

Returns true, if the expiration time has not passed, yet. :return: True if valid :rtype: bool


set the internal data of the challenge :param data: unicode data :type data: string, length 512

class privacyidea.models.Config(*args, **kwds)[source]

The config table holds all the system configuration in key value pairs.

Additional configuration for realms, resolvers and machine resolvers is stored in specific tables.

class privacyidea.models.MachineResolver(name, rtype)[source]

This model holds the definition to the machinestore. Machines could be located in flat files, LDAP directory or in puppet services or other...

The usual MachineResolver just holds a name and a type and a reference to its config

class privacyidea.models.MachineResolverConfig(resolver_id=None, Key=None, Value=None, resolver=None, Type='', Description='')[source]

Each Machine Resolver can have multiple configuration entries. The config entries are referenced by the id of the machine resolver

class privacyidea.models.MachineToken(*args, **kwds)[source]

The MachineToken assigns a Token and an application type to a machine. The Machine is represented as the tuple of and the machine_id. The machine_id is defined by the machineresolver.

This can be an n:m mapping.

class privacyidea.models.MachineTokenOptions(machinetoken_id, key, value)[source]

This class holds an Option for the token assigned to a certain client machine. Each Token-Clientmachine-Combination can have several options.

class privacyidea.models.MethodsMixin[source]

This class mixes in some common Class table functions like delete and save

class privacyidea.models.Policy(name, active=True, scope='', action='', realm='', resolver='', user='', client='', time='', condition=0)[source]

The policy table contains policy definitions which control the behaviour during

  • enrollment
  • authentication
  • authorization
  • administration
  • user actions

Either returns the complete policy entry or a single value :param key: return the value for this key :type key: string :return: complete dict or single value :rytpe: dict or value

class privacyidea.models.Realm(*args, **kwds)[source]

The realm table contains the defined realms. User Resolvers can be grouped to realms. This very table contains just contains the names of the realms. The linking to resolvers is stored in the table “resolverrealm”.

class privacyidea.models.Resolver(name, rtype)[source]

The table “resolver” contains the names and types of the defined User Resolvers. As each Resolver can have different required config values the configuration of the resolvers is stored in the table “resolverconfig”.

class privacyidea.models.ResolverConfig(resolver_id=None, Key=None, Value=None, resolver=None, Type='', Description='')[source]

Each Resolver can have multiple configuration entries. Each Resolver type can have different required config values. Therefor the configuratinon is stored in simple key/value pairs. If the type of a config entry is set to “password” the value of this config entry is stored encrypted.

The config entries are referenced by the id of the resolver.

class privacyidea.models.ResolverRealm(resolver_id=None, realm_id=None, resolver_name=None, realm_name=None)[source]

This table stores which Resolver is located in which realm This is a N:M relation

class privacyidea.models.Token(serial, tokentype=u'', isactive=True, otplen=6, otpkey=u'', userid=None, resolver=None, realm=None, **kwargs)[source]
The table “token” contains the basic token data like
  • serial number
  • assigned user
  • secret key...

while the table “tokeninfo” contains additional information that is specific to the tokentype.


Deletes tokeninfo for a given token. If the key is omitted, all Tokeninfo is deleted.

Parameters:key – searches for the given key to delete the entry
get(*args, **kwds)[source]

simulate the dict behaviour to make challenge processing easier, as this will have to deal as well with ‘dict only challenges’

  • key – the attribute name - in case of key is not provided, a dict of all class attributes are returned
  • fallback – if the attribute is not found, the fallback is returned
  • save – in case of all attributes and save==True, the timestamp is converted to a string representation

calculate a hash from a pin Fix for working with MS SQL servers MS SQL servers sometimes return a ‘<space>’ when the column is empty: ‘’

Returns:The token info as dictionary

return a list of the assigned realms :return: realms :rtype: list

get_user_pin(*args, **kwds)[source]

return the userPin :rtype : the PIN as a secretObject


Set the additional token info for this token

Entries that end with ”.type” are used as type for the keys. I.e. two entries sshkey=”XYZ” and sshkey.type=”password” will store the key sshkey as type “password”.

Parameters:info (dict) – The key-values to set for this token
set_pin(pin, hashed=True)[source]

set the OTP pin in a hashed way


Set the list of the realms. This is done by filling the tokenrealm table. :param realms: realms :type realms: list


For smartcards this sets the security officer pin of the token

:rtype : None

split_pin_pass(passwd, prepend=True)[source]

The password is split into the PIN and the OTP component. THe token knows its length, so it can split accordingly.

  • passwd – The password that is to be split
  • prepend – The PIN is put in front of the OTP value

tuple of (res, pin, otpval)


in case of a new hOtpKey we have to do some more things


in case the previous has been different type we must reset the counters But be aware, ray, this could also be upper and lower case mixing...

class privacyidea.models.TokenInfo(token_id, Key, Value, Type=None, Description=None)[source]

The table “tokeninfo” is used to store additional, long information that is specific to the tokentype. E.g. the tokentype “TOTP” has additional entries in the tokeninfo table for “timeStep” and “timeWindow”, which are stored in the column “Key” and “Value”.

The tokeninfo is reference by the foraign key to the “token” table.

class privacyidea.models.TokenRealm(realm_id=0, token_id=0, realmname=None)[source]

This table stored to wich realms a token is assigned. A token is in the realm of the user it is assigned to. But a token can also be put into many additional realms.


We only save this, if it does not exist, yet.


Produce a conjunction of expressions joined by AND.


from sqlalchemy import and_

stmt = select([users_table]).where(
           == 'wendy',
                    users_table.c.enrolled == True

The and_() conjunction is also available using the Python & operator (though note that compound expressions need to be parenthesized in order to function with Python operator precedence behavior):

stmt = select([users_table]).where(
                ( == 'wendy') &
                (users_table.c.enrolled == True)

The and_() operation is also implicit in some cases; the Select.where() method for example can be invoked multiple times against a statement, which will have the effect of each clause being combined using and_():

stmt = select([users_table]).\
            where( == 'wendy').\
            where(users_table.c.enrolled == True)

See also



Delete all challenges, that have expired.


Return the database ID of the machine resolver :param resolvername: :return:

privacyidea.models.get_machinetoken_id(machine_id, resolver_name, serial, application)[source]

Returns the ID in the machinetoken table

  • machine_id (basestring) – The resolverdependent machine_id
  • resolver_name (basestring) – The name of the resolver
  • serial (basestring) – the serial number of the token
  • application (basestring) – The application type

The ID of the machinetoken entry

Return type:



Return the database token ID for a given serial number :param serial: :return: token ID :rtpye: int

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