Token Functions¶
This module contains all top level token functions. It depends on the models, lib.user and lib.tokenclass (which depends on the tokenclass implementations like lib.tokens.hotptoken)
This is the middleware/glue between the HTTP API and the database
- privacyidea.lib.token.add_tokeninfo(serial, info, value=None, value_type=None, user=None)[source]¶
Sets a token info field in the database. The info is a dict for each token of key/value pairs.
- Parameters
serial (basestring) – The serial number of the token
info – The key of the info in the dict
value – The value of the info
value_type (basestring) – The type of the value. If set to “password” the value is stored encrypted
user (User object) – The owner of the tokens, that should be modified
- Returns
the number of modified tokens
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.assign_token(serial, user, pin=None, encrypt_pin=False, err_message=None)[source]¶
Assign token to a user. If the PIN is given, the PIN is reset.
- Parameters
serial (basestring) – The serial number of the token
user (User object) – The user, to whom the token should be assigned.
pin (basestring) – The PIN for the newly assigned token.
encrypt_pin (bool) – Whether the PIN should be stored in an encrypted way
err_message (basestring) – The error message, that is displayed in case the token is already assigned
- privacyidea.lib.token.assign_tokengroup(serial, tokengroup=None, tokengroup_id=None)[source]¶
Assign a new tokengroup to a token
- Parameters
serial – The serial number of the token
tokengroup – The name of the tokengroup
tokengroup_id – alternatively the id of the tokengroup
- Returns
- privacyidea.lib.token.check_otp(serial, otpval)[source]¶
This function checks the OTP for a given serial number
- Parameters
serial –
otpval –
- Returns
tuple of result and dictionary containing a message if the verification failed
- Return type
tuple(bool, dict)
- privacyidea.lib.token.check_realm_pass(realm, passw, options=None, include_types=None, exclude_types=None)[source]¶
This function checks, if the given passw matches any token in the given realm. This can be used for the 4-eyes token. Only tokens that are assigned are tested.
The options dictionary may contain a key/value pair ‘exclude_types’ or ‘include_types’ with the value containing a list of token types to exclude/include from/in the search.
It returns the res True/False and a reply_dict, which contains the serial number of the matching token.
- Parameters
realm – The realm of the user
passw – The password containing PIN+OTP
options (dict) – Additional options that are passed to the tokens
include_types (list or str) – List of token types to use for the check
exclude_types (list or str) – List to token types not to use for the check
- Returns
tuple of bool and dict
- privacyidea.lib.token.check_serial(serial)[source]¶
This checks, if the given serial number can be used for a new token. it returns a tuple (result, new_serial) result being True if the serial does not exist, yet. new_serial is a suggestion for a new serial number, that does not exist, yet.
- Parameters
serial (str) – Serial number to check if it can be used for a new token.
- Result
result of check and (new) serial number
- Return type
tuple(bool, str)
- privacyidea.lib.token.check_serial_pass(serial, passw, options=None)[source]¶
This function checks the otp for a given serial
If the OTP matches, True is returned and the otp counter is increased.
The function tries to determine the user (token owner), to derive possible additional policies from the user.
- Parameters
serial (basestring) – The serial number of the token
passw (basestring) – The password usually consisting of pin + otp
options (dict) – Additional options. Token specific.
- Returns
tuple of result (True, False) and additional dict
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.check_token_list(token_object_list, passw, user=None, options=None, allow_reset_all_tokens=False)[source]¶
Takes a list of token objects and tries to find the matching token for the given passw. It also tests * if the token is active or * the max fail count is reached, * if the validity period is ok…
This function is called by check_serial_pass, check_user_pass and check_yubikey_pass.
- Parameters
token_object_list – list of identified tokens
passw – the provided password, can be just the PIN or PIN+OTP
user – the identified use - as class object
options – additional parameters, which are passed to the token
allow_reset_all_tokens – If set to True, the policy reset_all_user_tokens is evaluated to reset all user tokens accordingly. Note: This parameter is used in the decorator.
- Returns
tuple of success and optional response
- Return type
(bool, dict)
- privacyidea.lib.token.check_user_pass(user, passw, options=None)[source]¶
This function checks the otp for a given user. It is called by the API /validate/check
If the OTP matches, True is returned and the otp counter is increased.
- Parameters
user (User object) – The user who is trying to authenticate
passw (basestring) – The password usually consisting of pin + otp
options (dict) – Additional options. Token specific.
- Returns
tuple of result (True, False) and additional dict
- Return type
- class privacyidea.lib.token.clob_to_varchar(*clauses, **kwargs)[source]¶
Construct a
.- Parameters
*clauses – list of column expressions that form the arguments of the SQL function call.
**kwargs – additional kwargs are typically consumed by subclasses.
See also
- inherit_cache = True¶
Indicate if this
instance should make use of the cache key generation scheme used by its immediate superclass.The attribute defaults to
, which indicates that a construct has not yet taken into account whether or not its appropriate for it to participate in caching; this is functionally equivalent to setting the value toFalse
, except that a warning is also emitted.This flag can be set to
on a particular class, if the SQL that corresponds to the object does not change based on attributes which are local to this class, and not its superclass.See also
compilerext_caching - General guideslines for setting the
attribute for third-party or user defined SQL constructs.
- name = 'clob_to_varchar'¶
- privacyidea.lib.token.convert_token_objects_to_dicts(tokens, user, user_role='user', allowed_realms=None)[source]¶
Convert a list of token objects to a list of dictionaries. Additionally, checks whether the requesting user is allowed to see the token information. If not it is reduced to the tokens serial.
- Parameters
tokens (list) – A list of token objects
user (User object) – The user object performing the request
user_role (str) – The role of the logged-in user
allowed_realms – A list of the realms the admin is allowed to see, None if the admin is allowed to see all realms
- Returns
A list of dictionaries
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.copy_token_pin(serial_from, serial_to)[source]¶
This function copies the token PIN from one token to the other token. This can be used for workflows like lost token.
In fact the PinHash and the PinSeed are transferred
- Parameters
serial_from (basestring) – The token to copy from
serial_to (basestring) – The token to copy to
- Returns
True. In case of an error raise an exception
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.copy_token_realms(serial_from, serial_to)[source]¶
Copy the realms of one token to the other token
- Parameters
serial_from – The token to copy from
serial_to – The token to copy to
- Returns
- privacyidea.lib.token.copy_token_user(serial_from, serial_to)[source]¶
This function copies the user from one token to the other token. In fact the user_id, resolver and resolver type are transferred.
- Parameters
serial_from (basestring) – The token to copy from
serial_to (basestring) – The token to copy to
- Returns
True. In case of an error raise an exception
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.create_challenges_from_tokens(token_list, reply_dict, options=None)[source]¶
Get a list of active tokens and create challenges for these tokens. The reply_dict is modified accordingly. The transaction_id and the messages are added to the reply_dict.
- Parameters
token_list – The list of the token objects, that can do challenge response
reply_dict – The dictionary that is passed to the API response
options – Additional options. Passed from the upper layer
- Returns
- privacyidea.lib.token.create_tokenclass_object(db_token)[source]¶
(was createTokenClassObject) create a token class object from a given type If a tokenclass for this type does not exist, the function returns None.
- Parameters
db_token (database token object) – the database referenced token
- Returns
instance of the token class object
- Return type
tokenclass object
- privacyidea.lib.token.delete_tokeninfo(serial, key, user=None)[source]¶
Delete a specific token info field in the database.
- Parameters
serial (basestring) – The serial number of the token
key – The key of the info in the dict
user (User object) – The owner of the tokens, that should be modified
- Returns
the number of tokens matching the serial and user. This number also includes tokens that did not have the token info key set in the first place!
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.enable_token(serial, enable=True, user=None)[source]¶
Enable or disable a token, or all tokens of a single user. This can be checked with is_token_active.
Enabling an already active token will return 0.
- Parameters
serial (basestring) – The serial number of the token
enable (bool) – False is the token should be disabled
user (User object) – all tokens of the user will be enabled or disabled
- Returns
Number of tokens that were enabled/disabled
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.gen_serial(tokentype=None, prefix=None)[source]¶
generate a serial for a given tokentype
- Parameters
tokentype (str) – the token type prefix is done by a lookup on the tokens
prefix (str) – A prefix to the serial number
- Returns
serial number
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.get_dynamic_policy_definitions(scope=None)[source]¶
This returns the dynamic policy definitions that come with the new loaded token classes.
- Parameters
scope – an optional scope parameter. Only return the policies of this scope.
- Returns
The policy definition for the token or only for the scope.
- privacyidea.lib.token.get_multi_otp(serial, count=0, epoch_start=0, epoch_end=0, curTime=None, timestamp=None)[source]¶
This function returns a list of OTP values for the given Token. Please note, that the tokentype needs to support this function.
- Parameters
serial (basestring) – the serial number of the token
count – number of the next otp values (to be used with event or time based tokens)
epoch_start – unix time start date (used with time based tokens)
epoch_end – unix time end date (used with time based tokens)
curTime (datetime) – Simulate the servertime
timestamp (int) – Simulate the servertime (unix time in seconds)
- Returns
dictionary of otp values
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.get_num_tokens_in_realm(realm, active=True)[source]¶
This returns the number of tokens in one realm.
- Parameters
realm (basestring) – The name of the realm
active (bool) – If only active tokens should be taken into account
- Returns
The number of tokens in the realm
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.get_one_token(*args, silent_fail=False, **kwargs)[source]¶
Fetch exactly one token according to the given filter arguments, which are passed to
. RaiseResourceNotFoundError
if no token was found. RaiseParameterError
if more than one token was found.- Parameters
silent_fail – Instead of raising an exception we return None silently
- Returns
Token object
- privacyidea.lib.token.get_otp(serial, current_time=None)[source]¶
This function returns the current OTP value for a given Token. The tokentype needs to support this function. if the token does not support getting the OTP value, a -2 is returned. If the token could not be found, ResourceNotFoundError is raised.
- Parameters
serial – serial number of the token
current_time (datetime.datetime) – a fake servertime for testing of TOTP token
- Returns
tuple with (result, pin, otpval, passw)
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.get_realms_of_token(serial, only_first_realm=False)[source]¶
This function returns a list of the realms of a token
- Parameters
serial (basestring) – the exact serial number of the token
only_first_realm (bool) – Wheather we should only return the first realm
- Returns
list of the realm names
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.get_serial_by_otp(token_list, otp='', window=10)[source]¶
Returns the serial for a given OTP value The tokenobject_list would be created by get_tokens()
- Parameters
token_list (list of token objects) – the list of token objects to be investigated
otp – the otp value, that needs to be found
window (int) – the window of search
- Returns
the serial for a given OTP value and the user
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.get_token_by_otp(token_list, otp='', window=10)[source]¶
search the token in the token_list, that creates the given OTP value. The tokenobject_list would be created by get_tokens()
- Parameters
token_list (list of token objects) – the list of token objects to be investigated
otp (basestring) – the otp value, that needs to be found
window (int) – the window of search
- Returns
The token, that creates this OTP value
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.get_token_owner(serial)[source]¶
returns the user object, to which the token is assigned. the token is identified and retrieved by it’s serial number
If the token has no owner, None is returned
Wildcards in the serial number are ignored. This raises
if the token could not be found.- Parameters
serial (basestring) – serial number of the token
- Returns
The owner of the token
- Return type
User object or None
- privacyidea.lib.token.get_token_type(serial)[source]¶
Returns the tokentype of a given serial number. If the token does not exist or can not be determined, an empty string is returned.
- Parameters
serial (string) – the serial number of the to be searched token
- Returns
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.get_tokenclass_info(tokentype, section=None)[source]¶
return the config definition of a dynamic token
- Parameters
tokentype (basestring) – the tokentype of the token like “totp” or “hotp”
section (basestring) – subsection of the token definition - optional
- Returns
dictionary with the configuration definition of the token. If the token type is not found, an empty dictionary is returned
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.get_tokeninfo(serial, info)[source]¶
get a token info field in the database.
- Parameters
serial (basestring) – The serial number of the token
info – The key of the info in the dict
- privacyidea.lib.token.get_tokens(tokentype=None, token_type_list=None, realm=None, assigned=None, user=None, serial=None, serial_wildcard=None, active=None, resolver=None, rollout_state=None, count=False, revoked=None, locked=None, tokeninfo=None, maxfail=None, all_nodes=False)[source]¶
(was getTokensOfType) This function returns a list of token objects of a * given type, * of a realm * or tokens with assignment or not * for a certain serial number or * for a User
E.g. thus you can get all assigned tokens of type totp.
- Parameters
tokentype (basestring) – The type of the token. If None, all tokens are returned.
token_type_list (list) – A list of token types. I None or empty, all token types are returned.
realm (basestring) – get tokens of a realm. If None, all tokens are returned.
assigned (bool) – Get either assigned (True) or unassigned (False) tokens. If None get all tokens.
user (User Object) – Filter for the Owner of the token
serial (basestring) – The exact serial number of a token
serial_wildcard (basestring) – A wildcard to match token serials
active (bool) – Whether only active (True) or inactive (False) tokens should be returned
resolver (basestring) – filter for the given resolver name
rollout_state – returns a list of the tokens in the certain rollout state. Some tokens are not enrolled in a single step but in multiple steps. These tokens are then identified by the DB-column rollout_state.
count (bool) – If set to True, only the number of the result and not the list is returned.
revoked (bool) – Only search for revoked tokens or only for not revoked tokens
locked (bool) – Only search for locked tokens or only for not locked tokens
tokeninfo (dict) – Return tokens with the given tokeninfo. The tokeninfo is a key/value dictionary
maxfail – If only tokens should be returned, which failcounter reached maxfail
all_nodes (bool) – If True, ignore node specific realm configurations (default: False)
- Returns
A list of lib.tokenclass objects.
- Return type
list or int
- privacyidea.lib.token.get_tokens_from_serial_or_user(serial, user, **kwargs)[source]¶
Fetch tokens, either by (exact) serial, or all tokens of a single user. In case a serial number is given, check that exactly one token is returned and raise a ResourceNotFoundError if that is not the case. In case a user is given, the result can also be empty.
- Parameters
serial – exact serial number or None
user – a user object or None
kwargs – additional argumens to
- Returns
a (possibly empty) list of tokens
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.get_tokens_in_resolver(resolver)[source]¶
Return a list of the token ojects, that contain this very resolver
- Parameters
resolver (basestring) – The resolver, the tokens should be in
- Returns
list of tokens with this resolver
- Return type
list of token objects
- privacyidea.lib.token.get_tokens_paginate(tokentype=None, token_type_list=None, realm=None, assigned=None, user=None, serial=None, active=None, resolver=None, rollout_state=None, sortby=<sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.InstrumentedAttribute object>, sortdir='asc', psize=15, page=1, description=None, userid=None, allowed_realms=None, tokeninfo=None, hidden_tokeninfo=None, container_serial=None)[source]¶
This function is used to retrieve a token list, that can be displayed in the Web UI. It supports pagination. Each retrieved page will also contain a “next” and a “prev”, indicating the next or previous page. If either does not exist, it is None.
- Parameters
tokentype –
token_type_list – A list of token types
realm –
assigned (bool) – Returns assigned (True) or not assigned (False) tokens
user (User object) – The user, whose token should be displayed
serial – a pattern for matching the serial or a comma separated list of exact serials
active – Returns active (True) or inactive (False) tokens
resolver (basestring) – A resolver name, which may contain “*” for filtering.
userid (basestring) – A userid, which may contain “*” for filtering.
rollout_state –
sortby (A Token column or a string.) – Sort by a certain Token DB field. The default is Token.serial. If a string like “serial” is provided, we try to convert it to the DB column.
sortdir (basestring) – Can be “asc” (default) or “desc”
psize (int) – The size of the page
page (int) – The number of the page to view. Starts with 1 ;-)
allowed_realms (list) – A list of realms, that the admin is allowed to see
tokeninfo – Return tokens with the given tokeninfo. The tokeninfo is a key/value dictionary
container_serial (basestring) – The serial number of a container
- Returns
dict with tokens, prev, next and count
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.get_tokens_paginated_generator(tokentype=None, realm=None, assigned=None, user=None, serial_wildcard=None, active=None, resolver=None, rollout_state=None, revoked=None, locked=None, tokeninfo=None, maxfail=None, psize=1000)[source]¶
Fetch chunks of
tokens that match the filter criteria from the database and generate lists of token objects. Seeget_tokens
for information on the arguments.Note that individual lists may contain less than
elements if a token entry has an invalid type.- Parameters
psize – Maximum size of chunks that are fetched from the database
- Returns
This is a generator that generates non-empty lists of token objects.
- privacyidea.lib.token.import_token(serial, token_dict, tokenrealms=None)[source]¶
This function is used during the import of a PSKC file.
- Parameters
serial (str) – The serial number of the token
token_dict (dict) –
A dictionary describing the token like
{ "type": ..., "description": ..., "otpkey": ..., "counter: ..., "timeShift": ... }
tokenrealms (list) – List of realms to set as realms of the token
- Returns
the token object
- privacyidea.lib.token.init_token(param, user=None, tokenrealms=None, tokenkind=None)[source]¶
create a new token or update an existing token
- Parameters
param (dict) –
initialization parameters like
{ "serial": ..., (optional) "type": ...., (optional, default=hotp) "otpkey": ... }
user (User Object) – the token owner
tokenrealms (list) – the realms, to which the token should belong
tokenkind – The kind of the token, can be “software”, “hardware” or “virtual”
- Returns
token object or None
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.is_token_active(serial)[source]¶
Return True if the token is active, otherwise false Raise ResourceError if the token could not be found.
- Parameters
serial (basestring) – The serial number of the token
- Returns
True or False
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.is_token_owner(serial, user)[source]¶
Check if the given user is the owner of the token with the given serial number
- Parameters
serial (str) – The serial number of the token
user (User object) – The user that needs to be checked
- Returns
Return True or False
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.list_tokengroups(tokengroup=None)[source]¶
Return a list of tokens that are assigned to a certain tokengroup If no tokengroup is specified, all groups/tokens are returned.
:param tokengroup. The name of the token group :return:
- privacyidea.lib.token.lost_token(serial, new_serial=None, password=None, validity=10, contents='8', pw_len=16, options=None)[source]¶
This is the workflow to handle a lost token. The token <serial> is lost and will be disabled. A new token of type password token will be created and assigned to the user. The PIN of the lost token will be copied to the new token. The new token will have a certain validity period.
- Parameters
serial – Token serial number
new_serial – new serial number
password – new password
validity (int) – Number of days, the new token should be valid
contents (str) –
The contents of the generated password. Can be a string like
.”C”: upper case characters
”c”: lower case characters
”n”: digits
”s”: special characters
”8”: base58
pw_len (int) – The length of the generated password
options (dict) – optional values for the decorator passed from the upper API level
- Returns
result dictionary
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.remove_token(serial=None, user=None)[source]¶
remove the token that matches the serial number or all tokens of the given user and also remove the realm associations and all its challenges
- Parameters
user (User object) – The user, who’s tokens should be deleted.
serial (basestring) – The serial number of the token to delete (exact)
- Returns
The number of deleted token
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.reset_token(serial, user=None)[source]¶
Reset the failcounter of a single token, or of all tokens of one user.
- Parameters
serial – serial number (exact)
user –
- Returns
The number of tokens, that were reset
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.resync_token(serial, otp1, otp2, options=None, user=None)[source]¶
Resynchronize the token of the given serial number and user by searching the otp1 and otp2 in the future otp values.
- Parameters
serial (str) – token serial number (exact)
otp1 (str) – first OTP value
otp2 (str) – second OTP value, directly after the first
options (dict) – additional options like the servertime for TOTP token
- Returns
result of the resync
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.revoke_token(serial, user=None)[source]¶
Revoke a token, or all tokens of a single user.
- Parameters
serial (basestring) – The serial number of the token (exact)
user (User object) – all tokens of the user will be enabled or disabled
- Returns
Number of tokens that were enabled/disabled
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.set_count_auth(serial, count, user=None, max=False, success=False)[source]¶
The auth counters are stored in the token info database field. There are different counters, that can be set:
count_auth -> max=False, success=False count_auth_max -> max=True, success=False count_auth_success -> max=False, success=True count_auth_success_max -> max=True, success=True
- Parameters
count (int) – The counter value
user (User object) – The user owner of the tokens tokens to modify
serial (basestring) – The serial number of the one token to modify (exact)
max (bool) – True, if either count_auth_max or count_auth_success_max are to be modified
success (bool) – True, if either
are to be modified
- Returns
number of modified tokens
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.set_count_window(serial, countwindow=10, user=None)[source]¶
The count window is used during authentication to find the matching OTP value. This sets the count window per token.
- Parameters
serial (basestring) – The serial number of the token (exact)
countwindow (int) – the size of the window
user (User object) – The owner of the tokens, which should be modified
- Returns
number of modified tokens
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.set_defaults(serial)[source]¶
Set the default values for the token with the given serial number (exact)
- Parameters
serial (basestring) – token serial
- Returns
- privacyidea.lib.token.set_description(serial, description, user=None)[source]¶
Set the description of a token
- Parameters
serial (basestring) – The serial number of the token (exact)
description (str) – The description for the token
user (User object) – The owner of the tokens, which should be modified
- Returns
number of modified tokens
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.set_failcounter(serial, counter, user=None)[source]¶
Set the fail counter of a token.
- Parameters
serial – The serial number of the token (exact)
counter – THe counter to which the fail counter should be set
user – An optional user
- Returns
Number of tokens, where the fail counter was set.
- privacyidea.lib.token.set_hashlib(serial, hashlib='sha1', user=None)[source]¶
Set the hashlib in the tokeninfo. Can be something like sha1, sha256…
- Parameters
serial (basestring) – The serial number of the token (exact)
hashlib (basestring) – The hashlib of the token
user (User object) – The User, for who’s token the hashlib should be set
- Returns
the number of token infos set
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.set_max_failcount(serial, maxfail, user=None)[source]¶
Set the maximum fail counts of tokens. This is the maximum number a failed authentication is allowed.
- Parameters
serial (basestring) – The serial number of the token (exact)
maxfail (int) – The maximum allowed failed authentications
user (User object) – The owner of the tokens, which should be modified
- Returns
number of modified tokens
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.set_otplen(serial, otplen=6, user=None)[source]¶
Set the otp length of the token defined by serial or for all tokens of the user. The OTP length is usually 6 or 8.
- Parameters
serial (basestring) – The serial number of the token (exact)
otplen (int) – The length of the OTP value
user (User object) – The owner of the tokens
- Returns
number of modified tokens
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.set_pin(serial, pin, user=None, encrypt_pin=False)[source]¶
Set the token PIN of the token. This is the static part that can be used to authenticate.
- Parameters
pin (str) – The pin of the token
user (User object) – If the user is specified, the pins for all tokens of this user will be set
serial – If the serial is specified, the PIN for this very token will be set. (exact)
- Returns
The number of PINs set (usually 1)
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.set_pin_so(serial, so_pin, user=None)[source]¶
Set the SO PIN of a smartcard. The SO Pin can be used to reset the PIN of a smartcard. The SO PIN is stored in the database, so that it could be used for automatic processes for User PIN resetting.
- Parameters
serial (basestring) – The serial number of the token (exact)
so_pin (basestring) – The Security Officer PIN
- Returns
The number of SO PINs set. (usually 1)
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.set_pin_user(serial, user_pin, user=None)[source]¶
This sets the user pin of a token. This just stores the information of the user pin for (e.g. an eTokenNG, Smartcard) in the database
- Parameters
serial (basestring) – The serial number of the token (exact)
user_pin (str) – The user PIN
- Returns
The number of PINs set (usually 1)
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.set_realms(serial, realms=None, add=False)[source]¶
Set all realms of a token. This sets the realms new. I.e. it does not add realms. So realms that are not contained in the list will not be assigned to the token anymore.
If the token could not be found, a ResourceNotFoundError is raised.
Thus, setting
clears all realms assignments.- Parameters
serial (basestring) – the serial number of the token (exact)
realms (list) – A list of realm names
add (bool) – if the realms should be added and not replaced
- privacyidea.lib.token.set_sync_window(serial, syncwindow=1000, user=None)[source]¶
The sync window is the window that is used during resync of a token. Such many OTP values are calculated ahead, to find the matching otp value and counter.
- Parameters
serial (basestring) – The serial number of the token (exact)
syncwindow (int) – The size of the sync window
user (User object) – The owner of the tokens, which should be modified
- Returns
number of modified tokens
- Return type
- privacyidea.lib.token.set_tokengroups(serial, tokengroups=None, add=False)[source]¶
Set a list of tokengroups for one token
- Parameters
serial – The serial of the token
tokengroups – The list of tokengroups (names)
add – Whether the list of tokengropus should be added
- Returns
- privacyidea.lib.token.set_validity_period_end(serial, user, end)[source]¶
Set the validity period for the given token.
- Parameters
serial – serial number (exact)
user –
end (basestring) – Timestamp in the format DD/MM/YY HH:MM
- privacyidea.lib.token.set_validity_period_start(serial, user, start)[source]¶
Set the validity period for the given token.
- Parameters
serial – serial number (exact)
user –
start (basestring) – Timestamp in the format DD/MM/YY HH:MM
- privacyidea.lib.token.token_dump(token, tokenowner=True)[source]¶
Store the database columns of the token into a dict. Also store the tokeninfo into a list of dicts.
- Parameters
token – A token object
tokenowner (bool) – Also dump the tokenowners
- Returns
a dict, containing the token and the tokeninfo
- privacyidea.lib.token.token_exist(serial)[source]¶
returns true if the token with the exact given serial number exists
- Parameters
serial – the serial number of the token
- privacyidea.lib.token.token_load(token_dict, tokenowner=True, overwrite=False)[source]¶
Load the token that has previously been dumped with the function token_dump.
- Parameters
token_dict – The token in a dict
tokenowner (bool) – The tokenowner should also be assigned. If the tokenowner can not be found or identified, the token is created anyways, but not assigned to a user; an exception is raised.
overwrite (bool) – If a token with the given serial number already exist, it should be overwritten. If the token should not be overwritten but already exists, an exception is raised.
- Returns
- privacyidea.lib.token.unassign_token(serial, user=None)[source]¶
unassign the user from the token, or all tokens of a user
- Parameters
serial – The serial number of the token to unassign (exact). Can be None
user – A user whose tokens should be unassigned
- Returns
number of unassigned tokens
- privacyidea.lib.token.unassign_tokengroup(serial, tokengroup=None, tokengroup_id=None)[source]¶
Removes a tokengroup from a token
- Parameters
serial – The serial number of the token
tokengroup – The name of the tokengroup
tokengroup_id – alternatively the id of the tokengroup
- Returns
- privacyidea.lib.token.weigh_token_type(token_obj)[source]¶
This method returns a weight of a token type, which is used to sort the tokentype list. Other weighing functions can be implemented.
The Push token weighs the most, so that it will be sorted to the end.
- Parameters
token_obj – token object
- Returns
weight of the tokentype
- Return type