3.4. Enrolling your first token¶
You may now enroll a new token. In this example we are using the Google Authenticator App, that you need to install on your smartphone.
Go to Tokens -> Enroll Token
Select the username root. When you start typing “r”, “o”… the system will find the user root automatically.
Enter a PIN. I entered “test” …
… and click “Enroll Token”.
After enrolling the token you will see a QR code, that you need to scan with the Google Authenticator App.
Click on the serial number link at the top of the dialog.
Now you see the token details.
Left to the button “Test Token” you can enter the PIN and the OTP value generated by the Google Authenticator.
Click the button “Test Token”. You should see a green “matching 1 tokens”.
Congratulations! You just enrolled your first token to a user.
Now you are ready to attach applications to privacyIDEA in order to add two factor authentication to those applications. To attach applications read the chapter Application Plugins.
You may also go on reading the chapter Configuration to get a deeper insight in the configuration possibilities.